3. ACTIVE LA LOUANGE (10 minutes)
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des vidéos de louange et d'adoration en Français
4. ADORATTION PROFONDE (5 minutes) |
a. “Back Track” Fruit of the Spirit Review (5 minutes)
Questions for discussion:
Remember the lion from last week?
• Who does the Bible say is like a lion? (The devil)
• Could you win in a fight against a real lion? (No)
• Who could help you fight a lion and how? (The Holy Spirit gives us self control)

• Why do you need to be alert? (Because the devil prowls around looking for someone to devour.)
Optional:Download French Review colouring Bible Verse
Optional:Download Creole Review colouring Bible Verse |
Use the Review Cards
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Française les aides visuelles
Facultatif: Téléchargez
Creole les aides visuelles |

b. Française Étude du verset
« 2 Il leur disait : La moisson est abondante, mais les ouvriers peu nombreux. Priez donc le Seigneur à qui appartient la moisson d'envoyer des ouvriers pour moissonner.» Luc

Facultatif: Téléchargez
Française les aides visuelles de la Bible en vers
b. Creole Étude du verset

2 Li di yo: Rekòt la anpil, men pa gen ase travayè pou ranmase li. Mande mèt jaden an pou l' voye travayè nan jaden l' lan. Lik 10:2
Facultatif: Téléchargez
Creole les aides visuelles de la Bible en vers |
c. Enseignez la leçon (15 minutes)
Les Aides Visuelles Leçon #11 Français
Les Aides Visuelles Leçon #11 Créoles
Look what I have... some of our Super Fruits
Mangoes, Pomegranate, Guava , Papaya and Bananas. Yum! Yum! I think
I'll have a delicious snack right now.
Do you know what I think would be great? I think it would be great
to have a lot a fruit trees in your yard so that any time you wanted
a snack, you could just go out and pick a piece of fruit off of
the tree. But what if you had an fruit tree in your yard that never
had any fruit on it? It wouldn't be good for anything except shade,
would it?
In our Bible lesson today, Jesus told a story about a man who planted
a fig tree in his garden. After some time had passed, he went to
look for some fruit on the tree, but there was none.
" 6 Là-dessus, il leur raconta cette parabole : Un homme avait un figuier dans sa vigne. Un jour, il voulut y cueillir des figues, mais n'en trouva pas. "
Luc 13:6 |
Year after year he watched the tree, but the tree never produced any fruit.

Finally, the man went to the gardener who took care of the tree and said to him...
« Voilà trois ans que je viens chercher des figues sur cet arbre, sans pouvoir en trouver. Coupe-le ; je ne vois pas pourquoi il occupe la place inutilement. » Luc 13:7
Optional: Download French Bible Verse Visual Aid
The gardener answered him....
8 « Maître, lui répondit l’homme, laisse-le encore cette année ! Je bêcherai encore la terre tout autour et j’y mettrai du fumier ; 9 peut-être qu’il portera du fruit à la saison prochaine. Sinon, tu le feras couper. » Luc 13:8-9
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French Bible Verse Visual Aid

In telling this story, Jesus was really talking about us and about
God. God has "planted" us here on this earth and he expects
us to produce good fruit in our life.
What kind of fruit does he expect?
When He looks at the way we live our life, he wants to see things
like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and gentleness. There
are times when he is disappointed in what he sees, but he is willing
to give us another chance.
What can we do to help us produce the kind of fruit that God expects?
We can sorship regularly, read God's Word, pray, fellowship and
witness Those things will help us to live a fruitful life.
Extracts from:
God is the God of the Second Chance:
Story Time:
When Thomas Edison was struggling to perfect the light bulb, it
took his team of workers twenty-four hours to put together just
one light bulb. When the team was finished with one light bulb,
Edison gave it to a young boy to carry upstairs. Step by step the
boy carefully climbed the stairs, afraid that he might drop this
priceless piece of work. You can probably guess what happened; the
poor boy dropped the bulb at the top of the stairs. It took the
team twenty-four hours to produce another bulb. Finally, tired and
ready for a break, Edison was ready to have the bulb carried upstairs.
He gave it to the same young boy who had dropped the first one.
Mr. Edison gave the boy a second chance! That's true forgiveness,
isn't it?
In our Bible lesson today Jesus tells a story
about a man who had a fig tree in his vineyard he became frustrated
it was not bearing fruit. “Cut it down! It is just taking
up space."
"Leave it alone for one more year,"
the keeper of the vineyard begged. "I will dig around it
and put fertilizer on it. If it has fruit next year, fine. If not,
then cut it down."
In this story, the owner of the vineyard
is God, the keeper of the vineyard is Jesus, and the tree represents
God's children. God has every reason to expect his children to produce
good fruit. Sometimes we don't produce that kind of fruit, but we
have a loving and forgiving God. God gives us a second chance too
and it is important for us to know that we don't have to do it alone.
The keeper of the vineyard helped the tree by working the soil and
adding fertilizer. When we allow Jesus to work in our lives, he
will help us to produce the kind of fruit that God expects.
Extracts from:
Aren't you glad that we have a loving and
forgiving God who gives us a second chance? Thank Him.
Father, help us live a life that will be pleasing to you. We are
thankful that even though we don't always produce the kind of fruit
that you desire, you give us a second chance. Help us to allow Jesus
to work in our lives so that we will produce the kind of fruit that
you want from us.
Guéris un Cœur Blessé - Catastrophe Naturelle
Guéris un Cœur Blessé - Crise Corona