si ewe igbale >>sisun
fun irugbin jesu>>gbigbo iru-omo jesu>>ifihan si eso
Ifihan si Eso - Igba #10
# 10th week of our Journey – FRUIT
OF THE SPIRIT Introduction
A tree is recognized by its fruit. You cannot live life without
God and produce good fruit. You cannot be the “good”
person that God desires on your own. You need the power of the Holy
Spirit to work in you and through you. Only then, will you produce
the kind of fruit that we call the Fruit of the Spirit! It is His
work in you – nothing that you can do.
.Let’s work together to
live our lives for God. As we grow in the knowledge of Jesus,
the Holy Spirit will produce fruit in our lives. All we have
to do is love Him! The Holy Spirit does the rest!
to view entire lesson. |
Option 1: This series continues
with a teaching on HARVEST
Option 2: The Fruit of the Spirit Introductory
teaching can continue onto a 12 week English curriculum called
God has "planted" us on this earth and he expects us to
produce good fruit in our life. When He doesn't see these things
in our life, He is very disappointed -- but He is willing to give
us another chance. Jesus wants to help us to be the kind of fruit-bearing
children that God wants us to be. If we will trust in him, read
his Word, and pray -- he will help us to produce a lot of good fruit.