Supplies needed:
• Different colour strips of cloth.
• Safety pins to make a coat.
• A large piece of paper, glue and crayons.
• Print the Joseph coat Visual Aid and get the children to
• Print the Joseph stickman Visual Aid and colour.
• Black blindfold.
• Thumb tacks.
•Small pieces of paper, pencils
• Print out musical lyrics.
• Print 'Bible Verse Visual Aid' and get a child
to colour it prior to the class.
• Print 'Een favoriete zoon wordt een slaaf' colouring
pages and Take Home Track
• Print 'Take Home Bible Memory Verse'
• Print Chapter #1 of 'And Puppy' one for each child
• Print the 'Hoe bescherm je jezelf en je kinderen?
Hoe bescherm je jezelf en je kinderen?' Adult Educational
• Create a ‘Heaven Corner’ with a gold
cloth on a chair with Jesus’ crown and a wooden cross, covered
with a red cloth to represent His blood
1. GAMES: (10 minutes)
Print the Joseph stick man and print the Joseph coat and get the children to colour before Game #1
DOWNLOAD Game #1 'Stick man' |
Take turns being blindfolded and trying to pin the COLORFUL coat onto Joseph stickman!
DOWNLOAD Lesson #1 Dutch Game #1 Visual Aids |
2. TEAM GAMES: (10 minutes)
Dutch Visual Aids
2. TEAM GAMES: (10 minutes)
ROBE RUN: The teacher will have two poster
boards - one for each team. Draw a very large outline of a
coat with stripes. Divide the class into 2 teams. Children
will run a relay to take turns in coloring ONE stripe with
colored marker or crayon of his/her choice and then run back
to the team for the next player to run to the coat. Continue
until all the stripes are coloured, the team to finish first
is the winner.
(Each child should be given an individual pack of crayons
so as not to share and cause any cross infections) |
3. ACTIVE PRAISE CHORUS: (10 minutes)
Optioneel: Downloaden
'Je bent bijzonder' video
4. INTIMATE WORSHIP: (5 minutes)
Optioneel: Downloaden
'De kracht van Uw liefde' Video
a. Review (5 minutes)
(This being Lesson 1 there may not be a review unless this teaching
comes after previous teaching)
Dutch Visual Aids
Downloaden 'Een
favoriete zoon wordt een slaaf' PDF Volledige diavoorstelling
in PowerPoint
Downloaden 'Een favoriete
zoon wordt een slaaf compleet kleurboek
Compliments of Bijbel
voor Kinderen
b. Learn a Bible Verse (5minutes)
Israël hield meer van Jozef dan van al zijn andere zonen,
Genesis 37: 3a
Dutch Bible Verse Visual Aid
Encourage the children to color it and use it to teach the
Bible Verse.
(Each child to have thier own colouring pens/pencils
to prevent cross infection) |
Downloaden 'Een favoriete zoon
wordt een slaaf' Lesson #1 Bijbel geheugen vers
in kleur
Optioneel: Downloaden
'Een favoriete zoon wordt een slaaf' Lesson
#1 Bijbel geheugen vers kleurplaat
Aangepast van Bijbel
voor Kinderen
c. Teach the Lesson (15 minutes)
Bible Reading: Genesis 37: 3-4; 12-13; 17b-24
Optioneel: Downloaden
‘Jozef part 1' video
Joseph was a part of a family. Even though Joseph grew up in a
messed-up family, he did not allow his unusual and dysfunctional
family background to get in the way of serving God. He refused to
use his family history as an excuse.
We are also part of an earthly family as well as a Christian Church
family. We are the brothers and sisters of Jesus The Church is a
family bound together by love for God, their Heavenly Father, and
for one another.
One day Jesus was together with his disciples in a house. When
Jesus' mother and brothers arrived at the house, they sent someone
inside to look for him. They told Jesus, “Your mother and
brothers are outside looking for you.” Jesus looked around
at the people seated around him and answered, "Here are my
mother and my brothers! Whoever does God’s will is my brother
& sister & mother.”
Did Jesus love his real mother and brothers? Of course he did,
but he also realized that he had another family. It was a family
made up of those who loved his Heavenly Father and did his will.
You and I love our families, but we also have a wonderful family
of faith made up of brothers and sisters who love God and love one
another. It is wonderful to be a part of "The Family of God."
Joseph was loved by his earthly father, he gave him a very special
present, can you remember what that was?
But Joseph was also very important to God who loved him and you
will learn later in this teaching God never left him even in Joseph’s
times of difficulties. God knew Joseph before he was even born and
He had a great plan for Joseph just like He has for you.
Jeremia 1:5a
"Nog voordat Ik je maakte in de buik van je moeder, kende Ik je
al. Al voordat je werd geboren, gaf Ik jou je taak.
Jeremia 29:11
“ Want Ik weet wat mijn plannen voor jullie zijn, zegt
de Heer. Ik heb mooie plannen voor jullie. Plannen vol vrede,
niet vol ellende. Want Ik heb een hoopvolle toekomst voor jullie.”
Joseph's father loved him more than his brothers. Jesus is the
beloved son and preferred one of the Father.
Teller and 'Scruffy' the sock puppet
read "And Puppy' Chapter #1 'CoCo
19 Warning'
‘And Puppy’ front cover
Chapter 1 of ‘And Puppy’
Full Story Book
Optioneel: Downloaden
Dutch 'And Puppy' Bible Verses |
Optioneel: Downloaden
Dutch ‘Coronavirus Prevention’ song
Downloaden Dutch ‘Animatie Corona
in begrijpelijke taal’ video
Downloaden 'ROBert
legt coronavirus uit aan kinderen' video |
Optioneel: Downloaden ‘Campagne handhygiëne
woonzorgcentra’ video
Optioneel: Downloaden'Coronavirus- uitleg geven & angst
relativeren’ video |
Optioneel: Downloaden ‘Omgaan met het coronavirus
ouders en kinderen’ |
Downloaden Dutch
‘Wash your Hands’ colouring page.
Downloaden Dutch
‘Wash your Hands’ poster |
One child will start and tag another child and say “JOIN THE
FAMILY”. They will hold hands each time one is caught and
continue to tag more and hold hands until the whole class is holding
hands thanking God for your family. We are not born God's Children.
We are adopted by Him through Jesus. We will learn how to become
God's Children
Discussion: Do you know anyone who had or has
Heavenly Father, we thank you for our families and we thank you
for our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Thank you for keeping
me and all my family safe during this Coronavirus Crisis. In Jesus'
name we pray. Amen.
Dutch ‘Take Home Memory Verse’
Optioneel: Downloaden
‘And Puppy’ front cover
Optioneel: Downloaden
Chapter 1 of ‘And Puppy’
Downloaden ‘ Hoe bescherm
je jezelf en je kinderen? Hoe bescherm je jezelf en je kinderen?’
Adult Educational handouts |
NEXT WEEK: We will learn that sometimes bad things
happen to good people. Joseph is betrayed by his brothers and thrown
into a pit and separated from his father.