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Kicking AIDS Out! courses

Permission requested to use information from www.kickingaidsout.net

The Kicking AIDS Out! network has developed standardized courses which are implemented by all the members. The objective by utilizing this concept is to bring about change - change in behaviour, the reduction of HIV prevalence among young people and create an environment conducive for caring for those infected with or affected by HIV infection.

The Program Development Working Group consists of members from various countries in the network. This group is responsible for developing program materials. They are mandated to develop the following programs:

Kicking AIDS Out Leader Level 2 (LL2)

Kicking AIDS Out Leader Level 1 (LL1)

Kicking AIDS Out Peer Leaders (PL)

A person assesed as competent against this standard (Kicking AIDS Out Level 1) will be able to demonstrate an understanding of HIV and AIDS and abilitity to integrate these competencies in the coaching of peer leaders.

A Peer leader must be able to deliver quality sport programmes and these competencies. The peer leader must be able to create an environment that is conducive for caring for those infected with/affected by HIV.

The Power of peer education

Kicking AIDS Out curriculum builds capacity in youth to help them become stronger leaders and mentors for their peers. It also teaches youth coaches to lead activities that integrate life skills and HIV and AIDS information into sport and physical activity. Youth can then become trainers and assume greater responsibility for supporting and mentoring other Peer Leaders.

Our mission is to empower youth to positively influence their lives and the lives of others by actively enhancing life skills through sport.

The Kicking AIDS Out! network can today offer the following courses:

Active Youth Course (general)


Motivate for increased involvement and increase the recruitment of young leaders to sport


  • Develop comfort and confidence
  • Awareness about own values and own strength and resources
  • Motivate to co-determination
  • Increase knowledge about the sports organisation(s)
  • Give knowledge about youth and sports


The sports organisation(s) structure and function
Youth and Sports
Presentation techniques
Games and dance
Target group: Youth between 15-25 yrs
Pre knowledge/courses: non
Duration: 20 hours
Organisation: Always two facilitators
Methodology: Learning by participation; games, drama, role-play and group work
Evaluation: Active participation throughout the course
Syllabus: Content and brochures from the facilitators manual


Norwegian Olympic Committee and Confederation of Sports (NIF)
Serviceboks 1, Ullevål Stadion
0840 Oslo
Phone: + 47 21 02 90 00
E-mail: kickingaidsout@nif.idrett.no

SCORE (South Africa)
24 Barrack Street, Burleigh House 3rd floor
8001 Cape Town, South Africa
Phone: + 27 (0) 725 18 60 29
E-mail: score@iafrica.com

Active Youth Course (Kicking AIDS Out!)

The Active Youth Course - Kicking AIDS Out is run after the same principals as the general Active Youth Course as described above, but some of the sessions that are focusing on sports in general in the general Active Youth Course is replaced by sessions focusing on HIV and AIDS related issues like how sport can be used as a method in connection to HIV and AIDS and movement games.


Norwegian Olympic Committee and Confederation of Sports
Serviceboks 1, Ullevål Stadion
0840 Oslo
Phone: + 47 21 02 90 00
E-mail: kickingaidsout@nif.idrett.no

SCORE (South Africa)
24 Barrack Street Burleigh House 3rd floor,
8001 Cape Town, South Africa
Phone: + 27 (0) 21 461 04 66
E-mail: score@iafrica.com

Evening for the Future

"The Evening for the Future" gives the team/organisation/group an opportunity to answer questions as: Where are we now, where do we want to go, and how can we reach our goals? This is an engaging and motivating evening where the team/organisation/group is at the centre of the attention.

The process is also very suitable for discussing specific issues like HIV and AIDS in order to ensure that one evaluates the situation briefly and make a short action plan how your team/organisation/group/can use sport as a tool in HIV and AIDS related work.


Come up with concrete task which will help the sport club to function better.


  • Have a dialogue and process with the team/organisation/group
  • Engage and encourage the members of the team/organisation/group to participate
  • Discover and create awareness of the needs of the team/organisation/group
  • Transfer knowledge, skills, attitudes and experience
  • Find concrete task in order to improve the situation
  • Find a common platform for future work in the team/organisation/group
  • Follow up the team/organisation/group


Norwegian Olympic Committee and Confederation of Sports
Serviceboks 1, Ullevål Stadion
0840 Oslo
Phone: + 47 21 02 92 00
E-mail: kickingaidsout@nif.idrett.no

SCORE (South Africa)
24 Barrack Street Burleigh House 3rd floor,
8001 Cape Town, South Africa
Phone: + 27 725 1860 29
E-mail: score@iafrica.com

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