b. The next step of the lesson is to teach the Bible Verse - “Sword
• Teach them in a fun memorable way
• Be completely prepared. – If you need notes, have
them where you can glance at them
“Sword Play”
We use short versions of the scriptures, but older children may
be encouraged to memorize the entire verse.
Guidelines in teaching the “Sword
Play” Bible Verse
• Be creative
• Use objects
• Include game-like activities
“Sword Play” Teaching Methods
1. Footsteps:
Write the intended memory verse on footsteps read the verse
out loud to the group or class.
a. Ask the group to repeat the verse with you.
b. Get one volunteer to walk the footsteps repeating the verse
Remove one key word from the line of footsteps get them to
walk again.
c. Remove another word and repeat previous step.
d. Continue until child can say verse from memory with no
written reminders. |

2. Balloon Jumble:

Have 2 teams of
children line up holding up cards with the verse written in
words or phrases in order. (Balloons)
a. Scramble the children all up, then challenge the teams
to get back in order.
b. Cheer the winner.
c. Have all children then repeat the verse.
d. Scramble them out of order again but this time
choose children to repeat the verse without seeing it put back in
e. Break the verse apart for younger kids.
3. Hand Motions:
Make up motions to go with the words.
4. Rap: Make up your own
tune for the verse this can be sung with clapping, hopping
or dancing. Start a rhythm with a drum. Fit the rhythm of
the verse to the rhythm of the drum. Turn it into a worship
“rap” song. |

5. Skipping
to the rhythm.
Turn the verse into a song and
skip as the verse if recited, singing as you skip. |
6. Hand chant :
John 3 : 16
For (clap left hands together) God
(clap right hand together) so (clap both hands together)
loved (clap left hands together) the (clap right
hand together) world, (clap both hands together
getting faster and faster) etc. This always results
in lots of fun and laughter.
7. Silly voices: Have children
practice verse with different “silly” character voices
– Example:“Mini-Mouse” (high, squeaky), ‘roar’
it like a Lion or a robot voice (monotone, staccato)
8. Crazy stand-ups. Split the class
into three, one team stands and chants, “For the wages of
sin is death.” The next team stands and chants, “but
the gift of God is eternal life” Another team stands and shouts
out “in Christ Jesus our Lord.”. The last team stands
and shouts “Romans 6:23!” Have a contest as to which
side can say their portion of the verse the loudest and strongest.
9. Passing the parcel – Wrap
a little gift with many layers of paper. On each layer write the
verse in BOLD. Pass a parcel with the verse written upon it. Play
music, or drum, then stop it! Whoever has the parcel says memory
verse unwraps the gift and passes it on. Eventually many children
will have a chance and all will hear it several times and in the
end someone gets a little gift.
10. Drama.
For God so loved the world.
Or Long jump to Jesus
“For all have sinned and come short
of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23) |

Get the children to try and long jump to Jesus,
as each one fails point out that he ‘came short’
of reaching Jesus because all have sinned and come short of the
glory of God.
No matter how hard they try they can’t reach
Jesus in their own strength.
Above KIMI training in
Parimaribo in Suriname
11. Clothes Variations Girls wearing
red – say the memory verse.
Boys wearing blue color shirts – say the memory verse.

12. Ball
Throw a world beach ball from
one child to the other each child saying one word of the verse
... FOR (throw the ball) GOD (throw the ball
high) SO (throw the ball low) LOVED (throw
the ball to the left - continue getting faster and harder
as you recite the verse. Make it fun!) |

5) Fast-moving Teaching

Seen here the fourth KIMI Suriname
training that took place at an Evangelic Centre Suriname church
in the capital of Parimaribo.
Twelve different churches came
together for this training, including many Kinder Club teachers.
Utilize Visual Aids that can be downloaded from
this website.
Above KIMI training in Nicharie
in Suriname
Above KIMI training in French
Click to view
Step 6