- Port au Prince
- Bon Repos
- Montrouis
- Jacmel
- Les Cayes
- Port Salut
- Tiburon
- Jeremie
United Caribbean Trust has established excellent connections in these town with contacts in schools, orphanages and churches. Years of humanitarian work and training has positioned us to now implement this excellent 'Sowing Seeds of Success' Haiti children's reforestation programme. Links have been provided below to demonstrate some of our many visits to Haiti.
Two teachers will be recommended and interviewed from each town within our vast network of churches and schools in these two zones.
TThey must be bilingual and have experience with children's ministry with US visas and negative Covid tests prior to travel.
Two teachers from 'Heart for Haiti' school and orphanage in Port-au-Prince
Heart for Haiti
Two teachers from Dr. Yoland Thurval Foundation school and orphanage in Bon Repos,
Yolanda Thurval Foundation
Two teachers from Montrouis Ministry
Two teachers from Jacmel in the south
WESTERN ZONE - Les Cayes is where we have our base Headquarters and it is in this zone that we want to start this pilot project.
Two teachers from Les Cayes
Les Cayes
Two teachers from Port Salut
Port Salut
Two teachers from Jeremie
Two teachers from Tiburon
Years ago United Caribbean Trust established an Haitian charity called Special Treasures
All funding will be channeled through Special Treasures for clarity and transparency. Due to the recent increase in violence and kidnapping in Haiti it has become too dangerous for UCT staff to travel to Haiti to do this intensive training so we are proposing that these teachers be sponsored to come to our base Headquarters in Barbados to complete a 4 month in house and on the ground training prior to returning to Haiti.
Phase #1
This proposal is designed for the start of the year in January. UCT will provide flights to Barbados, food and lodging as well as a small stipend of US $150 per month to cover personal expenses when on island. All training will be done by professionally trained children's ministers, personally or online. Training will include teaching in numerous children's ministries, as well as disaster management and horticulture.
Kids in Ministry International online training
Kids EE in person training and practical experience
Crisis Response International (CRI) online training. CRI train individuals and churches to meet the unique spiritual, physical, and emotional needs that arise in urgent times of crisis and disaster. After training, volunteers are screened, credentialed, and become eligible for deployment to relief operations around the world. This online training will be a crucial part of the Phase 1 training and will compliment our children's Post Traumatic Stress programme 'Heal a Hurting Heart' Written in French/Creole especially for the terrible earthquake that impacted Haiti recently. There is also a hurricane and COVID version in French/Creole.
Training will involve 'in house teaching', online and in person teaching. And 'on the job experience' within 5 communities in Barbados - New Orleans, Emmerton, Deacons, Gall Hill and Eden Lodge. Connecting with these communities through Mount Zion's Missions Barbados Foursquare Church. A minimum of 3 teachers plus a local Community Outreach Trainer will teach initially the 'Sowing Seeds of Success' 12 week series in each of the five After School Clubs, Monday to Friday 16.00 to `18.00. The second semester will repeat this exercise but with the second curriculum 'Super Fruits' The third semester will teach the Go and Grow Series and the final semester will teach the Spiritual Growth and New Life 13 part Series.
Creating French and Haitian Creole recourses:
Continue to translate into French and Haitian Creole the many UCT curriculums available for translation.
Translate the Kids in Ministry International starter pack in French and Haitian Creole.
Working with local musicians to establish Haitian Creole children's praise and worship chorus music videos in our in house recording studio.
Creating Creole voiceovers on children's animated educational videos with English subtitles.
Creating Creole PowerPoints, colouring pages and take home tracks for Bible for Children to compliment our many French/Creole curriculums.
Assist in creating Creole activity books to assist with teaching the curriculum.
Training in Horticulture, Seed Germination and Fruit tree grafting:
Moringa health and medicinal benefits, many educational handouts in need of translation.
Super Fruits education
Training on grafting fruit tree
Be introduced to numerous online websites that teach creative ways to teach the plant life cycle to children all of which will compliment our 'Sowing Seeds of Success' curriculum.
