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Youth Discipleship Training - Teacher Training

This curriculum was birthed following the OSL training that was
brought to Mount
Zion’s Missions, Barbados, through the
Foursquare Church, USA. |
Jesus taught us that we must all become like children to receive
the Kingdom of Heaven and that He places great value on the salvation
of children/youth. (Matthew 18:1-14).
We believe God is raising up a Gideon’s army of young people
for the end time harvest.
We believe according to Scripture, (Judges 16:26, Matthew
2:2-7,) that young people will play a major role in ushering
in the last great revival and our soon coming King Jesus.
With this in mind we feel that it is essential to develop not only
the gifts of the Spirit but the fruit of the Spirit and that has
resulted in the development of this series to develop character.
Most of our African teachers will have been trained in Kids
In Ministry International (KIMI) and so this
curriculum has been designed to follow the KIMI core values and
pattern of ministry. Which although initially created for little
children has been adapted to be used with youth, 11 to 13 year olds.
There is also an amended version for the 14 plus.
The three core values of KIMI are:
1. To give children/youth the meat of the word (same as the adults
but at their level)
2. To train children/youth with the intention to see them ministering
to others
3. To bring children/youth into the presence of the Lord in each
meeting where they learn to recognize His voice and obey it by using
the spiritual gifts He has given to them.
God gave Moses, as he was leading the Israelites in the wilderness,
a principal for approaching Him.
A. Beginning in the Outer Court for all to meet
God at their own level using different social fun activities.
B. Continuing to the Inner Court to come in corporate
fellowship, praise, worship, prayer and teaching the Word of God.
C. Ending in the Holy of Holies where God would
meet one-on-one with a person at that time the High Priest. Now
through the Blood of Jesus we each have access to the Throne room
of God.
Step 1: An Opening or Greeting Game
This brings the teenager’s attention from outside of the meeting
to inside. Late arrivals will not miss anything important only a
bit of fun.
We want to bring the teenagers into the Presence of God to be Kingdom
citizens we want them filled with JOY. The Kingdom of God is righteousness,
peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost (Romans 14:17)
Step 2: Active Competitive ‘Team’ Games
Team games unite teenagers at their maturity level. They develop
deep friendships and trust amounts the team and give a sense of
belonging to a group, a Church, a club etc.
Hearts get filled with joy, laughter and cheer as youth establish
relationships, built through interaction. Teens enjoy friendly competition,
everywhere around the world even big children love to play games!
With laughter and shouting hearts become opened and receptive for
His Word.
Step 3: Active Praise Choruses
Use fast, rhythmic praise songs and action chorus with words that
the teens can follow.
Use hand and foot and body motions if applicable
Songs can include scripture verses. Praise bring the youth into
the first stage of God’s presence
We open a way for youth to disengage their hearts from this world
and begin to engage with God’s Spirit. By singing and dancing
their kind of songs we enter into the culture of the youth of our
Letting them know they are valuable and we accept them and they
have an active part to play in church life. Active Praise gives
them an outlet to release tension, forget for a time the stresses
that they may find themselves in at home, school, on the streets,
from their peers. It blocks out distracting thoughts that might
hinder the delivery of the Word.
Different Levels of Worship
A. Praise
1. To bless, to declare, and to express approval
2. To stretch out your hand when somebody do something well
3. To praise God for what He has done.
B. Worship
1. Is more intimate.
2. Is pouring out love to God for who He is. Words to describe worship
are “respect”, “honor” “adore”.
Step 4: Intimate Worship Songs
Begin to slow things down so their spirits will begin to connect
with God’s Spirit – it is transitioning from praise
to worship in preparation for receiving the word of God.
(Allow no gap in time between sections of the meeting.)
As each step concludes, move the youth quickly into the next step,
allow no time for distractions
Step 5: Teaching the Lesson
1. Review: The beginning of the lesson will be
a Review. Have specific questions written down from last lesson.
It is more to see how well you taught. (If you taught well, they
will remember well.)
2. Learn the Memory Verse: The next step of the
lesson is teaching the Bible verse. Teach them in a fun memorable
way, use Visual Aids.
3. Teach the lesson: Your lesson should be simple,
but convey a Spiritual truth.
Use many object lessons. Don’t stand for any length of time
without something in your hand to help their minds grasp what you
are telling them. Teaching is showing for young children and many
visual teens. Many visual aids have been provided with this curriculum.
Do not talk down to the youth. Target your teaching style to the
oldest ones in the group, the younger ones will come up to it!
This curriculum includes an audio Faithbuilders Teaching by
Pastor Jerry Dirmann, (Founder
of Operation Solid Lives) with Teachers Notes/Handout. Each audio
session comes with a PowerPoint to assist the teacher to keep the
attention of the class.
These audios have been split into two sessions for the younger
youth 11 - 14 years, resulting in two half hour teachings with PowerPoints
to catch their attention.
All Bible verses are written out in case any of the youth do not
have a Bible, Memory Verse cards are photocopied and issued to each
child on departure to take home as well as their SOAP printouts.
to download the SOAP's (Seven per week) to be used in this Level
1 series
Step 6: Activation / Encountering God
At the end of your teaching, it gives you an opportunity to lead
your youth into the “Encounter Time”
It is the time for God to seal His Word in them through the Holy
Experiencing and responding to God is the end goal of each meeting.
It is on purpose and deliberate and MUST be in each meeting
It is not enough for them to receive information.
Truth becomes a part of us as we yield to God.
Let the Lord confirm the type of alter time encounter that will
meet the needs of these particular young people.
Before coming to your meeting you will have prayed over this important
ministry time and have a general idea of the results that you want
to see
Considerations: What do these youth need to experience to help the
through today’s problems?
Prayer: Always ensure that your team has had a
corporate time of prayer prior to the teaching.
End all sessions with a time of prayer. Encourage the youth to
pray for one another.
Time can be allocated for activities such as crafts, crosswords,
word-searches and quizzes.
Take Home: Each youth will be given their Memory
Bible Verse in the form or a small tack. Encourage them to stick
it somewhere at home/schoool where they will see it regularly to
assist them with memorizing the Bible verse.