3. ACTIVE LA LOUANGE (10 minutes)
Facultatif: Téléchargez
des vidéos de louange et d'adoration en Français
4. ADORATTION PROFONDE (5 minutes) |
a. “Back
Track” Review
Last week we learnt that we are to love the Lord your God with all
your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' this
is the first and greatest commandment but to keep it we must first
appreciate the immeasurable love God has for us
Last week we learnt:
• God’s immeasurable love. (What
do we used to measure length, and height? (Hold up tape measure)
• What measures time? (Clock)
• Love in action. What have you done this week to demonstrate
God’s love? (Allow the children to give testimonies)
• Words without love. (Remember the ‘music!’)
• Looking on the inside.(Remember the framed picture of
an African family.)
b. Étude du verset
17 Dans le royaume de Dieu, ce n’est pas
le manger et le boire qui importent, mais une vie juste, la
paix et la joie que produit l’Esprit Saint.
Romains 14:17 Mix up the HAPPY faces Bible verse and
get the children to recite the verse and place in correct order
Facultatif: Téléchargez Française les aides visuelles de la Bible en vers |


| 17 Pamba te Bokonzi ya Nzambe ezali te likambo ya kolia to ya komela, kasi ezali nde likambo ya bosembo, ya kimia mpe ya esengo kati na Molimo Mosantu.
Esengo 14:17
Facultatif: Téléchargez Lingala les aides visuelles de la Bible en vers |
c. Enseignez la leçon (15 minutes)
TÉLÉCHARGER Les Aides Visuelles Leçon #3 Français
TÉLÉCHARGER Les Aides Visuelles Leçon #3 Lingala
Object lesson:
Start the lesson by blowing bubbles, get the children to try and
catch them. As their laughter rises explain to them that they are
experiencing happiness.
There is just one problem with the happiness
that comes from blowing bubbles -- it doesn't last! The minute you
reach out and touch one of the bubbles, it will burst. Many times
we chase the bubble, but it is always just out of reach and as soon
as it touches the ground, the bubble bursts.
I think this is the way it is in the lives
of many people today. A lot of people are chasing after happiness,
but like the bubbles, happiness is always just out of reach. Or,
just when we think we have it, our bubble may burst. What are some
of the things that people are chasing in their search for happiness?
Money -- Many people think
that money will bring them happiness, but it doesn't. Once you spend
it, it is gone, and you still don't have happiness.
Entertainment -- Many people
think that laughing and having a good time is the same thing as
having joy but it isn't. Many people who are laughing on the outside
are crying on the inside.
Popularity -- Some people
think that being popular will bring them happiness. They will do
anything or say anything to make other people like them, but popularity
doesn't last. It is here today and gone tomorrow. There is no lasting
joy in popularity.
Jesus knew that people often look for happiness
in the wrong places. He even suggested that we might be happier
if we were poor, hungry, crying, and disliked by others.
Why would Jesus suggest such a thing?
• When we are poor, it may be easier for us to trust in God
to supply everything we need instead of depending on our own wealth.
• When we are hungry for God and his righteousness, we realize
that only He can satisfy our hunger.
• When we are crying, we can trust in God to comfort us and
ease our pain.
• When we think we have no friends, we have a friend in Jesus.
Jesus is a friend who will never leave us.
If the Holy Spirit is within us, we can experience joy even in times
of sorrow as we abide in Christ.
Do you want to find joy? Don't spend your time chasing bubbles.
Look to your Heavenly Father. He is the source of true joy and happiness.
The Bible tells us to be joyful in the God of our salvation!
In our lives here on earth, we will always
have hardships, sorrow and tears. Because of sin, we will never
be able to experience a life without some sadness. But when we repent
from our sin and turn to Christ for our salvation, we receive the
Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit allows us to produce the fruit of joy.
We know that God is our joy and that we experience joy through His
Word. James tells believers to consider it joy when they go through
difficult times in their lives. How is it possible to have joy,
to praise God, in difficult times? (Allow them time to think
and offer explanations.)
Joy is very different from happiness. Happiness
cannot be present when someone is sad. But joy can always be present,
even in time as sadness, loss, persecution and difficulties we can
praise God
As Christians,
we have something the rest of the world does not: the hope of eternal
life with God. After we die, we know we will live forever with God.
He will wipe away every tear from our eyes and there will be no
more sorrow. This gives us joy! We know that the hard times we experience
on earth will not last forever because of Christ. He is never far
when we suffer, but right by our sides. Knowing this truth allows
us to have joy even in the midst of sadness.

20 Puis il y a celui qui reçoit la semence
« sur le sol rocailleux »: quand il entend la Parole,
il l’accepte aussitôt avec joie.
Facultatif: Téléchargez
Française les aides visuelles de la Bible en vers
Facultatif: Téléchargez
Lingala les aides visuelles de la Bible en vers
Get the children to write down ways they can show love to particular
people throughout the week. Spend time in prayer together, asking
God to help each of you produce the fruit of love each day, particularly
this week In the Gospel of John Jesus promised that His joy would
remain in us, and our joy would be full. Let us pray and ask Him
to give us His joy.
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