b. Sword Play
Ready…Swords up… Mark 4:41b … CHARGE
"What kind of man is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!"
Mark 4:41b
(Use Bible Verse Visual Aid, give each child a Memory Verse to take home)
DOWNLOAD Bible Verse Visual Aid |
(MAK 4:41b)
DOWNLOAD Nuer Bible Verse Visual Aid |
c. Teach the Lesson (Before the class arrange the chairs in the shape of a boat. Have a large sheet hoisted on a stick that can be the sail, if possible have strips of blue material and white material to represent the sea and the wind. And identify one child that can be Jesus, try and use the same boy for Jesus during all the sessions)
Utilize the 'Bible for Children' material for teaching the lesson
DOWNLOAD 'Jesus stills the stormy sea' Bible Verse Reading (Mute version) video to voice over in Nuer
DOWNLOAD 'Jesus stills the stormy sea' Bible Verse Reading (English Audio) video |
Adapted from Bible for Children.
BIBLE READING: Mark 4:35-41
DOWNLOAD Animated videos to compliment the Bible Reading, including this one with English subtitles.

How many of you have ever been out in a boat on the water? Since our Bible lesson today is about Jesus and his disciples in a boat, I thought it might be fun if we listened to our lesson today while sitting in a boat. OK, climb in, let's pretend this is a boat. Now that you are all in the boat, it would probably be a good idea if I got in the boat with you.
It wouldn't be a very good idea to send a bunch of children out in a boat by themselves. What if they got out in the middle of the sea and something bad happened? What if a storm came up? Have you ever been out in a boat when a storm came up?
First the wind started to blow , (Get a child to wave the white cloth like wind blowing, flap the sail) then cames the rain, (Have a sqeezie bottle with water and squeeze it in the air so drops of water fall on the children) thunder, and lightening . (Child waves the blue cloth demonstration a rough sea) Oh my, that is quite frightening, isn't it? (Start rocking your chair side to side and get the children to do the same.)
Well, that is exactly what happened in today's Bible lesson. Jesus and his disciples had been traveling all around the countryside and Jesus had been teaching and performing many miracles. When evening came, Jesus said to his disciples, " Let's cross over to the other side of the lake." So they climbed into a boat and set sail to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. Jesus was very tired, so he was sleeping at the back of the boat with his head on a pillow. Suddenly, a fierce storm came up. (Get a child to wave the white cloth like wind blowing, flap the sail) High waves came up and the boat began to fill with water . (Child waves the blue cloth demonstration a rough sea) The disciples were afraid and went and woke Jesus. ( Another child dressed up like Jesus, with a white wrap and a blue sash is asleep in the back on the make believe boat) " Teacher," they shouted, " don't you care that we are going to drown?"
When Jesus woke up, he spoke to the winds and the waves, " Quiet! Be still!" Suddenly, the wind stopped blowing and the sea became calm. He turned to the disciples and said, " Why are you afraid? Do you not have faith?" The disciples were absolutely terrified. " Who is this man?" they asked each other. " Even the wind and waves obey him!"
Wow water was not only made by God, which we learnt about in Session #1 but it also obeys Jesus!
At the beginning of the lesson, I climbed in the boat with you so that I could help you if something happened. As we sail through life, things are going to happen. We will face many storms in our life.
They may not be the kind of storms that we talked about in today's lesson. Perhaps we may face a serious illness or a family problem, these are like storms in our lives. We might make a wrong decision or fall in with the wrong crowd at school. During these times, Jesus can calm the storms of doubt and fear in our life.
He doesn't always take away all of the problems, but if we will trust in him, he will give us peace in our hearts even in the middle of a storm. When you face these problems on the sea of life, who do you want to have in the boat with you? ( Jesus ) I know who I want! I want Jesus. He can calm every storm. If you take Jesus with you day by day, he will be there with you in the storm.
Give the children supplies to draw storm clouds on a piece of construction paper. ( Or photocopy Storm Clouds cut them out and give one to each child ) Give the children markers to write various "storms" that can happen in our lives today. Eg 'A Natural Disaster - Hurricane' 'A death in our family' 'Dad loss his job' ' Dad has walked out' 'Abuse' 'Domestic Violence' 'Fighting at home' 'Bullying' 'Fear'. Write a "storm" on each cloud. Children could then on the other side draw a sun and write Jesus said "QUIET - BE STILL" .
DOWNLOAD Storm Clouds |
Have you ever lived though a really bad storm or hurricane?
Do you want to share your experience?
Have you been through other storms in your personal life, not weather storms?
How did it make you feel?
Who did you turn to for help?
Let's sit quietly and close our eyes, I want you to remember a time when you experienced a storm, a natural one or maybe an emotional storm, a great sadness, imagine you are in that boat and all around you there is confusion, fear, the wind is raging and the rain is lashing down and you are very afraid, and alone, but Jesus is asleep at the back of the boat and I want you to visualize that you sneak down into the boat and crawl under His blanket and you go to sleep curled up with Jesus, and all the stress of the storm all around you fades away and all is at peace and you sleep soundly in his embrace.
PRAYER: Our Father, we know that each day we will face difficult situations. We are thankful that as we sail through life, you are always there to calm the storms, we thank you for those times when you calm the storms that come up in our daily lives. We also thank you for those times when you give us peace even though we are in the middle of a storm. We ask you to watch over us and keep us safe. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Print the Take Home Bible Verse one for each child. Make sure the children store them safely in the folder and bring them back the next session.
DOWNLOAD Take Home Bible Verse
DOWNLOAD 'Jesus stills the stormy sea' Take Home Colouring Track
Colouring pages
Fill in the words quiz
Cross word, Decoder quiz, Wordsearch and Children's Workbook
DOWNLOAD Activities |
Jesus Calms the Storm Children's Sermon | Sermons4Kids

