Tanzania Representative
House of Prayer and Freedom church
Tanzania Ministry
United Caribbean
Tanzania KIMI Co-ordinators
Tanzania KIMI Teachers
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from the women of Tanzania
United Caribbean Trust - Tanzania Sewing Student
My name is Sella Yona.
I was born in the year of 1985 I am the first
born in the family of seven. Due to the poverty of our family
I was married early to a husband who left me soon after I
delivered our first child, who has some physical challenges,
that was two years ago. I decided to go back to my father
and mother however a few weeks later our father left us so
our life has became even tough. |
I am so glad that I am one of the
women who is privileged to be here in the sewing project where
we are learning how to make outfit free of charge, now I feel
like God has a purpose for even the poor people like me, I can
now see that I am on the way towards helping take care of my
old mother and paying the school fees for my young brothers
and sisters. I count it as a favor which has come in due season
from the Lord. Soon after I have known how to make the outfit
for men and women I hope I will be able to make money to support
my family. |
I am so glad to be here, to say the truth I don't
have any words to express my joy and happiness may the good Lord
bless you so much for having this vision of helping the women of
Sella Yona
Seen here Pastor Lottie,
our UCT Tanzania Representative infront of the UCT Tanzania
Sewing Project building whidh is being refurbished.
Click on pictures to enlarge.