3. ACTIVE PRAISE CHORUS (10 minutes)
Optional: Download English 'It’s Harvest Time' music video |


4. INTIMATE WORSHIP (5 minutes)
Optional:Download Chichewa praise and worship music video
Optional:Download 'Great is Thy Faithfulness' English worship music video |
a. Review (5 minutes)
Last week we learnt that God has "planted" us here on this earth and he expects us to produce good fruit in our life.
What kind of fruit does he expect?
(Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness and self control.)
What can we do to help us produce the kind of fruit that God expects?
(Worship regularly, read God's Word, pray, fellowship and witness)
In last weeks lesson the owner of the vineyard is representative of who? (God)
The keeper of the vineyard is representative of who? (Jesus)
And the tree represents who? (God's children, us)
Can anyone recall the Thomas Edison light bulb story, what did it demonstrate?
(True forgiveness)
Aren't you glad that we have a loving and forgiving God who gives us a second chance?
Does anyone want to share a second chance God gave you?

b. Learn a Bible Verse
9 Tisatope nʼkuchita zabwino, pakuti pa nthawi yoyenera tidzakolola ngati sititopa.
Agalatiya 6:9
Optional: Download Bible Verse Visual Aid
c. Teach the Lesson (15 minutes)
DOWNLOAD Super Fruits Lesson #12 Chichewa Visual Aids
Story Time: One day (add a common girls name) and (add a common boys name) came in from school and wanted a snack. Their mother had baked a pie earlier in the week and there was just enough left for each of them to have a slice. "Let's have a piece of pie," suggested the little boy. "I'll get the pie while you get us a glass of milk." When he sliced the pie, it turned out like these two slices. One slice was much larger than the other one. His sister poured each of them a glass of milk and sat down at the table. When her brother brought the pie and placed the small slice in front of her and kept the large slice for himself.
"Look what you have done!" she cried. "You gave me the small slice of pie and kept the big slice for yourself."
"Well, how would you have done it?" He asked.
"If I were serving the pie," she said, "I would have given you the large slice and kept the smaller slice for myself."
"Well, what are you complaining about? That's exactly what I did!"
They both laughed and began eating their pie.
We might laugh at that story, but selfishness and greed is a very serious subject. Every day we see people who not only want the biggest slice of the pie for themselves, they want it all! Jesus told a story about a man who was like that.
Read: Luke 12:13-21
The man in Jesus' story was very rich. He had a large, fertile farm which produced very good crops. "What should I do?" the man said to himself. "I have had such a large harvest that I don't have room in my barns to store all of it."
What do you think the man did? (He kept it all for himself, stored in a big Harvest Barn)
What should he have done? (He should have shared some of what he had with those who didn't have very much.)
Do you think that is what the man did? (No)
No, instead he said, "I know what I will do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones" Then I will say to myself, 'You have plenty of everything. Enjoy it. Eat, drink, and be merry.'"
God said to the rich man, "You fool! You will die this very night. Then who will get everything?"
God is good and He has given most of us more than we need.
The question is, what will we do with what God has given to us?
Will we share it with those who don't have as much, or will we greedily keep it for ourselves?

Remember the warning that Jesus gave to the listeners of his story. "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed."
15 Kenaka Iye anawawuza kuti, “Chenjerani! Khalani tcheru ndi makhalidwe onse adyera; moyo wa munthu sukhala chifukwa cha kuchuluka kwa zimene ali nazo.”
Luka 12:15 Optional: Download Bible Verse Visual Aid
Extracts from:
The Bible says:
What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Mark 8:36
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
Matthew 6:19-20
Let the children come and quietly ask God to show them ways that they can help others.
Allow time at the end to share what new thing they are going to do to share what they have with others that don’t have as much as them.
Share what this Series has meant to them.(Allow for responses)
Have they grown? (Allow for Testimonies)
Father, you have blessed most of us with more than we need. Help us to be generous and to share with those who may not have as much. Amen.
Optional: Download Bible Verse Take Home card
Optional: Download English ‘Activity Book’ one for each English speaking child
This is the end of our series I hope you enjoyed it and we look forward to seeing you again for another one of our Chichewa Children's Curriculum.
