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Kudyara Mbeu Yekubudirira - Session 6 - 9
# 6th
week of our Journey – NURTURING THE SEED

God wants us to grow spiritually. We have already learnt in
order to grow plants need sunlight and water.
• Spiritual Growth
• Jesus our light
• Being filled with the Holy Spirit
Lessons have activities for the children.
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# 7th week of our Journey – NURTURING
In this lesson we will discover that gardens need to be weeded.
Just like we need to weed the sin out of our lives.
Lessons have Bible Verse Visual Aids
We will teach you how to plant your Moringa
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# 8th week of our Journey –
For your Moringa plant to grow it needs protection from bugs,
goats etc, you need to GUARD it. • Guard your heart
• Set a guard over your mouth
• Guard your eyes and ears
• Guard your ways

Lessons have 'Take Home Bible Verse' for
the children.
to view entire lesson.
# 9th week of our Journey
– NURTURING THE JESUS SEED In order to grow, plants sometimes need to
be pruned. In order for Christians to grow sometimes God has
to prune our lives.
God shapes us and creates us to be what
He wants us to be. Sometimes that is a bit uncomfortable,
but He does it for our good because all things work together
for our good.
• Pruning
• Trials
• Hardships
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