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Youth Discipleship Training - Session #1
This week’s destination: Being right with
God – The Bad News
to download the Senior Youth Teaching Manual (Age 15 plus)
Session #1 The Bad News PowerPoint
The Bad News PowerPoint Notes
Leadership Handout
Download Full audio
MP3 The Bad News
Session #1 The Bad News Bible Memory verse
and MP3 |
MATERIALS: Laptop and sound system to play music.
A multimedia projector and screen to show the PowerPoint. 8 Balloons
and marker pen. Photocopy: Teacher Notes/Handout. Bible Verse Visual
Aids and student take home ‘Sword Play Memory Verse Track’.
White wrap, blue sash and a crown marked ‘Jesus’ for
the Bible Verse action game. Activity books for youth. Seven SOAP
Daily Devotional Journals, photocopy a set of seven for each teen
to take home.
Welcome Teacher/Trainers and students. Get one of the younger youth
to colour the Bible Verse Visual Aid. -
1. GAMES: (For younger Junior youth only 10 minutes)
the 'Books of the Bible' song
Set up the Laptop connected to the sound system to play the music.
Blow up eight balloons write Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans,
1 and 2 Corinthians on them with a marker. Play a game throwing
the balloons in the air and getting the youth to catch them. Then
get them to work out the order once they have got it correct throw
the balloons in the air again and start the game over. Play the
‘Books of the Bible Song’ during the game and encourage
them to start to learn the song. They will do that for the next
three sessions until they have learnt the New Testament ‘Books
of the Bible Song’ and can say the books from memory.
2. TEAM GAMES: (For younger Junior youth only 10 minutes)
Divide the group into two teams, sit the groups in two circles.
Ask everyone to think of something nice that they like to do. Then
pick someone to start by telling the group for example “I
like to run”. The person to their right will then tell the
group what the first person liked and adding what they like to do,
for example “Ebony likes to run, I like to swim”. This
continues right around the circle until the last person has to say
what everyone likes to do. Other members of the group can prompt
by miming the activity if anyone falls into difficulty. If the player
gets it wrong they are out and move outside the circle.
3. ACTIVE PRAISE CHORUS: (For all youth 10
Set up the Laptop connected to the sound system to play the music
for Praise and Worship
Part 1 Music
Jump, jump, jump into the light, light, light
Run, run, run away from what’s not right
Jump, jump, jump out of the dark, dark, dark
Run to Jesus give Him your heart. Repeat
He is light, He is light, He is the light the light.
He is light, He is light, He is the light the light. Repeat
You are the light, You are the light, You are the light, the light.
4. INTIMATE WORSHIP: (For all youth 5 minutes)
Here I am to worship:
a) Review
Review what was taught last week, because this is the first session
in this series, we will review the Books of the Bible, Download
and play the Books of the Bible song and get the youth to recall
from Matthew to 2 Corinthians.
b) Sword Play
Ready…Swords up… Romans 3: 23 … CHARGE!
23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
Set up the Laptop connected to the sound system. Download
the Memory Verse MP3
Bible Verse Folder with Bible Verse and Visual
Aids( for all three parts of this Session)
Optional: The tallest male youth dresses up as
Jesus, white wrap, blue sash and a crown marked ‘Jesus.’
He stands at the far end of the room with the Bible Visual Aid.
The youth attempt to take turns to long jump to ‘Jesus’,
the 'START' mark is placed so far away that even the tallest, strongest
teen cannot reach ‘Him’. Each time the participant does
not make it the leader reads “For all have sinned and fall
short of the glory of God” Demonstrating how far from ‘Jesus’
he landed.
(Give out the Sword Play Memory Verse Tracks one for each youth
to take home)
c) Teaching the Lesson - The Bad News:
Set up the Multimedia projector and screen to show the PowerPoint,
or connect to the TV.
Use the Teachers Notes to assist with managing the PowerPoint.
Set up the Laptop connected to the sound system to play the Faithbuilder
MP3 The Bad News.
The Junior Youth OSL audio has been divided
into two sessions
Download Junior
Youth Part 1 Curriculum
Download The Bad
News PowerPoint Part 1
Teachers PowerPoint Notes
Junior Youth Part 1 audio MP4
The Bad News Part 1 Bible Verse
Junior SOAP Bible Devotionals for both
Parts |
• Teach on how to do the SOAP
BibIe Study Devotional Method using the video
provided, shown on the overhead or via the multimedia projected
on the screen.
• Download and distribute to each youth the seven SOAP
Devotional Bible Study handouts one for each
day of the week to follow.
Set up the Laptop connected to the sound system to play soft worship
music to set the atmosphere.
The bad news is if you don’t except God’s absolute
truth that comes from His word and realize that your sin, by not
obeying the laws of God, is taking you to hell, unless you repent
and come to God and receive His Son Jesus, then hell is your destiny.
The good news is you don’t have to go there, by laying you
life down here and doing what God wants you to do is privilege now
and in your eternal destination, which will be Heaven with Him for
Encourage the youth to come forward to the alter for a time of
repentance. Some may want to give their lives to Jesus, some may
want to recommit their lives to the Lord. Minister with your alter
workers accordingly.
CLOSING PRAYER: Heavenly Father help us to realize
that Your Word is absolute truth. God’s absolute truth, the
fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. No matter how educated
and smart we are if we do not reverence and fear you God we are
foolish. Help us to understand that we were all born in sin and
all of us have a degree of self worship, we think we know what is
good for us, we think it’s our life and we can do our own
thing, we can do whatever we please, whatever makes us happy, but
we need to repent. Please forgive us. Help us to realize how much
you have forgiven us so that we can fully appreciate You and be
thankful, in Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Optional: SOAP
Bible Study Devotional Journals- one for each
Optional: ‘Take
Home Quiz Activity Books’ are available
for the younger children at the end of this session, they can be
cut in half and shared around the class.
Optional: ‘Sword
Play Memory Verse Track’ one for each
Information sourced from Pastor Jerry Dirmann Founder and Senior
Pastor of The Rock visit his
website for more great
Learn more about Operation
Solid Lives
Next Session #2