1. GAMES: (10 minutes) BUTTERFLY
Optional: Download Butterfly visual aids
Let children draw, or cut out the butterflies and color
them, this can be done before the class begins as the children
arrive. Write NEW LIFE IN JESUS.
Hang the butterflies from a hanger that has been wrapped
with tissue paper and hang from a tree outside the classroom.
The teacher can have pieces of construction paper cut in
various shapes for the children to glue onto their butterflies.
2. TEAM GAMES: (10 minutes)
Slit the group into two equal teams, make a mark in the dirt or a chalk mark on the floor and give the team the rope and play 'Tug of War'. |
PRAISE CHORUS: (10 minutes)
Optional: Download
'Soms zou ik willen vliegen als een vlindertje' video
| |
4. INTIMATE WORSHIP: (5 minutes)
Optional: Download
‘Jezus Overwinnaar’ video
a. Review: (5 minutes)
God has a gift for you what is that gift? (Eternal life)
What stops us from getting that gift? (Sin)
We all sin, and we cannot save ourselves, t here must be a different
way, what way? (God's way)
Can you tell me the two different sides of God? (Loving and
We have a problem, How did God solved this problem (By sending
His son Jesus)
How do we receive this gift? (By faith)
b. Learn a Bible Verse
(5 minutes)
#1. 2 Corinthiërs 5: 17
Want ieder mens die één geworden
is met Christus, is door God helemaal nieuw gemaakt. De oude
mens is verdwenen. Er is een hele nieuwe mens ontstaan.
Dutch Bible Verse Visual Aid |
#2. Johannes 3:3b
Jezus antwoordde: "Luister goed! Ik zeg je dat je
alleen bij het Koninkrijk van God kan horen als je opnieuw
geboren bent."'
Dutch Bible Verse Visual Aid |

c. Teach the Lesson (15 minutes)
This teaching is about getting set free! We can have the victory.
Jesus won the battle on the cross. Before being set free somebody
pushes our button (we all have them).we react, we are not free.
Are you walking in victory?
Johannes 10:10 "Maar een dief komt alleen
maar om te stelen en te doden en te vernietigen. Ik ben gekomen
om leven te geven en overvloed.".
Are you having life to the full.or are you struggling, just coping
at school? Jesus wants to set you free, not teach you how to cope!
We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus..are you a conqueror
or are children rejecting you and bullying you? Or are you being
conquered by your emotions of anger, bitterness, unforgiveness,
rejection, loneliness, doubts, thoughts of suicide?
Most adult Christians don't have the victory,
they are like yoyos! (Use the YoYo to demonstrate)
We are created in God's image.
Dutch Lesson #9 Visual Aids

( Drama:
Get three volunteers to come out,
place the three signs around their neck, the largest child
-SPIRIT, give him the balloon, next largest - SOUL, smallest
child- BODY. Give them the rope to hold standing about two
foot apart in a line.) |
Genesis 2:7 Toen de Heer God de hemel en de aarde
maakte, maakte Hij ook de mens. Hij maakte hem van het stof van
de aarde (Lichaam) en blies de levensadem in zijn
neus. (Geest) Zo werd de mens een levend wezen.
Walk around with Spirit leading in harmony with God. (Everybody
smiling and in unity) Then the fall... (all the children
turn and face the other direction, the balloon is deflated and Spirit
looks dejected,)
BODY is now in control, following our own desires, controlled by
sin, doing as we please.
SOUL is controlled by body, influenced by the world, by what it
sees and hears
SIPIRT is now weak, ineffective in bondage
(Drama: Body walks around,
swigging from a beer bottle, pretending to smoke and do drugs,
looking lustfully at the girls, having fun, party time! Soul
joins in and weak, inflated Spirit is dragged along.) |

Compliments of https://sermons4kids.com/
But then something happened, it happened one night to a man named
Nicodemus who came to talk to Jesus. As Jesus was talking to
him, he said something that Nicodemus didn't understand. He
told Nicodemus, "No one can see the kingdom of God unless
he is born again." Nicodemus was really puzzled
by what Jesus said. He just couldn't understand how someone
could be born again.

This will help you understand
I think the butterfly is one of the most beautiful things
that God has ever created, but it wasn't always so beautiful.
Optional: Download
Butterfly Life Cycle Visual Aid
Optional: Download
'Vertel eens vlinder' video |
Optional: Download
'Metamorfose' video
The butterfly started out as a fuzzy little caterpillar,
no one would say that caterpillars are beautiful. A caterpillar
is a worm -- and worms are not beautiful! Then, one day
the caterpillar spins a cocoon about himself and stays there
for several weeks. |

When it comes out, it is no longer a caterpillar, it has
been miraculously changed into a beautiful butterfly. God didn't
just take a caterpillar and stick some wings on him! When the cocoon
opens and the butterfly crawls out, it is a new creation.
Bible says, "if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
the old has gone, the new has come!" When we invite Jesus
to come into our heart, we become a new creation. God doesn't just
clean us up, He makes us into a new person. Would you rather be
a worm or a butterfly? Jesus will make you into a new creation if
you will invite him into your heart.

Blow up SPIRIT's balloon the children turn and face the other
direction with SPIRIT leading) |
When we become "born again" normally no change takes place in our
soul and body. Body -is not born again, the battle is in the mind.
Even Apostle Paul struggled.
Read: Romeinen 7:15
"En ik begrijp zelf niet wat ik aan het doen ben. Want
ik doe niet wat ik zou wíllen doen. Maar ik doe juist dat
wat ik níet wil doen omdat het slecht is."
(Drama: SPIRIT suggest going to church, SOUL
goes along with it but BODY is running in the opposite direction,
he is dragged along.)
Romeinen 12 : 2
"Jullie moeten niet meer op dezelfde manier leven als de ongelovige
mensen. Maar leef als nieuwe mensen, doordat jullie op een nieuwe
manier gaan denken, namelijk op Gods manier."

How do we do that?
- Read your Bible
- Pray
- Worship
- Fellowship
- Witness
Optional: Download
'Romeinen' visual aids |
( Drama: SPIRIT is strong, SOUL is transformed,
changed and BODY is beginning to come in line.)
The Story Teller and 'Scruffy'
the sock puppet read "And Puppy' Chapter
9' I am a new creature, so is Puppy!
Chapter 9 of ‘And Puppy’
Dutch 'And Puppy' Bible Verses |

Download and Pray the
Evening Warfare Prayer (Older children and youth only)
Download Youth Deliverance
Training (For teachers/Youth Pastors)
NEXT WEEK: Continue the Deliverance Teaching by
learning about Strongholds and Open Doors teaching. (Designed
for the older children or youth)
If this is not appropriate then this Lesson can lead onto Lesson
Sessions |
Aid |
Music |
Home |
Story Book |
Songs/Videos |
(Sourced from
Bible Society Healing Hearts Club but
adapted for Suriname )
(Deliverance teaching adapted from Warfare
Plus Ministries)
Click on the links below to access these
other Curriculum and download the material for use.