We Are Teachers
Online training with the 'Kitchen Garden Foundation' on how to establish a Kitchen Garden Program in your school
Training For Schools | Kitchen Garden
French/Haitian Creole curriculum production:
Each teacher will assist with the creation of the curriculum including all props needed for the program. Each teacher will be given three of each of the French/Creole curriculums to return to Haiti to commence the implementation aspect of this training.
'Sowing Seeds of Success' - 12 Part Series
'Super Fruits' - 12 Part series
'Grow and Go' - 12 Part Series
'Spiritual Growth' and New Life - 13 Part Series
'Heal a Hurting Heart' Earthquake Post Traumatic Stress - 15 Part curriculum (optional for south west Haiti following their recent earthquake)
'Heal a Hurting Heart' Hurricane Post Traumatic Stress - 15 Part curriculum (optional for Central Haiti regularly impacted by storms such as Hurricane Matthew )
'Heal a Hurting Heart' Covid 19 Post Traumatic Stress - 15 Part curriculum (optional for all areas impacted by the Pandemic.)
Phase #2
All our Haitian graduates will return to Haiti in time for Easter with their family, having enjoyed the last two weeks in Barbados on holiday enjoying the beauty of our beautiful Caribbean island home.
They will be employed at the going rate of employment for a teacher in Haiti which is currently US $100 per month. We will increase that to $150 per month to compensate for the traveling that will be involved in this aspect of the six month Phase #2 curriculum implementation and editing stage.
The two teachers from each town in the two Haitian Zones will return with their French curriculum packs. Pastor Pierre Bannes Laurore, our UCT Haiti Representative and a Director of Special Treasures, will have negotiated with his regional network to establish three pilot projects in three schools or churches in each town in the two zones over the year.
CAPITAL / CENTRAL ZONE, including Port au Prince the capital, Bon Repos in the suburbs, Montrouis in the central zone and Jacmel in the south.
WESTERN ZONE, including Les Cayes, Port Salut, Tiburon and Jeremie to the north in Grand Anse.
20 children will be allocated to take part in each pilot project per school or church, commencing after Easter in April. Commencing with the 'Sowing Seeds of Success' 12 part series. This will involve two afternoons per week in two school, plus one afternoon per week and a Saturday Sowing Seeds of Success Club in the third school. This is a trial Pilot Project where the curriculum is edited and adapted if needed to be culturally sensitive.After every afternoon session the teachers meet, via Zoom, to assess how successful the lesson was, to critique and edit and make any changes that need to be made before the next teaching. By the third school/church the lesson should have been perfected and be ready for printing.
All printing will be done in Les Cayes and will be supervised by Pastor Pierre Bannes Laurore who is based there and has a Printing Business and whose school and church will be involved in the Pilot Project in Les Cayes.
A Programme Manager has been earmarked who has been our UCT translator since 2009 and he will travel between the two Zones visiting each town once a fortnight to identify any problems that may be arising and assisting where needed. He will directly communicate with UCT to update us on the progress. His job will be US $500 per month and include a car.
Each pair of teachers will be equipped with a laptop to enable them to download the videos for the songs to be sung as well as the educational videos that can be downloaded from our website. Most of the schools or churches involved in the Pilot Project will have a monitor or TV so the laptop can be connected and the children can enjoy the teaching. This laptop will also be used for Zoom meetings.
Additional stipends will be paid to help cover additional expenses during this Phase #2 Pilot Project including crayons, paper, pens markers, glue etc that may be needed to assist with the creation of visual aids needed to teach the lessons.
Additional expenses will be covered by Special Treasures including drinks and snacks for the children during Phase #2.
Two weeks holiday will be taken at the end prior to Phase #3.
Special Treasures will sponsor Phase #3 which includes two 3 weeks Summer Camps per town in each Zone. Our teachers will have access to these Camps to test the last curriculum prior to printing. Phase #3
Following a two week holiday at the end of Phase #2 the teachers will begin the Summer Camp programme. This is done during the Summer Holidays. The teachers will work with two local summer camps to test the Spiritual Grow and Go and New Life curriculum prior to printing.
Three week 'Summer Camp' Programme (15 sessions will be tested.)
