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Serie de Frutas - Sesión 8
(All text to be translated into
This week’s destination:
This week we’re going to learn about "Faithfulness”
God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord. (1 Cor 1:9) God took the
first step in your Salvation, He called you into fellowship with
his Son. He is not going to abandon what He started. He will bring
it across the finish line because God is faithful. Even if we are
unfaithful or faithless, He remains faithful. (2 Tim 2:13)
Because He is faithful, He keeps up His side of the relationship
even when I don’t! Because He is faithful, I can depend on
Him, count on Him and look for Him to come through for me in every
circumstance. God is faithful to His promises, we should be faithful
to ours.
la lección.
Before class print the Bible Verse Card X 6. “Faithfulness”
Unfaithfulness” fliers. Fruit Review Cards X3. Football cards
and flier. Crayons. Print enough I WILL BE FAITHFUL button for each
child, markers, pins. Paper pins, small pieces of paper, pencils.
Football poster, scarf or picture of a footballer. Glass. Water.
Banana and Super Fruit handout one for each family.
Get all children to colour the Bible Verse Cards, 2 posters Fruit
Review cards & Football badges prior to the lesson.
1. GAMES: (10 minutes)
Give each child a round circle made out of coloured paper. Tell
them to write the words ‘I WILL BE FAITHFUL’ on the
button and pin on their shirt or dress. Coloured markers and stickers
could be used to make the button more exciting to wear!
2. TEAM GAMES: (10 minutes)
Split the group into smaller groups of equal size and age. Let’s
have a relay race. The first child runs across the finish line and
shouts “MY GOD IS FAITHFUL.” and runs back to the team,
who shout “OUR GOD IS FAITHFUL.” This is repeated until
every child has run to the finish line and back.
3. ACTIVE PRAISE CHORUS (10 minutes)
Opcional: Descargar
el Video Musical de Alabanza y Adoración en Español
4. INTIMATE WORSHIP (5 minutes)
a. “Back Track” Review
Last week we learnt that "Goodness is doing the right thing
for the right reason." Kindness is more about our attitude
and goodness is more about the things we do for others. Can someone
testify any ‘good things that you did this week at home.
Use the Fruit Review Cards to test how well the children remember
the Memory Verses. Make it into a game. Have some little rewards
for the children.
b. Sword Play
Ready…Swords up… Exodus 34:6b… CHARGE!
“The LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger,
abounding in love and faithfulness”. Exodus 34:6b
Ayudas Visuales en Español y versículos de la Biblia.
c. Teach the Lesson (15 minutes)
DO: Set out all of the Football posters etc before your students
arrive plus the Fruit Review cards.
ASK: How many of you have a favourite football team? How do you
support your team? (Cheer them on) What happens when our
team loses? (We are sad) Do we start cheering for the other
side? (NO) Why not? (We are faithful to our team.)
SAY: No matter what, we will always support our team. We are loyal
to them. We believe in them. We cheer for them when they win and
when they lose! We are faithful in our support of them.
ASK: Can you find a Fruit of the Spirit listed on the Fruit Review
Card that describes our loyalty to our team? (Point it out if
they do not make the connection.) Can anyone describe faithfulness?
SAY: Faithfulness is a lot like loyalty…but goes much deeper.
If the Bible tells us we are to be faithful, we should search to
discover what that means! How can we discover more about faithfulness?
By looking in God’s Word! Let’s go to His Word now and
see what He will reveal to us about faithfulness.
King David says in Psalm 86:15, “But you,
O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding
in steadfast love and faithfulness.”
God abounds with faithfulness! This means it overflows from Him.
(Demonstration by pouring water into a glass and allowing it
to overflow.)
In the Bible, there is a story about a very old man who had faithfully
served God all of his life. His name was Simeon and he was looking
forward to the coming of the Messiah. God had promised Simeon that
he would not die until he had seen the Christ, the promised Messiah.
Some time after the birth of Jesus, Mary and Joseph took Jesus to
the temple to dedicate him to God. Simeon was in the temple. As
soon as Simeon saw the baby, he knew that Jesus was the Christ and
that God had kept his promise that he would not die until he had
seen the Messiah. God is faithful to his promises, 100%!
The Bible tells us in many verses to be faithful to our God. One
of the main ways the Fruit of Faithfulness is displayed in our lives
as believers is by our faithfulness to Him. So how do we show faithfulness
to God? (Worshipping Him, obeying His Word, knowing His Word,
praying to Him, etc.)
When you make a new friend, you have to spend time and energy making
the friendship grow. You have to cultivate a friendship, like you
had to cultivate your Moringa plant. You had to water and protect
the Moringa plant just like your friendship.
We are to cultivate faithfulness within ourselves. This means intentionally
being faithful to our family, friends, and to God. This also means
praying for faithfulness to overflow in your heart, studying faithfulness
in Scripture, and get to know our faithful God who is our only perfect
Imagine a young girl stops talking to her best friend. She stops
spending time with her. At school, she talks badly and lies about
her friend whom she used to love. She ignores her, betrays her,
and is completely unfaithful to her. What would you do if this were
your friend? (Allow time for discussion.)
Read Romans 3: 3-4 - What is God’s response
to us when we are unfaithful? (He is still faithful!) No
matter what we do, our God will always be faithful to us as His
people, just as we would never stop supporting our home team. He
will always keep His Word; His promises will never be broken. If
we are to follow God’s example of faithfulness, how should
we respond to an unfaithful friend? (Continue to be loyal, kind
and faithful to them.)
Object Lesson:
Tape a large sign that say “Faithfulness” and one that
says “Unfaithfulness” to the wall; get the children
to come up and describe a faithful person and an unfaithful person
writing them out on a piece of paper (for example: keeps their word
or breaks a promise, worships God daily or never)
I want everyone to close their eyes and think about the words we
just read. Which column describes you? Are you faithful to your
family, your friends? Or are you unfaithful? (Be silent for 20 seconds
or more.) Okay. Open your eyes. Even if your life is now showing
you to be an unfaithful person, you have great hope! Christ died
so that we may know God. As we know God more and more, we are able
to become more like Him. We begin to display the Fruit of the Spirit
in our lives. Keep spending time with our faithful God! He will
change you and form you into a person of great faithfulness to Him
and faithfulness to others! And no matter how unfaithful we are
to God, His faithfulness towards you will never ever change. Everything
He says, He will do. Every promise He makes, He will keep.
Give the ‘Take
Home Bible Verse Card' one to each child.
Give one copy of the Super
Fruit Handout to each family at the end of the
Banana is rich in vitamin C, A, B6 and B12. Bananas contain potassium
and an adequate level of minerals like copper, magnesium, and manganese.
Banana has a high content of iron
to view Session 9