PAKUA 'Biblia ya Watoto' 'Mwanzo wa huzuni ya mwanadamu'
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PAKUA 'Biblia ya Watoto' 'Mwanzo wa huzuni ya mwanadamu'
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PAKUA 'Biblia ya Watoto' 'Mwanzo wa huzuni ya mwanadamu' Mmasai PowerPoint ili kusaidia katika ufundishaji |
IMoyo wake uliumia sana kuona jinsi watu walivyokuwa wakitenda. "Samahani niliwafanya," Mungu alisema, "nitawaondoa wote."
Tumia 'Biblia ya Watoto' nyenzo za Kiswahili kufundishia somo
PAKUA 'Biblia ya Watoto' 'Nuhu na Mafuriko ya ajabu'
Kurasa za Kuchorea za Kiswahili PDF
PAKUA 'Biblia ya Watoto' 'Nuhu na Mafuriko ya ajabu' Kiswahili PowerPoint PDF
Kiswahili Bibilia ya Watoto
PAKUA 'Biblia ya Watoto' 'Nuhu na Mafuriko ya ajabu' Mmasai PowerPoint PDF
PAKUA 'Biblia ya Watoto' 'Nuhu na Mafuriko ya ajabu'
Kurasa za Kuchorea za Mmasai PDF
Mmasai Bibilia ya Watoto
Akajenga mashua kisha akaweka wanyama wawili wa kila aina ndani yake. Kisha Nuhu na familia yake wakaingia katika safina na Mungu akafunga mlango.
What is SIN? Sin is anything we think, or say, or do or don't do that displeases God.
BOFYA kutazama somo lote #2
#3 You can run from God but you cannot hide from Him.

17 Bwana akaweka tayari samaki mkubwa ili ammeze Yona, naye Yona akawa ndani ya tumbo la samaki yule muda wa siku tatu, mchana na usiku.
(YONA 1:17)
Hiari: Pakua Mstari wa kuona wa Bibilia ya Kiswahili |
Neirriu Olaitoriani osinkirri sapuk metoijoi Yona; netii apa Yona enkoshoke o sinkirri nkolong'i uni o nkewarieitin uni.
(YONA 1:17)
Hiari: Pakua Mstari wa kuona wa Bibilia ya Mmasai |

BOFYA kutazama somo lote #3 #4 Wiki ijayo ya Safari yetu - Ubatizo wa Maji - Yesu Anabatizwa
We have learnt that SIN separates us from God, that we can run but not hide so we have a problem, we will learn that God solved that problem by sending His Son Jesus.
• Ingawa Yesu hakuwahi kutenda dhambi, aliona inafaa kufuata mpango wa Mungu kwa mwanadamu kwa kubatizwa katika maji ili aweze kuwa mfano kwa mwanadamu.
• Yesu alijinyenyekeza kwa kumruhusu Yohana abatize kwa sababu ilikuwa muhimu kwa Yesu kufanya mambo kwa njia ya Mungu.
Pakua 'Ubatizo wa Yesu' Kiswahili video
Pakua 'Ubatizo wa Yesu' Kiswahili video |
• Mungu anapendezwa nasi tunapomtii – Roho Mtakatifu ndani yetu hutusaidia kuwa watiifu kwa Mungu kama vile njiwa alivyomjia Yesu na Mungu akasema anampenda na kupendezwa naye.
Ubatizo ni ISHARA inayowafahamisha watu wengine kwamba sisi ni wafuasi wa Kristo na tumemwomba Yesu mioyoni mwetu. "Ubatizo" ni ISHARA kwamba tuko katika familia ya Mungu! Tutajifunza yote kuhusu hili katika wiki chache zijazo.
Hiari: Pakua Mstari wa kuona wa Bibilia ya Mmasai |

