Supplies needed:
• Cut small strips of colored paper, markers.
• Jesus outfit, crown (Lesson #1) white wrap and a blue sash
carrying and a red cloth.
• Print JAIL sign stick it up in the corner for Game 1 and dramatizing
the story.
• Print out musical lyrics.
• Print off 'Bible Verse Visual Aid.'
• Coloured wrap for Joseph, coloured wrap for jail warden, Jesus
wearing His crown.
• Packet of tissues.
• Basket filled with fruit.
• UNICEF tent picture for discussion
• Print the 'Take Home Bible Memory Verse'
• Print Chapter 7 'And Puppy' one for each child.
• Print 'UNICEF in Nederland' Adult Educational Handouts
1. GAMES: (10 minutes)
JAIL TAG: Play a normal game of tag-you're IT...
but the leader trying to tag other players will take the
ones that are tagged to JAIL, over to the side.. in a place
that is set up as a jail in our story today. Let children
take turns tagging and putting into jail.
2. TEAM GAMES: (10 minutes)
Divide the children in two groups, make two lines, give each team
a ball, they have to pass it over their heads and then the other
child between their knees until the ball is at the end of the line,
the child runs forward and repeats until all the children have played,
the first team to finish is the winner. (Have a small prize)
(10 minutes)
Optional: Download
'De kracht van Uw liefde' video
4. INTIMATE WORSHIP: (5 minutes)

a. Review GOOD TOUCH (5
Bible Reading: Mark 10:13-16
Markus 10: 16
En Hij sloeg zijn armen om de kinderen, legde hun de handen
op en zegende hen.
Dutch Bible Verse Visual Aid |
Review BAD TOUCH (5 minutes)
Remember last week we taught you that when Joseph arrived in Egypt,
a lot of things happened to him -- some good -- and some bad. I
will tell you some of the things that happened to Joseph and you
will tell me if they were good or bad.
(Use GOOD and BAD signs from Lesson #5)
GOOD sign
BAD sign

Joseph worked in
the house of Potiphar and was placed over all of his wealth.
Potiphar's wife told some terrible
lies about Joseph to her husband. (Bad)
Because of his wife's lies, Potiphar
had Joseph thrown into jail. (Bad)
But today we are going to learn that God never
left Joseph even when he was in prison. |
b. Learn a Bible Verse
Zo kwam Jozef in de gevangenis terecht.
Maar de Heer was met Jozef. Hij was goed voor hem en zorgde
ervoor dat het hoofd van de gevangenis vriendelijk voor hem
Genesis 39: 20b-21
Dutch Bible Verse Visual Aid |

Optional: Download
the 'Jozef part 4' video

c. Teach the Lesson (15 minutes)
Bible Teaching: (Use GOOD and BAD
While Joseph was in the prison, the
Lord was with him; (Good) he showed him
kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison
warden. (Good) So the warden put Joseph in
charge of all those held in the prison, and he was made responsible
for all that was done there. (Good) The warden
paid no attention to anything under Joseph's care, because
the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success
in whatever he did. (Good) |
While Joseph was in prison he had two friends, the kings cupbearer
(butler) and the king's baker. They had both offended the king and
he had them imprisoned. (Bad)
One night, they both had dreams
and were troubled. Joseph interpreted them. Three
days would pass and the cupbearer would be restored (Good)
but the baker would be beheaded. (Bad) This
was exactly what happened. He then asked the butler to mention
him to Pharaoh and remind him how he had done nothing wrong
and should be released from prison, (Good) unfortunately
the butler forgot all about Joseph once he was released! (Bad)
Joseph had a long list of reasons to be angry at God and life.
He certainly could have walked around bitterly with a chip on his
Think of Joseph's life over 13 years
. At around 17 years old, he was sold to merchants and slave
traders by his own brothers. After things in Egypt were starting
to look up for him, he was falsely accused of attempted rape and
unjustly imprisoned. Again, things were going well for
Joseph, even while in prison. After some time in prison,
he interpreted dreams for Pharaoh's butler and baker. He asked
the butler to remember him when the butler was restored to his position. Now
to add insult to injury, he is forgotten.for two years Hated, betrayed,
rejection, abandoned, sold, enslaved, framed, imprisoned, forgotten
sounds like a raw deal for over a decade, right?
Yet in all his time in Egypt however, this is the first time Joseph
displays unbelief when he put his trust in what man can do instead
of depending on what God can do by getting impatient and asking
the cupbearer to speak a good word for him.
Have you ever promised to do something for someone, who maybe has
done a favour for you, and then you forgot to do it?
It is important that you do what you promise if it is within your
power to do so. Let your word be your bond.
Dutch Lesson #7 Visual Aids

The Story Teller and 'Scruffy'
the sock puppet read "And Puppy' Chapter
7 'Life in the Tent School’
Chapter 7 of ‘And Puppy’
Download Dutch 'And Puppy'
Bible Verses |
Do you get dreams about the Corona
Sometimes God speaks to us in our dreams
Optional: Download
'Puppy Dreaming' Bible Verse
Optional: Download
'Gevoelens leren' video |
Optional: Download
English 'Emotions' and 'Bullying' videos
Discussion: How did you
cope with your new school?

Optional: Download
' Woede beheersing | Disney Channel'
Optional: Download
'Move tegen pesten 2012'

Get the children to come forward with pieces of the Jail Chain
and place them in a basket provided as they place them in the basket
let them ask Jesus to remove these painful thoughts from their minds,
cover them in His blood and set them free.

‘Take Home Memory Verse’
Optional: Download
‘UNICEF in Nederland' Adult
Educational Handout
Chapter 7 of ‘And Puppy’ |
NEXT WEEK: Have an opportunity
to take your pain to the Cross and have Jesus heal your hurt.

Sessions |
Aid |
Music |
Home |
Story Book |
Songs/Videos |
(Sourced from
Bible Society Healing Hearts Club but
adapted for Suriname )
Click on the links below to access these
other Curriculum and download the material for use.