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Efik Light Series - Session #6

This week's destination: REFLECTING THE LIGHT

Print Bible verse visual aids and word-search quiz. Paper and pencil to draw the face silhouette in the welcome game. Scissors. Costume for John the Baptist, white and blue sheet for Jesus. JESUS sign. A mirror and a flashlight. Pictures of a famous person including the warped or twisted ones.


Welcome Teacher,Trainers and students. Get all the children to colour the colouring pages and visual aids until it is time to start.

DOWNLOAD Efik Visual Aids

Optional: DOWNLOAD English Visual Aids

DOWNLOAD Session #6 Teaching (To be translated into Efik)

1. WELCOME GAME: (10 minutes)
Get a child to hold a torch next to the side of another child’s face and the teacher or another leader can trace the shadow on a piece of paper and let the child cut it out. Remind the children this week we are going to lean about reflecting the Light – reflecting the love of Jesus to others in a dark world.

2. TEAM GAMES: (10 minutes)
Have one of the teachers dress up like Jesus holding the JESUS sign at the far end of the room. Divide the children into two teams. Team 1 children can stand in a long line across the start line (or wall if the game is indoors). Team 2 children weave in and out around Team 1 children trying to distract them, as they attempt to walk to the finish line where Jesus is standing, without turning their faces. They MUST keep their faces toward Jesus without looking from side to side and without letting anything come between them and getting to the finish line and Jesus!

Switch teams so each team plays both roles.

After the game discuss how difficult it was keeping our faces turned toward Jesus without letting anything come distract us or come between us and Jesus.


3. ACTIVE PRAISE CHORUS: (10 minutes)

Optional: Download 'Sing Hosanna' English Music video and lyrics

4. INTIMATE WORSHIP (5 minutes)

Optional: Download 'Take my life and let it be.' English Worship Music video and lyrics

Prayer: Heavenly Father help us to be like John the Baptist - to be a witness to testify concerning the light, help us to reflect the light, the true light that gives light to every man who came into the world as the child Jesus, who lived a perfect life, died on the cross, rose again from the dead and is in Heaven now offering us the free gift of eternal life. As we look to Jesus help us to reflect Your light in a dark world. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.


Download Session #6 Efik Visual Aid.

Optional: Download Session #6 Engish Visual Aid.

a. Review

Last week we learnt about letting our light shine.

During this week have you been able to do any good deeds?
(Get the children to come out and testify)

Download Bible for Children ''The Good Samaritan' Efik Review Bible Verse colouring track for the children in Cross River, Nigeria.

Optional: Download Bible for Children ''The Good Samaritan' Review English colouring track one for each English speaking child.

b. Efik Sword Play
Ready…Swords up…John 1: 6-7… CHARGE

(John 1: 6-7 NIV)

Download Efik Bible Verse Coluring Visual Aid.

b.English Sword Play
Ready…Swords up…John 1: 6-7… CHARGE

There was a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. (John 1: 6-7 NIV)

Optional: Download English Bible Verse Colouring Visual Aid.

(Use Bible verse visual aids and quiz to teach the verse. Give each child a Sword Play track to take home)

c. Teach the Lesson
Have you ever sat outside on a bright sunny day and used a mirror to reflect the sun’s light? If one of you will take this flashlight and shine it on me I will show you what I mean. You see, as the light shines on me, I hold up my mirror and I can reflect the light to shine on you.

I am not the light, I am just letting my mirror reflect the light to shine on you. To reflect the light on you, there are a couple of things that are very important:

• I must keep my mirror facing toward the light. If I turn away from the light, I cannot reflect the light. (Tilt mirror away to demonstrate)
• I must make sure that nothing comes between the light and me. If that happens, I cannot reflect the light. (Have a child walk in front)

Recite the Bible verse again...

Who do you think the true light is that the Bible said was coming into the world? (Jesus)

You and I need to be like John. The Bible says that we are to let our light shine, but we need to remember that "Our Light" is Jesus. We are not the light, we are just mirrors that reflect His light.

If we are going to reflect the light of Jesus, we must remember a couple of things:

• We must keep our faces turned toward Jesus.
• We must not let anything come between us.
When we remember those two things, we will reflect His light to the entire world.