Grow and Go Series Introducing Natural Growth - 1 session (To be translated)
Grow and Go Spiritual Growth - 5 Part Series (To be translated)
'FunTastic Fun Fair' Afternoon session (To be translated)
New Life curriculum - 8 Part Series (To be translated)
Following the afternoon Session #1 teaching in the first Summer Camp the teachers will meet, via Zoom, to assess how successful the Session #1 was, to critique and edit and make any changes that need to be made before the next Session #1 teaching which will take place the next morning in the second Summer Camp.That second afternoon she will teach Session #2 in the first Summer Camp the teachers will meet following the lesson, via Zoom, to assess how successful the Session #2 was, to critique and edit and make any changes that need to be made before the next Session #2 teaching which will take place the next morning in the second Summer Camp. This process will be duplicated with a Zoom meeting to assess the lessons, which once edited will be tested the next morning in the second Summer Camp for the three week period.
Once the curriculum has been finally tested and corrected it will then be printed in Les Cayes and the Programme Manager will be responsible for collecting the packs for distribution to the teachers for the commencement of Phase #4.
Phase #4
Following the three weeks children's Summer Camp project the teachers will embark on Phase #4. This is a vital part of their training to teach other teachers that are interested in introducing this Sowing Seeds of Success Haiti Reforestation Programme into their schools, orphanages or churches. This is the final empowerment and equipping aspect of this project.
Half day workshops will have been organized in advance using Pastor Bannes vast network of schools, orphanages and churches in the two Zones. Half day workshops will be hosted from 12 noon to 6pm with a break for tea and snacks in the afternoon. It is uncertain how many of these can be organizes and how many teachers will be interested in coming to the workshops, but from past experience there is such a shortage of good children's ministry teaching and material in Creole that the response was overwhelming.
Each ministry, school or orphanage taught in these half day workshops will be provided with a 'Sowing Seeds of Success' pack which will mean the teachers are not only empowered but equipped with all that they need to introduce this year long programme into their organization.
This programme can easily flow into our Heal a Hurting Heart curriculum and the new teachers/Sunday school teachers/Orphanage aids will be taught about this curriculum and can be issued with it in the future if they want to embark in this curriculum be it for Post Traumatic Stress for the Earthquake in Les Cayes and the south west, or a hurricane in the Capital, Montrouis or Jacmel or the COVID stress that the children are dealing with following this pandemic.
Phase #5:
This phase takes place after the Summer Holiday camp and Teachers Empowerment Programme. Here the same principles are applied but the curriculum being taught is the Super Fruits 12 week programme. Being tried and tested in the same three schools/orphanages or churches. Once tested and edited it goes for printing and is distributed to the new teachers taught during the summer recess. Taking the students through until the end of the year and completing of their one year course.
Phase #6
Grow and Go school programme- 10 week Light and Water Growth Series tested
UCT is hoping to be able to establish a fruit plant nursery in each Zone to be able to continue to sponsor these new schools, orphanages or churches embarking on our Sowing Seeds of Success Haiti Reforestation Programme, by supplying them each with the 12 Super Fruit saplings as they embark on the project.
Long term UCT is hoping to be able to purchase some agriculture land in these two zones, initially, to establish a Moringa Estate and Moringa processing plant, as part of our "Food For Life Caribbean"
Manufacturing organic Moringa tea, Dried Moringa Powder to add to cooking as well as Moringa soap and cream for cosmetic purposes. We have established a European market to sell these Moringa products to bring in additional revenue to continue to fund this excellent reforestation programme.
16 teachers will graduated from our one year Programme from two Zones within Haiti
5 Barbadian communities in Phase #1 will benefit from the 12 week 'Sowing Seeds of Success' Moringa programme. Planting hundreds of Moringa trees in these impoverished Barbadian communities and educating the people of the nutritional and medicinal benefits of this 'Miracle Tree'
480 Haitian children will take part in the Phase #2 Pilot Project to test the curriculum prior to being printed in mass. Resulting in 480 Moringa trees being planted at home or in the school/church or orphanage is possible.
12 small Super Fruit trees will be donated to each school/church or orphanage taking part in the Phase #2 Pilot Project resulting in 288 fruit trees being planted, establishing 32 orchards within the school/church or orphanage if possible as part of our School Kitchen Garden programme.
