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james kenani
Pastor James Kenani-
My name is James Kenani, I was
born in 1976 in Dodoma .At the age of 15 I accepted Christ to
be my personal Savior, soon after this I joined the church by
the name of Swedish Pentecostal church I was in this church
for ten years unfortunately the church lost its direction due
to the poor administration.Then I was just preaching in school
and hospitals then later on I had a small group gathering .In
the year 2003 my friend traveled to Mbeya where pastor Lotie
lives he had a chance to meet some pastors who were under him,at
this time pastor Lotie was in Malawi[Bible school].
I had to travel to Mbeya as well so I met some pastors who were
under him they accepted me as one of them by then we were not called
Restoration,After his graduation he came with this name Restoration
then from that day we are called Restoration Ministries,So the area
where an pasturing a church in Dar es salaam there are more Moslems
and mosques so I would like to ask for sponsorship that I should
go to bible school that I should have God:s knowledge that I should
face these challenges from our friends{Moslem}Any time the sponsorship
is ready I can go Am just waiting please help us we are willing
to have God”s knowledge but no one to sponsor us.
Bible school in Tanzania started in the year 2000.
1-To equip the Saints for the Great Commission
2-To make sure that Jesus is lifted on high above everything through
the students who will be trained at the school.
3-Since our country has a lot of Moslem the Bible school is training
the pastors how to minister to Muslems.
We started as a very small Bible school but by the
grace of our Lord we are growing, we are training pastors to be
effective in their ministry under difficult conditions and in extreme
Donations can be made to:
First Caribbean International Bank Bds Ltd
Super Centre Complex, Warrens
St. Michael, Barbados
Account number 1000431831
Email united_caribbean@yahoo.com