2. TEAM GAMES: (10 minutes)
‘You can Trust me’ team game:
Divided into two groups. Make sure that both the groups have the
same number of players. Divide the children into pairs and blindfold
one child from each pair. Each pair should have one kid who has
the blindfold and one who doesn’t. Depending on the level
and intensity of the activity, you can let the path be regular or
add obstacles. The kid who is not blindfolded has to guide his partner
carefully through the path and reach a safe zone. Once all kids
are in the safe zone, switch the blindfold and put it on the kids
who did not wear it earlier.

Optional: Download
'Trust in the Lord'
(Dance movements video)
Optional: Download
'Trust in the Lord' with lyrics
4. INTIMATE WORSHIP: (5 minutes)
Download 'In
God we trust' video
a. Review (5 minutes)
Where was the caravan of Ishmaelites going to? (Egypt)
What were their camels carrying? (Spices, balm and myrrh)
Who stopped his brothers from killing Joseph? (Judah)
How much did they sell him for? (Twenty shekels of silver)
b. Learn a Bible Verse
(5 minutes)

The LORD was with Joseph so that he prospered, and he lived
in the house of his Egyptian master.
Genesis 39:2
Bible Verse Visual Aid
The LORD was with him and that the LORD gave him success
in everything he did Genesis 39:3
Bible Verse Visual Aid |
Adapted from Bible
for Children
Download A favorite son becomes a slave' Lesson #5 Bible Verse Reading Video Mute Version.
Download 'A favorite son becomes
a slave' Lesson #5 Bible Verse Reading Video English Audio Version

Adapted from Bible
for Children
c. Teach the Lesson (15 minutes)
Optional: Download 'A favorite son becomes a slave' PDF slide show
Optional: Download 'A favorite son becomes a slave' PDF colouring pages
Adapted from Bible for Children
When Joseph arrived in Egypt, a lot of things happened to him --
some good -- and some not so good. You are going to help me tell
the next part of this story. I will tell you some of the things
that happened to Joseph and you will tell me if they were good or
(Use GOOD and BAD signs)
This week as Joseph starts to rebuild his life many good things happened.
Next week we are going to learn about the bad things that happened
to him.
Now Joseph had been taken down to Egypt. (Bad) Potiphar,
an Egyptian who was one of Pharaoh’s officials, the
captain of the guard, bought him from the Ishmaelites who
had taken him there. (Good)

2 The Lord was with Joseph (Good) so that he prospered, (Good) and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master. (Good) 3 When his master saw that the Lord was with him (Good) and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did, (Good)4 Joseph found favour in his eyes (Good) and became his attendant.(Good)
Potiphar put him in charge of his household, (Good) and he
entrusted to his care everything he owned. (Good)
Joseph had decided that if life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.
He served Potiphar with integrity and industry, and when opportunity
came, he would talk to Potiphar about Jehovah God. Even when his
godly character was severely tested, he shined.
Joseph was actually a spoiled brat. He was proud and egoistic.
His character needed a transformation before God could actually
promote him.
The LORD was with Joseph. Those four simple words summarize the
entire life of Joseph. God was with him. Regardless of the circumstances
that came to his life, regardless of what happened in the life of
Joseph, the Bible says, but God was with him. Four times in Genesis
39 the Scriptures say, the Lord was with Joseph. That was the secret
of the success of Joseph.
Things came into the life of Joseph that would have discouraged
most men. Yet, in the midst of it all, Joseph came through with
great victory because the Lord was with him.
Many people became instrumental in Joseph’s character formation. God used Joseph’s brothers, Potiphar’s wife to name a few.

He will do the same with you, sometimes
these people that God uses can really hurt you but they develop
character in you, just like they did in the life of Joseph.
Optional: Download
‘Joseph in Egypt’ video
When you come to a new place you have to choose your friends. Some
will influence you and some you will influence. Some will follow
you and laugh when you make a joke. Some will try to persuade you
to follow them. Some will tease you. You may want to be popular
and do things to fit in. You have to decide what sort of person
you are going to be. Will you be known as one who speaks the truth?
Refuses to lie? Makes peace or never fights?
Lesson #5 Visual Aids
The Story Teller and 'Scruffy'
the sock puppet read "And Puppy' Chapter
5 'Life in the ‘Big House’
Chapter 5 of ‘And Puppy’
Optional: Download
All 'And Puppy' Bible Verses

Optional: Download
'And Puppy' Bible Verse


Optional: Download
'Controlling anger' video.
Optional: Download
'Conflict resolution ' video

Optional: Download
'Stop Bullying' Posters.
Discussion: Building your life on the solid rock of God's commandments. Loving instead of hating, being kind and not being mean.
Art Options: Encourage the children to talk about life after the storm and create a collage of ' Treasurers after the Storm'

‘Take Home Memory Verse’
‘Take Home Memory Verse’
Optional: Download
‘How Anxiety Leads to Disruptive Behavior’
Adult Educational Handout
Chapter 5 of ‘And Puppy’ |
Art Therapy: Go home and draw a picture of you
in a strange place following the BIG Storm!
NEXT WEEK: We are going to learn more bad things
happened to Joseph.
Heal a Hurting Heart Curriculum
HEAL A HURTING HEART - Natrual Disaster