"Food For Life - Haiti Benzoliv
Following Phase #4 it is impossible to assess how many new ministries, schools or orphanages that will be trained and equipped to embark in this 'Sowing Seeds of Success Haiti Reforestation Project'. Resulting in thousands of Moringa trees and Super Fruit trees being planted in the two Zones in Haiti Our 16 original teachers will continue to be sponsored to allow them to continue the excellent work in Haiti, training and teaching other teachers and equipping them in this wonderful programme.
" You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others ."
2 Timothy 2:2
Item |
Price |
Total US $ |
PHASE #1 |
16 return flights from Haiti to Barbados |
US $697 per return flight X16 |
US $11,152 |
Overnight in Miami enroute to Bds |
US $50 per person X16 |
US $800 |
Monthly stipend for 16 teachers |
US $150 each per month X16 = US $2,400 per month for 4 months in Barbados |
US $9,600 |
Food & board in Bds for 4 months |
US $25 per night X16 = US $12,000 per month X4 |
US $48,000 |
Teaching costs |
KIMI online course |
US $350 |
Kids EE local training |
US $350 |
Crisis Response Int: Training |
US $49 per person X16 |
US $784 |
On the job training costs |
Production of Curriculum |
$25 per curriculum X5 |
US $125 |
Props and tools to teach curriculum |
$10 per session X12=US $120 x5 |
US $600 |
Drinks and snacks for 40 children X 5 Community After School Clubs for 12 weeks =200 Barbadian children |
US $2.50 per child X40 = US $100 per session X 12=US $1,200 per club x 5 Community Clubs resulting in 200 Moringa trees planted |
US $6,000 |
US $77,761 |
PHASE #2 - #6 |
Return to Haiti |
Employ a Project Manager for one year |
US $500 per month X12 months |
US $6,000 |
Reconditioned car for Project Manager |
US $5,000 |
US $5,000 |
Monthly stipend for 16 teachers |
US $150 each per month X16 = US $2,400 per month for 12 months in Haiti |
US $28,800 |
Production of Curriculum |
$25 per curriculum X3 =$75 X24 curriculum for the testing trial stage |
US $1,800 |
Props and tools to teach curriculum |
$10 per session X 34=US $340 X24 |
US $8,160 |
Drinks and snacks for 20 children X 34 sessions in 24 Sowing Seeds of Success Clubs = 480 Haitian children |
US $1.00 per child X20 = US $20 per session X 34 session = US $680 per club x 24 clubs resulting in 480 Moringa trees and 288 fruit trees planted |
US $16,320 |
US $66,080 |
Three week 'Summer Camps' |
Drinks/snacks or light lunch for 20 children X 15 sessions |
US $1.00 per child X20 = US $20 per session X 15 session = US $300 per club x 24 clubs |
US $7,200 |
Production of Summer Camp Curriculums |
$25 per curriculum X2 =$50 X24 curriculum for the testing trial stage for 480 Haitian children |
US $1,200 |
Props and tools to teach Camp |
$10 per session X 15=US $150 X24 |
US $3,600 |
US $12,000 |
Half day workshops |
'Teachers teaching Teachers' and Equipping |
12 workshops in 4 weeks during the remaining summer holiday per town and surrounding area X 8 towns in 2 zones |
96 workshops @ US$ 50 for refreshments per workshop |
US $4,800 |
Production of Curriculum for 8 ministries, schools/orphanages or churches represented per workshop |
3 curriculum per ministry @ $25 per curriculum X3 =$75 X 768 new Sowing the Seeds of Success clubs established with 40 children per club = 30,720 Haitian children |
US $57,600 |
Props and tools for 960 Clubs |
US $30 X768 |
US $28,040 |
Purchase 9,505 Super fruit trees |
@US $5 each =US $47,520 plus US $8,000 transportation |
US $55,520 |
US $145,960 |
31,880 children impacted, 32,560 Moringa trees planted and 9,793 fruit trees planted. |
US $301,801 |
CLICK to examine our Part #2 Second year of this two year programme.
Guéris un Cœur Blessé - Catastrophe Naturelle
Guéris un Cœur Blessé - Crise Corona