(10 minutes)
Download Portuguese Praise
and Worship Music
4. INTIMATE WORSHIP: (5 minutes)

a. “Back Track” Review (5 minutes)
This is a brand new series so there may be no review. However if
you have been following the Sowing Seeds of Success Curriculum you
may want to discuss the things learnt in that series.
Last week we learnt in between the seed-planting & the harvesting
a divine process had been going on. GOD HAD BEEN GROWING THE SEED!
Remember we leant that the seed that landed on the good ground was like someone who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. Optional: Download
Portuguese Bible Verse Visual Aid
The important thing to notice about farmers is that they have to
be willing to wait for the seed to come into full growth! That is
how you make it through the growing season, REFUSE TO GIVE UP UNTIL
b. Sword Play
Ready…Swords up...Romanos
15: 13 ... CHARGE!
13 Ora, o Deus de esperança vos encha de todo o gozo e paz em crença, para que abundeis em esperança pela virtude do Espírito Santo. Romanos 15: 13
Bible Verse Visual Aid

c. Teach the Lesson (15 minutes)
Super Fruits Lesson #1 Portuguese Visual Aids
Our Bible lesson today is about fruit. No, we aren't talking about
apples and oranges. It is about a different kind of fruit -- the
fruit of the Spirit. We are talking about the way we act when we
put our faith in Jesus, ask him to forgive us of our sins, and promise
be his followers. The Bible tells us that when we do that, the Holy
Spirit fills us with God's love and produces some good fruit in
our life.
If you see an apple tree, what do you expect to find on that tree?
Apples! Well, when you see someone who is filled with the Holy Spirit,
you expect to see what the Bible calls the fruit of the Spirit.
What is that? It is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Oh my, that is some
good fruit, isn't it?
Are you always patient? Are you always gentle and kind? No, there
will be times when you fail. When you fail, ask God to forgive you
and fill you with his Spirit so that you will produce the kind of
fruit that he wants to see in your life.
Extracts from Sermon 4 Kids
Fruit of the Spirit:
The fruit of the Spirit is a gift God gives Christians to help them live lives that please him and show his love to those who don’t know God.
Download Portuguese Fruit of the Spirit
Music video

As children learn about the fruit of the spirit, they will learn that God uses us as his instruments to show his love to others!

Jesus was the ultimate expression of God’s love, and all the qualities of God that made Jesus who he was—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control—become qualities in us the closer we grow in our relationships with Jesus.
Download Fruit of the Spirit Visual Aids |
Love: We are to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, soul and mind. This will enable us to show love by doing things for others and being nice to family, friends and pets. God says to love your enemies. That’s hard to do but God expects that!
Joy There is a difference between joy and happiness.
Happiness is based upon “happenings,” meaning if good
things happen, you’re happy, but if bad things happen we are
unhappy. Not so with joy
Peace is being content with what God has given
us. Be happy with what you have.
Longsuffering is patients, not whining or complaining.
Remember, patience with your brothers or sisters, no matter how
hard that is.
Kindness is giving and helpful. Saying something
nice to someone that you see is feeling down?
Goodness means caring and understanding. Do a
little something extra to help out at home.
Faithfulness means to be true to God. You all
know right from wrong. You all know what God expects. You all know
what He says not to do.
Gentleness is being tender and calm. Again, being
kind to your family, friends and your pets.
Self-control is managing your wants and emotions.
Oh, this is a hard one! Don’t do things that you know you
shouldn’t be doing. If you have to hide it or lie about it,
don’t do it. Be careful how you act, what you say. Be careful
of the friends you pick.
God has "planted" us on this earth and he expects us to
produce good fruit in our life. When He doesn't see these things
in our life, He is very disappointed -- but He is willing to give
us another chance. Jesus wants to help us to be the kind of fruit-bearing
children that God wants us to be. If we will trust in him, read
his Word, and pray -- he will help us to produce a lot of good fruit.
Our dear Heavenly Father, You are the God of love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control,
thank you for giving us these gifts, thank you for our friends and
our families. Just as you show us all of these good things let us
share them with the world we live in. In Jesus name.

‘Take Home Bible Memory Verse'
These should be photocopied prior to the Session
and available to take home. |
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