Women with access to education,
leadership training, basic rights and empowerment, will transform
a society and the world.
With this in mind we are doing whatever it
takes to reach the women in communities where they have otherwise
not been reached, through a Women’s Empowerment Sponsorship
Mothers within the Women’s Empowerment Sponsorship Program are enrolled
for one year to eighteen months..
Each month, your sister will be entitled to
attend a weekly Encountering God devotional time, utilizing
the Stonecroft Bible Study materials.


She will be entitled to bring
one child to attend the After
School Feeding Club at least once a week to be fed physically
and Spiritually.
An additional US $10 per month will enable
your 'sister' to bring along another child to the Child After
School Feeding Club
She will also be able to attend
an Empowerment class such as sewing, computer skills, adult
literacy classes etc.

We encourage you to write to your new ‘friend’
your letters will provide an emotional lifeline to a woman who may
have lost everything due to war, natural disaster or abject poverty.
Your contributions also support your sister’s
year-long participation in a
Life Skills Program that will include an Adult
Literacy Program and provide her with leadership education,
vocational and technical skills and training instrumental in ensuring
that your sister receives the tools she needs to regain her strength
and stability and access to income generation support.
But above all it will open the door of opportunity
to introduce her to the Stonecroft
Bible Study translated into her native tongue.
Swahili (called Kiswahili in the language itself)
is the first language of the Swahili people (Waswahili), who inhabit
several large stretches of the Indian Ocean coastline from southern
Somalia to northern Mozambique, This translation will also be usable
in the child sponsorship program in Tanzania and eventually Mozambique.
The structure of each country’s program varies
slightly due to social, economic, political, cultural and religious
to see how your US $40 will be invested
It is our desire to reach out to the poor in a way
that demonstrates God’s love while empowering the needy to
free themselves from poverty. By impacting the mothers the children
will be affected and part of the Women's Empowerment Sponsorship
Program will allow the mothers to bring a mother once a week to
the After
School Child Feeding Club,
Service to the poor is not only of benefit to those
being served (and to those who are serving), but it brings honor
to God.
He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their
Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God. Proverbs
14:31 NIV
In the same way, let your light shine before men,
that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16 NIV