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How can I Please God?
Almighty God, we thank you for all we have learned about You. We know we can never understand Your greatness because your fullness is immeasurably beyond human understanding. In Jesus' name, amen.
Weekly Bible Readings
Each day this week, read the Bible passage for the day and answer the questions.
Mark 12:28-31
Briefly state the two most important commandments. . . . .
Matthew 4:10
Who are we to worship and serve? . . . . .
Matthew 12:50
What demonstrates that we are truly connected to Jesus Christ? . . . .
John 14:23
How can you show that you love God? . . . . .
Philippians 1:9-11
What will happen if you always choose the best?. . . . .
1 Corinthians 10:31
How can you bring glory to God?. . . . .
1 Chronicles 16:23-29
What does verse 29 tell people to do?. . . . .
? Select the verse from the Weekly Bible Reading that is most Meaningful to you right now. Think about what this truth means personally to you and apply it to your life.
God revealed himself to humanity through these five ways;
The witness of devoted believers
Jesus, his son
Read the following verses. Using the list above, choose the way God has revealed Himself to us.
Romans 1:20. . . .
2 Peter 1:20-21. . . .
John 1:18. . . .
Acts 1:8. . .
1 Timothy 1:19. . . .
God's Unique Attributes
Some of God's attributes are unique to His divinity. No one else can have the following qualities:
Self-existence, meaning complete independence
Omnipotence (ahm-NIP-oh-tents), meaning all-powerful
Omnipresence (ahm-nee-PREH-sents), meaning present everywhere
Omniscience (ahm-NISH-ents), meaning knowing all things
Immutability (im-MUTE-uh-bil-ity), meaning unchangeable
Sovereignty (SOV-ren-tee), meaning unlimited authority
Read John 5:26. . . . .
Read Revelation 4:11. . . . .
2. Some of God's attributes are unique-only He possesses them. However, God has other attributes which He does share with humanity in a limited form.
a. Read the following verses and name those attributes that God shares with human beings.
1 John 4:16 . . . . .
Psalm 107:1 . . . . .
Psalm 86:15 . . . . .
2 Peter 3:15 . . . . .
Matthew 6:14 . . . . .
Matthew 11:29 . . .
Philippians 4:7 . . . .
b. Using the attributes listed in Question 2a, give a few examples of ways in which you can reveal or express those characteristics in your everyday life. . . . .
3 a. What command is given on 1 Peter 1:16 ? . . . . .
b. What would motivate you to strive to make this quality evident in your life? Hebrews 12:14 . . . .
4. Using a few simple words, describe what you think of or see when you think of God. Be honest and accurate in what you understand about God. . . .
5. Read the following verses and, in a few words, write what God wants you to do.
John 13:34-35 . . . . .
John 14:15 . . . . .
Romans 12:1 . . . . .
Romans 12:2 . . . . .
1 Thessalonians 4:3 . . . . .
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 . . . . .
Before making a decision, ask yourself these questions:
If I do this, will it please God?
Will it help-or hinder-my walk with God?
Will this choice reveal my love for God?
Will it show others that I love Him?
Am I more interested in doing my will than I am in doing God's will?
Read Psalm 25:4-5 . . . . . Remember, God's ways are not your ways. Be willing to do all God reveals to you and He will reveal His will.
6. Keeping in mind all that you have learned through this study, name three or four things that you are planning to do to please God. . . . .
God can give us His life, but we can receive it only when our attitude is one of humility. Only then can our yielded, surrendered life bring glory to God. As Christians, we should each ask ourselves:
Does my life reveal the truth about God?
Does my life reveal the love of God?
Does my life reveal the patience of God?
Do I forgive as God forgives?
7 a. Why did God create people? Isaiah 43:7 . . . .
b. How can we bring glory to God? John 15:8 . . . . .
8. Go home and write your own prayer to God, asking Him to help you apply the things you learned in this Bible study. Thank Him for His promise to be with you forever. Next session you may share your prayer if you like.
To conclude our study, let's praise God together by reading aloud together Psalm 150
Praise him in his mighty heavens.
Praise him for his acts of power;
Praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.
Praise the LORD.
-Psalm 150:1-2, 6 NIV