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'The Farmer and the seed' Lesson #5 English Review Bible Verse Colouring
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Adapted from Bible for Children.

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'The Farmer and the seed' Lesson #5 Nuer Review Bible Verse Colouring
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Remember we learned that God is like a farmer or a gardener and we are like his garden. God wants us to grow Spiritually.
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'The Farmer and the seed' Nuer Review quiz |


Download Parable of the Sower English review video |
In order to grow Spiritually He must plant the Jesus seed in the right type of soil. Your heart is like the soil, if your heart is full of anger, bitterness and pride it is like hard soil. If you put little effort into your relationship with Jesus it is
like rocky shallow soil. If your heart is full of worldly things
it is like thorny soil. Our hearts need to be like good soft fertile
b. English Sword Play
Ready…Swords up… Mark 4:26-27.… CHARGE!
26 “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters
seed on the ground. 27 Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets
up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how.
Mark 4:26-27
Bible Verse Visual Aid |

b. Nuer Sword Play
Nuer Bible Verse Visual Aid |

c. Teach the Lesson (15
Lesson #6 English Visual Aids
Lesson #6 Nuer Visual Aids

Bible Reading:1 Corinthians 3:6-7
Second English Memory Verse
So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything,
but only God, who makes things grow.
(1 Corinthians 3:7)
Download English Bible Verse Visual
Aid |

Second Nuer Memory Verse
Download Nuer Bible Verse Visual
Aid |
God wants us to grow spiritually.
In order to grow plants need sunlight and water. In order to
grow spiritually we need to spend time in the presence of God
and be filled with the Spirit.
Download 'Planting the Jesus seed' English poster |

The light is like the presence of God, Jesus
is our light in us and you become a light to others when you
talk to them about Jesus. Being watered is like being filled
with the Holy Spirit.
Download 'Planting the Jesus seed' Nuer poster |

Without spending time in God's presence and being filled with the
spirit we wither and die like a plant without water or sunlight,
we will not produce fruit. (Hold up withered branch in a pot like
a dead plant)
Object Lessons:
1. Fill the cup up with water from the watering can and empty it
on a plant, but then the water gets used up and the plant needs
to be watered again. God fills us with his Spirit just like I fill
this cup with water. But just being filled once with His Spirit
isn't enough because the water gets used up. And then we need a
fresh outpouring of God's Spirit in our lives each day. If we want
our Moringa plant to live we need to water it daily especially as
a young plant, and it needs sunlight daily. If we want to grow Spiritually
we need to spend time in God's presence.
2. (Bring out the wilted plant again) This plant I have
here was neglected. It was left in the dark and deprived of water.
Instead of growing and becoming a beautiful plant, it is now a dead
limp, ugly plant. As Christians we need to spend time in God's presence
just as this plant needed to spend time in the light. If we do not
we wither and die Spiritually. We also need to have the Holy Spirit
poured out in our lives just as this plant needed to have water
poured out into it.
3. Give the children balloons let them blow into their balloon
and talk about being FILLED with the Holy Spirit. Then tell children
that if we aren't filled with the Holy Spirit, then we'll be LIFELESS
and let the balloons fly around the room until they all land on
the floor without the air in them!
Discussion Questions:
1. Who lives in our bodies? (The Holy Spirit)
2. Plants need light, who is the light? (Jesus)
3. Plants need water, what is water like? (Holy Spirit.)

Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit,
who lives in you and was given to you by God
(1 Corinthians 6:19)
Download English Bible Verse Visual
Write the verse on a small piece of paper, roll
it up and put it in a balloon. As you blow up the balloon explain
how God breathed His breath, the Holy Spirit into the first
man – Adam. |

Download Nuer Bible Verse Visual
(Let the balloon deflate) this is
what happened after the fall, but once we give our lives to
Jesus the Holy Spirit then lives in you. Giving you power, (keep
bowing) it’s EXPLOSIVE. Quickly blow up your balloon
until it burst, WOW. get a child to find the verse and read
it out to the class. |
We thank you Father, for sending your Holy Spirit. Thank you
for breathing life into the church and giving your Spirit to all
who believe. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
Download ‘Activity
Book’ available for the children and
can be downloaded from this website.
‘Take Home Truth'
These should be photocopied prior to the Session
and available to take home.

Download Nuer ‘Take Home Bible Verse'

Take home their Moringa plant, remember to water
it a little each day, do not over water it.
Be sure that you protect it as it gets bigger, the goats and
sheep love Moringa.
We will discover that gardens need to be weeded! Take your Moringa
plant home, check for any weeds, remember to water it every other
day, do not over water it. Bring it back next week so we can see
how well it is growing it is soon time to plant it outside your
to view English Session #7
to view Nuer Session #7