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Goal: to empower and enhance capabilities of the youth and marginalized in conflict resolution and management for purposes of creating harmony and co-existence for sustainable development

Strategies: in order to realize strategies objective 3, BUCCARIT will use the following strategies,

  • Dialogue and supporting and enhancing community based peace initiatives
  • Data collections and accessibility to information
  • Collaboration and coordination
  • Promotion of participatory policy making and sharing
  • Intercultural exposure and dialogue.
  • Activities
  • Cultural galas, MDD and extra mural activities
  • Documentation and dissemination/ research and publicity
  • Seminars and workshops
  • Community trainings
  • Training in conflict resolution skills
  • Field visits, regional and cross board visits
  • Formation and support of peace clubs

Verifiable indicators
Communities are actively working for peace through traditional and non-traditional means of conflict resolution.

Means of verification
1. Number of communities that have conflict resolution programmer/activities i.e. carrying out traditional or non- traditional conflict resolution activities
2. One Monitoring and evaluation report on peace building and project operation area.
3. Number of advocacy campaigns on peace organized and youth groups actively involved in peace building and peace clubs.

1. Te security situation will not significantly affect the implementation of the programme.
2. The community affected by the conflicts, Government, NGOS, Donors, BUCCARIT Partners and all stakeholders will support conflict resolution initiatives and show commitment to conflict resolution.




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