Remember we learnt that seeds sprout and grow and we dont fully know how.
Download Review Shona Bible Verse Visual Aid |

But we do know that in order to grow plants need sunlight and water.
Optional: Download Review English Bible Verse Visual Aid |


b. Shona Sword Play
Ready…Swords up… Mateo 13:26.… CHARGE!
26Asi cipande cakati camera nokuɓereka, ɀino mashawi akaʋonekwa ʋo.
(Mateo 13:26)
Download Shona Bible Verse Visual Aid |
b.English Sword Play

Ready…Swords up… Matthew 13:26.… CHARGE! When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds
also appeared.
(Matthew 13:26)
Download English Bible Verse Visual Aid |
Divide the group into two, one with wheat sheaves,
one with weeds.
Get the wheat group waving saying “When
the wheat sprouted and formed heads”
And the weed group will wave their weeds and say
“then the weeds also appeared”
Both groups say together “Matthew
Shout it out, whisper it, stand up and say it, kneel
and say it etc
c. Teach the Lesson (15 minutes)
Lesson #7 Shona Visual Aids
Optional: DOWNLOAD
Lesson #7 English Visual Aids
God is like a gardener (put on the hat)
and we are like His garden. He wants us to grow Spiritually. For plants
to grow we need to weed them just like we weeded the Moringa plant.
To grow Spiritually we need to weed the sin out of our lives.
Bondage of sin skit:
Sin is anything
we think, say, do or don’t do that displeases God.
Sin will blind you from the truth, (blindfold a child) |

Sin will stop you from hearing God’s voice, (cover a child's ears with the black cloth) |
Sin will bind you and trap you (tie up a child) and trip you up (trip up the child with the black cloth) sin can destroy a Christian just as weeds can destroy a plant. (Cover the child with the black cloth) |
(Dress a child up in a blue and white cloth for Jesus, give them a red cloth to represent blood) |

Jesus enters and covers the child in the red cloth, who jumps up shouting ‘Thank you Jesus’ |
Weeds dig their roots deep down and they steal all the food and water from the good plants causing them to die. That’s why you have got to get rid of all the weeds. Weeds grow fast we must weed them when they are still little it makes the job easier. |
Object Lessons:
1. Weeds are like sins in our life, but these are weeds you can’t
see, they are inside us. (Having cut several lengths of green
cloth long enough to be draped over your shoulder take one strips
out.) I have a pretend weed, and I’m going to call it,
‘worry’. Yes, it is a sin to worry. I may worry how
I look. (Drape that weed over your shoulder.) I may worry
I am fat, (Drape that weed over your arm.) I may worry
I am going to fail my tests. (Drape that weed over your head)
The weeds could be called various things, such as stealing, yelling
at your parents, not listening to the teacher, hating someone, making
someone cry etc. The weeds in my life have changed me, look at me,
you can hardly see who I am. Some people may think I’m just
a big nasty green weed. There is good news. Jesus can take away
the weeds in our life. Every time you pray to Jesus to forgive you,
He takes away a weed. (Ask for forgiveness for each of the sins
that you named eg ‘yelling at your parents’, as you
do so - peel off the strips of paper weeds, using different examples.)
2. The roots of weeds go deep and choke out the
life of other plants. It takes hard work to keep weeds down. Sin
is like weeds and it tries to grow and choke out our Spiritual growth.
3. Farmer, wearing a hat and carrying a fork or
hoe comes out and says, “I just over heard what you were saying
and I was thinking that this weeding tool also teaches an important
lesson. Jesus is our tool to remove weeds of sin from our hearts.
Some Christians try to just mow over the weeds so
no one sees them, but that doesn't' get rid of the sin. Jesus gets
rid of sin at the root. He died on the cross so our sins could be
4. (Bring out a weed that has a flower. Bring
out a flower.) Let’s compare the two. Both have flowers,
but one is very deceiving. It might look beautiful but it is really
destructive. It will kill everything around it by choking out the
life of the other plant. Sin is like that too. It might seem fun,
harmless but it destroys peoples lives. Sin creeps in and before
long it takes over just like weeds take over a garden.
Download ‘Parts of trees’ English
video |

Discussion Questions:
1. What are weeds like? (Sin)
2. What is sin? (Sin is anything we think, say, do or don’t
do that displeases God.)
3. What tool will remove sin? (Jesus.)
Close with a time of worship. Place the black cloth on the floor.
Open the alters for those children who want to ask Jesus to forgive
their sins. We can try to just get rid of what people see, but that
isn't good enough. We need to get rid of sin completely.
Thank you Father, for sending your son Jesus to die for our sins,
we are sorry for doing wrong and we ask you Jesus to forgive us
our sins. Amen.

Download Shona ‘Take Home Bible Verse'
These should be photocopied prior to the Session
and available to take home

Download ‘Activity Book’
available for the children and can be downloaded
from this website.
Optional: Download
‘Take Home Truth'
These should be photocopied prior to the Session
and available to take home.
Take home their planted Moringa seed, remember
to water it a little each day you may want to keep it somewhere
shaded and warm. |
We are going to learn about bugs and protecting your Zakalanda (Moringa) plant.
to view Session #8