1st week of our Journey - SPIRITUAL GROWTH - READ THE BIBLE
1. HEAR (The little finger is the only finger you can fit in your ear!)
Romans 10:17 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word of Christ.
2. READ (The thumb is used to turn a page when you are reading)
Revelation 1:3a Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy. |
3. STUDY (Teachers points her finger and tells you ‘Study’)
16 Alles wat God daarin heeft laten opschrijven, is nuttig. Het kan de mensen iets leren, hen beschermen tegen verkeerd onderwijs over het geloof en hen opvoeden tot een leven zoals God het wil.
(2 Timotheüs 3:16 )
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4. MEMORIZE (The tallest finger reminds us of our pledge to God that we will hide His Word in our heart)
Psalm 119:11 I have hidden (memorized) your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
5. MEDITATE (The ring fingers reminds us that if we love God we want to meditate on His ways)
Psalm 119:15 I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.
Extracts from www.kidssundayschool.com
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2nd week of our Journey - SPIRITUAL GROWTH - PRAY
First: Put your hands together in front of you as if you are praying. Keep your eyes open so that you can see your hands. The closest finger to you is the thumb. Pray for those that are closest to you. Pray for your parents and your family, your brothers or sisters.
The next finger is called your index finger. It is used for pointing. Let this finger remind you to pray for those that point you in the right direction. Pray for your teachers at school, your Sunday School teacher, and your pastor. |
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 | 3 We bidden altijd voor jullie. Dan danken we God, de Vader van onze Heer Jezus Christus, voor jullie.
(Colossenzen 1 : 3)
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The middle finger is the tallest finger. This finger reminds us to pray for our leaders. Pray for Leaders, administrators, the president or Prime Minister and other leaders in our government and those who are leaders in our town.
The fourth finger is the called the ring finger. Did you know that this is the weakest of all the fingers? Let this finger remind you to pray for those who are weak, troubled and sick.
The last little finger is the smallest finger. The Bible says, "Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought.“ Let the little finger remind you to pray for yourself.
CLICK to view entire lesson #2
3rd week of our Journey - SPIRITUAL GROWTH - WORSHIP
"Waar kunnen we de koning van de Joden vinden die kort geleden is geboren? We hebben in het Oosten zijn ster zien opgaan. We zijn gekomen om Hem te eren en Hem geschenken te brengen."
(Mattheüs 2:2)
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4th week of our Journey SPIRITUAL GROWTH - FELLOWSHIP
Maar als we in het licht leven en Hem gehoorzaam willen zijn , net zoals Hij in het licht is, dan zijn we één met elkaar.
1 Johannes
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5th week of our Journey - SPIRITUAL GROWTH - WITNESS
8 Maar jullie zullen de Heilige Geest krijgen. Hij zal jullie kracht geven. Dan zullen jullie aan de mensen gaan vertellen wat jullie van Mij hebben gezien en gehoord. Eerst in Jeruzalem, dan in heel Judea en Samaria en daarna in de hele wereld." (Handelingen 1:8)
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