BOFYA kutazama somo lote #4
Session #5 of the WATER Series - we learn that Jesus lived a perfect and POWERFUL life he could still the storm and calm the waters!
You will learn in Lesson #5 that when Jesus gave the command "Be still" suddenly, the wind stopped blowing and the sea became calm.
Pakua 'Jesus stills the stormy sea' Bible Verse Reading (Mute version) video to voiceover in Swahili
Pakua 'Jesus stills the stormy sea' Bible Verse Reading (English Audio) video |
He turned to the disciples and said, " Why are you afraid? Do you not have faith?" The disciples were absolutely terrified. " Who is this man?" they asked each other. " Even the wind and waves obey him!"
Wow water was not only made by God but it obeys Jesus!
BOFYA kutazama somo lote #5
Session #6 of the WATER Series -we learn that Jesus was so POWERFUL He did not only still the water but He even walked on water!
When the storms of life come against us, we must learn to keep our eyes on Jesus and to put our trust in Him.
"Jipeni moyo ni mimi; msiogope." (MATHAYO 14:27b)
Pakua Mstari wa kuona wa Bibilia ya Kiswahili |
"Entagoluoto, Nanu doi! Emiureisho." (MATAYO 14:27b)
Pakua Mstari wa kuona wa Bibilia ya Mmasai |
BOFYA kutazama somo lote #6
Session #7 of the WATER Series we will be taught about the first miracle that Jesus performed, turning water into wine.
The Bible tells us that after they saw Jesus perform this miracle, the disciples believed in him. That was always the reason that Jesus performed a miracle. He didn't do it so that he would become popular or well-liked or show off! He did it so that all would believe that he was God's Son who had come to save them.
BOFYA kutazama somo lote #7
#8 Wiki ijayo ya Safari yetu - Maji ya uzima
Kulinganisha Maji ya Kisima na Chemchemi za Maji ya Uhai:
* Maji ya kisima bado. Lakini Chemchemi ya Maji Hai hububujika ndani ya mioyo yetu na kufurika katika familia zetu, marafiki, wenzi wa shule
Yesu alipompa maji ya uzima yule mwanamke kisimani, alikuwa akimtolea maisha mapya, maisha ya Kikristo.
PAKUA Bibilia ya Watoto 'Mwanamke Kisimani ' Kiswahili PowerPoint PDF na kurasa za kupaka rangi Kiswahili Bibilia ya Watoto |
| Na anakupa wewe na mimi. Je! Unataka Chemchemi ya Maji yaliyo hai? Siwezi kukupa. Mama na baba hawawezi kukupa. Wahubiri kanisani hawawezi kukupa. Ni Yesu pekee awezaye kukupa Maji yaliyo hai yadumuyo milele.
PAKUA 'Mwanamke Kisimani' Mstari wa kuona wa Bibilia ya Mmasai
BOFYA kutazama somo zima #8
Session #9 of the WATER Series - we will learn that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and that is why Jesus who lived a perfect and POWERFUL life must die on the cross to shed His blood for our sins.
The soldiers hammered big nails in Jesus hands and feet and picked the cross up putting it between two bad, really bad men.
Colouring page BOFYA kutazama somo lote #9
Session #10 of the WATER Series - He rose from the dead
, Jesus gave a sign of the prophet Jonah. "For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."
Jumapili ya kwanza ya Ufufuo
PAKUA Bibilia Ya Watoto 'Pasaka ya kwanza' Video ya kusoma aya ya Biblia
PAKUA Bibilia Ya Watoto 'Pasaka ya kwanza' Sauti Video ya Kusoma Mstari wa Biblia |
BOFYA kutazama somo lote #10
Session #11 of the WATER Series - we will learn about Jesus ascending into Heaven and the promise that is ours from God.
Bibilia ya Watoto Kiswahili 'Mbinguni, nyumbani pazuri kwa Mungu' PowerPoint ya Kufundisha.
Bibilia ya Watoto Kiswahili 'Mbinguni, nyumbani pazuri kwa Mungu' PDF ya Kufundisha. |
Bibilia ya Watoto Mmasai 'Mbinguni, nyumbani pazuri kwa Mungu' PowerPoint ya Kufundisha.
Bibilia ya Watoto Mmasai 'Mbinguni, nyumbani pazuri kwa Mungu' Kurasa za Kuchorea za Mmasai PDF
Mmasai BIBILIA YA WATOTO: BOFYA kutazama somo lote #11
Session #12 of the WATER Series - in this last session of the Grow and Go WATER Series we are going to help you share your faith using the same Gospel Presentation that we have been using over the last twelve sessions.
Mwamini Bwana Yesu, nawe utaokolewa. Matendo
(Print the Swahili Salvation Gift Box and get the children to practice sharing their faith)
Pakua Salvation Box Visual Aid. |
(Print the Maasai Salvation Gift Box and get the children to practice sharing their faith)
Pakua Salvation Box Visual Aid. |
BOFYA kutazama somo lote #12 REMEMBER:
• God created water and God created us in the image of the Triune God and we were created to be in relationship with God because we are Spirit and need relationship with a Spirit God.
• Sin enters the world and separates us from God. Sin is anything we think, or say, or do or don't do that displeases God. Sin has consequences, God deals with sin thought water. Remember Noah and the great flood. Never forget we can run from God but we cannot hide from God, don't forget Jonah.
• We have a BIG problem and God solved that problem by sending His Son Jesus. Although He lived a perfect life He still went though Water Baptism. This allows us to be born again in our spirit man - when Adam and Eve sinned, God’s spirit in them (His breath) left their presence because God cannot look upon sin. Although God still loves us, He hates sin in us. God is love but He is also just and must punish sin. Remember God solved this problem once and for all by sending His Son Jesus.
• Jesus lived a perfect POWERFUL life, He was so POWERFUL that He could still the water, when the storms of life come against us, He can still the storm and if we learn to keep our eyes on Jesus and to put our trust in Him He can do the impossible with us. He was so POWERFUL He could walked on water, change water into wine in fact He is the Living Water.
• Jesus died on the cross, rose from the dead and He is in Heaven now offering us the FREE gift of eternal life.
• Finally we taught you how to share your Faith with your friends and family.

| Mbegu huja kwa maumbo na ukubwa tofauti, lakini kila mbegu hubeba ndani yake uwezo wote na ahadi ya kile inaweza kuwa.
Pakua Kiingereza 'Ni mimea gani inahitaji kukua' video |
Kila mbegu ina kiinitete na duka la chakula, lililozungukwa na kulindwa na koti la nje la mbegu. Hifadhi ya chakula ni kubwa vya kutosha kuruhusu mmea kukua majani yake ya kwanza ili kuanza kuzalisha chakula chake. Chini ya hali nzuri, "kifungu" hiki kidogo kikamilifu kitakua na kuendeleza kuwa mmea mpya, ambao utatoa chakula na makazi, au uzuri tu, kwa sisi sote.
Hiari: Pakua ukurasa wa 'kuota kwa mbegu' Mmasai |

But it needs sunshine and water, just like we need the Light of the world and the Living water to grow Spiritually.
Wiki ijayo tutaanza Msururu wetu wa Ukuaji wa Kiroho
Au Msururu wa Nuru