Numerous Music videos have been downloaded to assist you with the children's Praise and Worship
Optional: DOWNLOAD English Music videos |
4. INTIMATE WORSHIP: (5 minutes)
a. Review:
Last session we learnt that He rose from the dead, and He is in Heaven now, offering us the FREE gift of eternal life.
DOWNLOAD Review Colouring page |
b. Yoruba Sword Play
Ready…Swords up… Acts 1:11b … CHARGE
(Use Bible Verse Visual Aid, give each child a Memory Verse to take home)
DOWNLOAD Yoruba Bible Verse Visual Aid |
b. English Sword Play
Ready…Swords up… Acts 1:11b … CHARGE
"You saw Jesus taken away from you into heaven. He will come back in the same way you saw him go." Acts 1:11b
Optional: DOWNLOAD Bible Verse Visual Aid |
c. Teach the Lesson
This week we will learn about Him ascending into Heaven and the promise that is ours from God.

DOWNLOAD 'Ascension' Bible Verse Reading Video Mute version to voiceover in Yoruba
Optional: DOWNLOAD 'Ascension' Bible Verse Reading Video English Audio version
Optional: DOWNLOAD Animated English videos to compliment the Bible Reading.

In today's Bible lesson in the book of Acts, we learn that when Jesus was ready to return to heaven, He took His disciples aside to make sure that they understood everything that had happened to Him. He explained why it was important for Him to be crucified and to be raised from the dead to fulfill what the Scriptures had said about Him. He also told them that he was going to return to His Father in heaven and that the Holy Spirit would come to be with them.
He is in Heaven now offering us the FREE gift of eternal life.
At first, the disciples were sad that Jesus would be leaving them, but then the Bible tells us that Jesus opened their minds so they would understand. Then, an amazing thing happened. The Bible tells us that Jesus lifted his hands and blessed His disciples. While He was blessing them, He lifted up and was taken up into heaven "up, up and away."
I don't know how all of this looked, but in my imagination I can see the disciples standing and watching as Jesus ascended higher and higher until He disappeared from view. Were the disciples sad? No way! The Bible tells us that when Jesus had gone up into heaven, the disciples worshipped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. They stayed continually in the temple, praising God.
They had to wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit.

Optional: DOWNLOAD Animated videos to compliment the Bible Reading.
DOWNLOAD Bible For Children, 'The Birth of the Church' Bible Verse Reading Mute Video to voiceover in Yoruba.
Optional: DOWNLOAD Bible For Children, 'The Birth of the Church' Bible Verse Reading English Audio Video.

Adapted from Bible for Children.
When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a noise came from heaven. It sounded like a strong wind blowing. This noise filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw something that looked like flames of fire. The flames were separated and stood over each person there. 4 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak different languages. The Holy Spirit was giving them the power to speak these languages.
When Jesus told his disciples that he was going to return to heaven, he promised them that he would ask the Father to send another helper to be with them. That was a wonderful promise that Jesus gave his followers, but Peter, James, John, Andrew, and the rest of the disciples weren't really sure exactly what that meant.
After Jesus had ascended into heaven, the Bible tells us that his followers were gathered together in one place. They were gathered to celebrate a festival called Pentecost when they gave an offering to God of the firstfruits of their harvest.
Suddenly, they heard a sound like the rushing of a mighty wind. Next, they saw what appeared to be tongues of fire that came to rest upon the heads of each one of them. That would have been pretty amazing if that had been all that happened, but it wasn't. The Bible tells us that, after the wind and fire, they were filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to speak in other languages. Everyone there could understand what was being said regardless of what language they spoke.
That is an amazing story about God sending the Holy Spirit, isn't it? What is really amazing is that the Holy Spirit didn't come that one time and then go away. The Spirit still lives in the hearts of Christ's followers and the Spirit is with us here today. The Holy Spirit guides us in the decisions we make each day. He is the comforter who calms our fears and fills us with hope. The Holy Spirit speaks to us through the Scripture and helps us to understand what we read. The Holy Spirit is to help us, so let us listen to Him and do what he leads us to do.
This is very exciting! I think it would be good for us to have a celebration to thank God for sending us the Holy Spirit. I have some red, orange, and yellow streamers to pass out to you. Can you guess why I chose those colors? That's right! Those colors represent the fire that rested on the followers of Jesus on the day of Pentecost. When all of you have your streamers, we are going to celebrate by waving them above our heads as we sing and praise God.
Optional: DOWNLOAD Bible for Children 'The birth of the Church' English Colouring Pages and PowerPoint to be used as visual aids.
Sourced from Bible for Children. |
DOWNLOAD Bible for Children 'The birth of the Church' Yoruba PowerPoint to help teach the children on Nigeria.
Sourced from Bible for Children. |
DOWNLOAD Bible for Children 'The birth of the Church' Yoruba Bible Verse Coloouring pages PowerPoint to help teach the children on Nigeria.
Adapted from Bible for Children. |
How do you think the disciples felt when they say Jesus going up to Heaven?
Maybe they felt fearful and alone almost abandoned, have you ever felt that way?
Dear God, thank You for sending Jesus, Your only Son, to die for our sin. We know that He has risen from the dead and has returned to heaven. Bless us today as we worship Him with great joy! Heavenly Father, we are thankful to you for sending the Holy Spirit to live within us and to be our comforter, teacher, and guide. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Print the Take Home Bible Verse one for each child. Make sure the children store them safely in the folder and bring them back the next day.
DOWNLOAD Yoruba Take Home Bible Verses

