3. ACTIVE LA LOUANGE (10 minutes)
Facultatif: Téléchargez
des vidéos de louange et d'adoration en Français
4. ADORATTION PROFONDE (5 minutes) |
a. “Back
Track” Review
Remember last week you to learnt about the third fruit which was?
(Peace) True peace comes when we remember that God is on
our team.
What robs you of peace? (Worry) When we’re worried
we’re thinking about ourselves and the problem we’re
having. To stop worrying, we need to get our eyes off ourselves
and to remember that God has everything under control.
What is another big peace robber? (Fear) What a wonderful
gift Jesus has given us -- peace of mind and heart. We no longer
have anything to fear. Whenever we find ourselves in the dark or
in the storms of life, Jesus is with us.
Use the Review Cards
to test how well the children remember the Memory Verses.
Facultatif: Téléchargez
Française les aides visuelles


b. Française Étude du verset
Il prend patience à leur égard,
jusqu’à ce que tombent les pluies de l’automne
et du printemps
(Jacques 5:7b)
Facultatif: Téléchargez
Française les aides visuelles de la Bible en vers |

b. Lingala Française Étude du verset
Botala ndenge mosali bilanga azelaka bambuma kitoko ya mabele : akangaka motema wuta tango oyo aloni elanga na ye kino na eleko ya kobuka bambuma. (Jake 5:7b)
Facultatif: Téléchargez
Lingala les aides visuelles de la Bible en vers |
c. Enseignez la leçon (15 minutes)
Object Lesson:
Have a few oranges to pass out.. Take out a knife and slowly, slowly
begin to slice up the oranges. Take your time! Lots of time! When
you notice them becoming impatient, ask: “Can anyone tell
me what patience is?” (Allow time for response and different
ideas.) The dictionary tells us patience is the bearing of
pain, misfortune, or annoyance without anger, irritation, or complaint.
So patience is going through something very hard, or just something
very annoying, without getting angry or complaining. “What
is the opposite of patience?” (Impatience!) Did it
make you irritated when I was taking so much time to pass out the
orange slices to you? What are some things you go through each day
that make you impatient? (Write their thoughts on the chalk
board or paper provided)
Each day we will face situations that test
our patience. These can be small things, like someone taking their
time when you are in a hurry or very big things, like waiting on
God to heal a family member. As we learn to be patient in the small
things, God will prepare us to go through the bigger things.
As our Memory verse tells us there are no shortcuts with growing crops, no amount of yelling will make your Moringa tree grow any quicker! . In the same way a farmer can’t do a thing to hurry his crops up.
Facultatif: Téléchargez Lingala colouring visual aids |

In ancient Palestine, the farmer counted
on the rains around the end of October to soften up the land so
he could begin his ploughing and planting. Then in March or April,
when the plants began to ripen, the massive spring rains would come,
assuring a successful harvest. In this process, the farmer had to
wait….patiently. Panicking wouldn’t help. Crying wouldn’t
help. Yelling at friends and family wouldn’t make it come
quicker. Questioning God’s love along the way couldn’t
even squeeze one drop out of the sky. All the farmer could do was
wait, pray, and trust – i.e. be patient.
Knowing that the rain will come, the farmer
realizes that he may as well wait for it joyfully and peacefully
with a smile on his face. All fruits of the Spirit.
When we are struggling to be patient with
another person, we should remember God’s patience toward us.
Do you think God has a short fuse? (No) No, our God is
very patient. In the Bible, it says that love is patient and kind.
God is love and he is very patient. And this is what Nehemiah
9:17 says, “You are a God of forgiveness, gracious
and merciful, slow to become angry. God is slow to anger. God has
a very long fuse. Thank Him for that right now!
The question isn’t how much longer
must we wait? The question is how should we wait? The answer: PATIENTLY.
Because God says that “Good Things Come to Those Who Wait…Patiently.”
King David said in Psalm 46:10
“Be still, and know that I am God.” Trust that the God
who works all things out for your good will guide your life along
the path it’s supposed to go, yes, but also at the pace it’s
supposed to go.
You ought to be patient with your family
Has your mom or dad ever frustrated you? Maybe she's cranky in the
morning; maybe he's a grouch when he gets home from work. Parents
can be that way. The Bible assumes the same thing. It warns parents
to not "provoke [their] children to wrath". Why? Because
we're liable to do just that. When your parents are having "one
of those days"-you need to be patient with them. Don't argue
with them or sulk; be as quiet and sweet as you can and wait for
the mood to change.
Your friends can get on your nerves. The
more time you spend with them, the more likely they'll annoy you.
How do you avoid this? How do you stay good friends with your friends?
By being patient. Strangers can also be very annoying. You're in
a hurry and they won't get out of the way.
Enemies can make you mad. They bully you,
or lie about you, or do other bad things to hurt you. You need to
be patient with all these people. Do you know why? Because Jesus
Christ was! And He's your example. His parents embarrassed Him;
His brothers hated Him; His friends disappointed Him; His enemies
persecuted Him. But He bore patiently with them all.
the children to come and sit quietly and patiently in the presence
of God, waiting on Him.

Guava is another tropical fruit rich in
high-profile nutrients. With its unique flavor, taste, and health-promoting
qualities, the fruit easily fits into the category of new functional
foods, often labelled as “super-fruits.”
FRUIT Session #6 |
Guéris un Cœur Blessé - Catastrophe Naturelle
Guéris un Cœur Blessé - Crise Corona