Print the Take Home Bible Verse one for each child. Make sure the children store them safely in the folder and bring them back the next session.
DOWNLOAD Nuer Take Home Bible Verse
NEXT WEEK: We learn that Jesus was so POWERFUL that He even walked on water,
when the storms of life come against us, we will learn to keep our eyes on Jesus and to put our trust in Him.
English BioSand Teaching:

Optional: Download 'Stop Microbes wash your hands' poster to assist with the teaching.
Optional: Download 'Stop Microbes wash your hands' English Educational Handout for the parents or guardian. (To be translated into Nuer)

Optional: Download 'Stop Microbes wash your hands' Nuer poster to assist with the teaching.
Stop Microbes - Wash Your Hands
Key Message: Washing our hands well and often will prevent illness.
Possible Questions:
When do you wash your hands?
How do you wash your hands?
Why does washing your hands help to prevent illness?
Microbes are transferred from our hands and into our bodies through our mouths, nose and eyes. This transfer can be stopped if we wash our hands well and frequently.
This poster shows how and when we should wash our hands. We call this the 3 x 3 method.
The three times when we should wash our hands are:
Before cooking or preparing food
Before eating or before feeding children
After defecating and after changing or cleaning babies
The three steps to wash our hands are:
Wash both hands with water and soap or ash.
Rub the front and back of your hands and in between your fingers at least three times
Dry hands with a clean towel or air dry your hands
We need to wash our hands thoroughly to remove the microbes from our hands. Water alone will not remove all microbes from our hands. That is why we use soap or ash every time we wash our hands. We need to be careful when drying our hands so we don't make them dirty again.
Check for Understanding:
Show me how to wash your hands.
When should we wash our hands?
Why do we use soap or ash?
Why do we use good water?
Why do we use a clean towel to dry our hands?
Information sourced from CAWST.org
Store your water safely
Keep your treated water in a container that will keep it from getting dirty again.
Optional: Download 'Store your water safely' poster to assist with the teaching.
Optional: Download 'Store your water safely' English Educational Handout for the parents or guardian. (To be translated into Nuer) |

Optional: Download 'Store your water safely' Nuer poster to assist with the teaching.

Store Your Treated Water Safely
Key Message: Treated water should be stored properly to keep it safe.
Possible Questions:
How can water be stored?
What type of storage container do you use for drinking water?
What are the good features of the water containers shown?
What are the bad features of the water containers shown?
Treated water needs to be protected from recontamination with a good storage container.
A separate drinking water container should only be used to store treated water. Use a different container for dirty water and use it only for untreated source water.
A good storage container has the following features:
Strong and tightly fitting lid or cover
Tap or narrow opening
Stable base
Comfortable handle
Allows air to enter as water is poured
Should not be translucent
These features of a good storage container will prevent recontamination.
A clear storage container, placed in the sun, may become dirty very quickly. Place the storage container in a shady place within the home. It should be stored off the ground in a clean place.
Sometimes it is difficult to find or buy a good storage container. The most important things are to make sure that it is covered and only used for treated water .
Check for Understanding:
What is a good water storage container? Why?
Where can you get a good water storage container?
Why should we keep our hand and fingers out of the storage container?
Why does a good storage container have a lid? Information sourced from CAWST.org
Visit English Drop of Hope website -
Store your water safely

CLICK to view Water Series - Session #6