home>>>uganda>>fppm>>proposal>> youth outreach
Goal: Strengthened support mechanism
and structures for youth, children and adolescents to appropriately
participate in development and improve their livelihood.
Strategies: In order to realize
strategic Objective 05, BUCCARIT will use the following strategies;
- Promotion of Youth friendly IEC materials
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Promotion of children rights and support services
- Promotion of adolescents’ safer messages.
- Adolescents Policy advocacy.
- Working with community social structures.
- Training of Youth in better service deliver,
targeting statutory and non-statutory youth groups
- National youth Policy dissemination
- Organizing seminars and conferences
- Supporting counseling, skills development, talents,
sports and MDD.
- Organizing dialogue between adolescents and parents.
Verification Indicators
1. BUCCARIT capacity built and partnership developed
advocacy process in place and spread through out the programme operation
2. Youth/community reporting of Human and Child rights abuse to
social support structures, local authority plus NGOs increased.
3. Youth self-esteem increased especially female Youth and readily
advocating/advancing girl child empowerment, child rights, child
support services and safer choices.
4. Cases of discrimination basing on one’s health status,
ethnicity religion and age decreasing.
5. Increase of in Youth, children and adolescents assertiveness
to demand their rights and services plus accountability form their
leaders and honoring their responsibilities in society.
6. Increased integration of rights, HIV/AIDS and advocacy based
approaches in local plans and social services
7. A progressive increase in the proportion of persons/youth in
our community those are informed about their rights, responsibilities
and are promoting safer choices, child rights and youth empowerment
Means of Verification
Evaluation reports and local responses recorded at local offices
and BUCCARIT offices. Field assessment, baseline survey and monitoring
reports available
1. Local leaders, youth, BUCCARIT board, partners and staff are
more willing and able to engage and contribute to promoting youth,
children and adolescent rights.
2. Communities strengthened capacity to react to human rights abuses
through decision making, referral and collaboration with human rights
watch offices.
3. More partners and donors plus government will come on board to
support these initiatives.
BUCCARIT will hold monthly meetings to review progress and plan
for the next month’s project activities
The donor will offer monthly mentoring, monitoring and technical
visits to support BUCCARTI in the implementation of the project
and adherence to best practices.
BUCCARIT will receive monthly technical financial support visits
from the donor to offer support mentoring in financial systems and
In the 8th, month of implementation, an audit will be done by the
Donor organization to assess the risk of donor funds that BUCCARIT
uses to implement activities ans make a judgment on how well BUCCARIT
has managed the resources.
A participatory evaluation of activities implemented by BUCCARIT
under this proposal will be conducted in the sixth month of implementation
to assess the performance of the project against specific objectives.
Prior to implementation, BUCCARIT will share all information in
the proposal, including the budget with all team members (Board
and staff) in order to gain a sense of ownership and responsibility
for the project and its implementation.
All staff will attend monthly planning meetings, and BUCCARIT will
hold quarterly Board meetings to monitor progress.
To improve information sharing and coordination at district level
both eith fellow CBO/NGO s and District government, BUCCARIT will
copy monthly activity reports to the relevant district with stakeholders
at the district. BUCCARIT will copy monthly activity reports to
the relevant district officials including the DDHS, CAO, RDC and
L.C.V Chairperson.
Sustainability Plan
In order for the project to continue existing after the donor funds
have ceased, the following strategies will help the organization
to raise funds for activities sustainability;
• Fundraising campaigns
• The public will use the Internet café at a reasonable
fee in order to raise funds for sustaining act ivies
• Lobbying mechanisms will be applied.
• Collaboration and networking with other organizations.
• Financial sustainability of the project will be achieved
through integration of the project activities into the local government
development plans.
Environmental Impact
This project will have minimal significance on the environment.
Few issues related to waste materials used in the project implementation,
safety and health of project staff and volunteers will be adequately
Gender Analysis
The participation of both men and women will be ensured at all levels
of the project. BUCCARIT Board and staff comprise of both males
and Females an indication of Gender balance.