Extracts from www.sermons4kids.com

The Bible tells us in Genesis 1:27 - "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."

Ask if anyone knows what an "image" is. Accept varied answers and comment positively on them so kids will continue to participate.

The dictionary gives this definition: "a physical likeness of a person, animal, or thing, photographed, painted or sculptured.

Take a picture of someone in the group with a digital camera or phone, or bring a photo of someone most everyone will recognize like a famous person.

Optional: Download Visual Aid.

Ask them if the "image" is actually that person. (Of course it's not.) The image can't speak, think, etc., but it does show a lot about the person and what they are like. In the same way, we are created in the "image of God." We are NOT God, but created to be like Him and reflect what He is like.

God created us in His image to be perfect, but just like a computer can "warp" or change an image until you can't recognize the person in the photo, so sin warped the image of God in us. (Show distorted pictures)

Optional: Download Visual Aid.

God, however, sent His perfect image, Jesus Christ, to restore God's image in us as we accept Him as our Saviour and Lord.

Pick up the picture of a famous person someone like the President of Nigeria . Describe the person in the photo to them and ask them to guess who it is from your description. Be vague in your description such as "this person is a man, he looks influential."

Then show them the photo of the famous person, the President of Nigeria & have them name the person in the picture.

Ask them how they were able to recognize them so quickly when you showed them the photo.

(Because they know him or they know off him)

Download The President Visual Aid.

We can use words to try and describe Jesus but if we can show others His image in us, they will be able to recognize Him more easily. We need to be mirrors reflecting Jesus.

Paul tells the Corinthian church in 2 Cor. 3:18 "And all of us have had that veil removed so that we can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like Him and reflect His glory even more"

Extracts from www.creativebiblestudy.com

Our purpose is to become like Jesus Christ. God's Word, itself, reveals Him to us. Someone has said, "We must behold in order to reflect the beauty of Jesus" As we look at Him in the Word, we are transformed and become a mirror to reflect His light. Then we reflect Him from our lives to those about us.

Spend some time reflecting on ways we can show Jesus’ love to our family, friends, strangers etc.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your Son Jesus to be the Light of the world, we want to reflect your light in the world. Help us to keep our faces turned toward Jesus and help us to keep anything from coming between us and Him. Help us to mirror Jesus to become more and more like Him and reflect His glory even more. We know Father that you created us, You made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground, fruit trees and leaves for our health and healing, you created light to enable them to grow, you are awesome and we worship you. Amen.


DOWNLOAD Efik Bible Memory Verse Visual Aid

DOWNLOAD Efik Take Home Bible Memory Verse track one for each child


Print the Take Home Bible Memory Verse one for each child.

Optional: DOWNLOAD Take Home Bible Memory Verse and Activity workbook one for each child


Optional: DOWNLOAD English Activities, crossword, decoder, wordsearch, maze

Children's Sermons from Sermons 4 Kids | Object Lessons...

NEXT WEEK: We start a new Series the Growth - Water Series.

We will learn about creation

GOD said “let US (Father; Son; Holy Spirit ) make man kind in OUR image (body, soul, spirit), in our likeness (characteristics /personality)

Growth - Water Series

Alternatively if you started with the Water Series continue onto the Spiritual Growth Series



Grow and Go English children's curriculum
Grow and Go Chichewa children's curriculum
Grow and Go Nuer children's curriculum
Grow and Go Swahili children's curriculum
Grow and Go Lingala children's curriculum
Grow and Go Kihavu
Grow and Go French children's curriculum
Grow and Go Kinyarwanda


Drop of Hope Yoruba
Drop of Hope Efik
Drop of Hope Shona
Drop of Hope Swahili
Drop of Hope Chichewa
Drop of Hope Portuguese
Drop of Hope French
Drop of Hope
Drop of Hope Nuer
Drop of Hope Dutch


Sowing Seeds of Success Shona
French Lingala
French Creole





New Life French Child Evangelism Curriculum
New Life Swahili Child Evangelism Curriculum
New Life Yoruba Child Evangelism Curriculum
New Life Chichewa Child Evangelism Curriculum
New Life Persian Child Evangelism Curriculum

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