On the grounds of House of Freedom
Tanzania is smaller building that would second as the
Empowerment Sewing Project Factory. It can facilitate
30 sewing machines, the project has already been established
with 5 sewing machines but there is a great need for expansion. |
Thank God funding was sourced and we have been able to start
this project.
a letter of prayer from Tanzania
"First of all thanks very much, with
the project we as women are so glad to be part of the it ,we
thanks the leadership of the UCT for the project which will
change our lives for the better on the other hand we thank
the Lord for giving you the vision of this project" <
Read more >
another letter of thanks from one of the ladies already
in the program. |
The Tanzania team plan to market the products through
the schools in Tanzania and Liberty PVT school has already agreed
to purchase school uniforms from the UCT -Tanzania Sewing Project
In the Caribbean UCT plans to promote the project
through the schools in our region where children will be able to
select styles and order outfits. These will be imported from Africa
and sold at our 'Africa Appeal' outlets in Barbados.
Senator Lynette Eastmond, Barbados' Minister of
Commerce, Consumer Affairs and Business Development, speaking on
September 2006 at a business seminar at United Nations (UN) House,
in association with the Barbados Investment and Development Corporation
(BIDC), is of the view that the "synergies to be derived
from Barbados' reconnection with Africa, have great potential for
culture, the economy, trade and investment".
Senator Eastmond commented that as part of the foreign
policy, "Barbados has set for itself a goal of reconnecting
with the African continent". She shared several ways in
which the current has achieved this goal.<
Read more >
Donations can be made to:
First Caribbean International Bank Bds Ltd
Super Centre Complex, Warrens
St. Michael, Barbados
Account number 1001092544
Email united_caribbean@yahoo.com