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Mau oyambirira a Moringa
(To be translated into Chichewa)
Molly the Moringa Seed
A special 43 page Salvation Flip
Chart has been produced in different languages, some have yet to
be translated

Benzoliv Semans (Creol)
Molly the Moringa Seed
Makena Mbegu Mlonge
Neli pa Mbewu ya Nsangowa
Milagrosa a semente Mvungué (Portuguese)
Eniola Ewe Igbale Irugbin (Nigeria) |
upon a time there was a little seed called Beatrice the Benzoliv
She dreamed of one day becoming a big tree...

A Nsangowa tree (Chichewa for Malawi)
A Moringa tree. (English for Uganda,
the Caribbean and Guyana)
A Benzoliv tree (Creol for Haiti)
A Mlonge tree (Swahili for Tanzania)
A Mvungué tree (Portuguese
for Mozambique)
A Ewe Igbale tree (Nigeria)
But Molly was
very very sad because people were calling her names...
Devil tree
Snake tree
Pit tree

And the story continues ...