2. TEAM GAMES: (10 minutes)
Make two teams pass
a big seed, such as a small coconut, from one child to the other
using only their knees. When it has passed down the line the last
person runs to the front and begins the process until all have run
to the front, first team to complete is the winner.
Prayer: Heavenly Father
let us be open to hearing Your Word. Don’t let our hearts
be rocky places, where Your Word will not have much soil to take
root. Let it not sprang up quickly, let me not be enthusiastic at
the start but when times of difficulties come wilt and die because
the Word is shallow. Let me be deep into Your Word. Amen
a. Review
Last week we learnt Jesus was speaking about seeds in the parable,
the story really applies to people. Where did the seeds fall?
(On the path.)
Optional: Download
Chichewa Visual Aid |

Download English
'The Seed Song' |

b. Learn a Bible Verse
“5Koma zina zinagwa pamiyala, pamene
panalibe dothi lambiri; ndipo pomwepo zinamera, pakuti sizinakhale
nalo dothi lakuya. 6Ndipo m'mene dzuwa linakwera zinapserera;
ndipo popeza zinalibe mizu zinafota”
(Mateyu 13: 5 – 6)
Download Chichewa Bible
Memory Verse Visual Aid |
Encourage the children to dramatize the verses.
Props needed: a farmers hat, a bag of seeds, a heap of rocks, a
small plant, a yellow cloth to act as the sun, a withered plant.
Have the children recite the verse to memorize it.
c. Teach the Lesson (15 minutes)
Chichewa Lesson #3 Visual Aids

Seeds that fell on rocky places
are like people that have hard hearts and little faith in God.
When life gets a little rocky, their Christian walk quickly
withers and dies.
Bible Reading:
Get a child to read Matthew
13: 20-21.
Chichewa Bible Memory Verse Visual Aid
Chichewa 'The Farmer and the seed' Lesson #3 Bible Verse Colouring
Pages to print and colour |

We need to pray to God for strength, to soften our
hearts to read the Bible to see how others withstood times of trouble.
In the end, it doesn't matter what others think of us. We should
live to please only God. Someone with a soft heart will soak up
the Word of God. On the other hand, the Word of God rolls right
off someone with a hardened heart of rock.
Object Lesson:
This hard rock (hold up rock) represents the heart of someone
with a hard heart. The water represents the Word of God. (Squirt
the rock with the squirty bottle.) When we try to explain the
Word of God to someone with a hard heart, it will not soak in. It
rolls off, they don’t want to hear, they are not interested.
This sponge rock (hold up sponge) represents
someone with a soft and open heart. (Squirt the sponge with
the squirty bottle.) When we explain the Word of God to a person
with a soft heart, he or she will soak the information in. They
want to hear more they are keen to join you in church.
The sun (wave yellow cloth) and the rain
(spray the children with water) help the Jesus seed to
Jesus becomes a light in me and I become a light
to others. When I go to church and fellowship it is like the rain
watering the Jesus seed.
Discussion Questions:
1. In our story today, where did the seeds
fall? (The seeds fell on rocky places.)
2. What happened to the seed that fell on the rocky places?
(It withered, because it had no root.)
3. What does the word persecution mean? (To oppress, harass,
annoy or bother.)
5. What are some ways that we may be persecuted or have trouble
because we are Christians? (Some people may make fun of us,
call us names.)
6. How can we help our faith withstand trouble and persecution?
(Pray to God for strength, read the Bible to see how others
withstood times of trouble.)
7. Should we care more about men or God? (God. In the end, it
doesn't matter what others think of us. We should live to please
only God.)
Extracts taken from www.kidssundayschool.com
(Give each child a small rock to hold)
Some people hear the Good News about Jesus and happily
accept it. As soon as someone laughs at them or makes fun of their
faith, they deny everything Jesus stands for. If things get tough,
they give up. When trouble comes, they quickly abandon their relationship
with Jesus. They worry more about men than they do about God. Their
hearts become hard, like the rocky places some of the Sower's seeds
Let’s spend some time holding our rock and
asking God to soften our hearts and be open to hear from Him.
Our Heavenly Father we thank you for helping us to understand the
Sowers Parable. Help us to look at the birds of the air; they do
not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet you Father feeds
them. We know we are much more valuable than the birds.
Home Bible Memory Verse Card' give
one to each child.
Download English
‘Activity Book’ available for
the children and can be downloaded from this website if they
speak English.
Take home their planted Moringa seed, remember to water it
a little each day you may want to keep it somewhere shaded
and warm. |

Come back next week to hear about the war of the plants! Water your
Moringa at home and bring it back next week. Let’s see who’s
Moringa has grown the most. I can hardly wait to see.
to view Session #4.