Print the Take Home Bible Verse one for each child. Make sure the children store them safely in the folder and bring them back the next day.
Optional: DOWNLOAD English Take Home Bible Verses

Colouring pages
Ascension and Pentecost Cross word quizzes
Ascension and Pentecost Decoder quizzes
Ascension and Pentecost Wordsearch quizzes
Ascension and Pentecost Children's Workbooks
Optional: DOWNLOAD English Activities |
Up, Up and Away! Children's Sermon | Sermons4Kids
Pentecostal Power Children's Sermon | Sermons4Kids
NEXT SESSION: In this last session of the Grow and Go WATER Series we are going to help you share your faith using the same Gospel Presentation that we have been using over the last twelve sessions.
BioSand Teaching:
Stage H: Maintenance
Embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office.
Optional: Download English BioSand Filter PowerPoint - 'BioSand Maintenance' |

If the flow rate is less than 400 mL/minute, the filter will still work.
But users may not like a slow flow rate. The flow rate will get even slower as they use the filter because the top of the sand clogs with dirt. If the flow rate gets too slow, they may stop using the filter.
If the flow rate is too slow after you install the filter, you can try to make it faster by cleaning the top of the sand. Do a Swirl and Dump. Swirl the top of the sand with your hand. Then use a cup to dump out the dirty water in the top of the filter.
Swirl and Dump
Download 'BioSand Filter Maintenance
' Yoruba poster to assist with the teaching.
Download 'BioSand Filter Maintenance' Yoruba Educational Handout for the parents or guardian in Nigeria
Optional: Download 'BioSand Filter Maintenance
' English poster to assist with the teaching.
Optional: Download 'BioSand Filter Maintenance' English Educational Handout for the parents or guardian. | 
Biosand Filter Maintenance
Key Message: Good maintenance practices of the biosand filter will ensure good quality water.
Possible Questions:
How do you know when you need to maintain the filter?
What has happened to the flow rate?
How can we restore the flow rate?
The flow of the filter will decrease over time because of clogging of the sand layer by sediment in the untreated water. We need perform maintenance when the flow rate of the filter is too slow. How often depends on how dirty the untreated water is.
To restore the flow rate, we:
Remove the filter lid
If there is no water present above the diffuser plate, add about 4 litres (1 gallon) of water
Remove the diffuser plate
Using the palm of your hand, lightly touch the very top of the sand and move your hand in a circular motion; be careful to not mix the top of the sand deeper into the filter
Scoop out the dirty water with a small container
Dump the dirty water outside the house in soak pit or garden
Repeat the maintenance task until the flow rate has been restored
Make certain the sand surface is smooth and level
Replace the diffuser plate
Wash your hands with soap and water
Refill the filter and set up the water storage container to collect the clean water
The biolayer has been disturbed by the maintenance, but it will re-grow. It is important to continue disinfecting the filtered water.
If you find the flow rate of the filter decreases rapidly, sediment your source water before pouring it into the filter.
You should also monitor the sand level and take care of the sand. Check the standing water level, the sand should be 5cm (2 inches) below the standing water level.
If you are still having problems with your filter after cleaning it, contact the filter manufacturer or your community health promoter.
Check for Understanding:
Show me how to operate and maintain the filter.
How often do you need to perform maintenance?
Why is it necessary to continue disinfecting the filtered water after cleaning the filter?
Information sourced from CAWST.org

Visit Drop of Hope website - 'BioSand Filter Maintenance' |
Download Handout #12 - Educating the user how to maintain the filter
Educating the user how to Flush the Filter
Embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office.

Optional: Download English BioSand Filter PowerPoint - ' Flush the Filter ' |
Visit Drop of Hope English website - 'Flush the Filter' |

Download Handout #13 - Educating the user
How to Flush the Filter
Visit Drop of Hope English website - Clean the Filter' |

Learn how to Clean the filter
Download Handout #14 - Educating the user to Clean the Filter
Download Handout #15 - Follow-Up with the User
CLICK to view Water Series - Session #12