.3. ACTIVE PRAISE CHORUS (10 minutes)
Download Yoruba Praise and
Worship video
4. INTIMATE WORSHIP (5 minutes)


Download English 'Fruit
of the Spirit' video and lyrics |
Download English 'Hand
movements' video and lyrics

a. “Back Track” Review
Last week we learnt the need to be pruned. In order for Christians
to grow sometimes God has to prune our lives.
God shapes us and creates us to be what He wants
us to be. Sometimes that is a bit uncomfortable, but He does
it for our good. Pruning your Ewe Igbale
helps the tree develop, the tree has a tendency to shoot up
vertically and grow tall, like a mast with sparse flowers and
few fruits found only at the very top
Review last weeks Bible Memory Verse
(Rome 8:28a)
Bible Verse Visual Aid |


b. Sword Play
Ready…Swords up… Galatia 5: 22-23.… CHARGE!
(Galatia 5: 22 - 23)
Bible Verse Visual Aid |
Photocopy the fruit, cut out and write one word from the Bible
verse on each fruit. Place the fruit in a basket for the children.
Children will take the fruit out of their baskets and stand in the
correct order of the verse.
c. Teach
the Lesson (15 minutes)
Lesson #10 Efik Visual Aids
John 15:8 Bible Verse Visual
A tree is recognized by its fruit. You cannot live life without
God and produce good fruit. You cannot be the “good”
person that God desires on your own. You need the power of the
Holy Spirit to work in you and through you. Only then, will
you produce the kind of fruit that we call the Fruit of the
Spirit! It is His work in you – nothing that you can do. |

Let’s work together to live our lives for God. As we grow
in the knowledge of Jesus, the Holy Spirit will produce fruit in
our lives. All we have to do is love Him! The Holy Spirit does the
Object Lessons:
You will need some fruit like bananas that look pretty good on the
outside but that may have bad spots on the inside and some that
you know is not good. Talk about how you can't always tell a fruit
by it's outside. Hold up a very ripe black banana. Explain that
you can tell that this banana is bad on the inside. Hold up a yellow
banana. It looks good, but it is possible that it isn't all good
on the inside. How do we know if a banana is good? First we look
at what we can see. Then we open it up and look at the inside. How
do we know if a person is a Christian? We look at their lives that
we can see, but that doesn't always tell us accurately. As Christians
we should not only have good outsides, but we should have good insides.
People we are around look at what they can see so we need to be
sure we are acting the way Jesus wants us to. God looks at the inside
so we need to make sure that we are acting the way Jesus wants us
Fruit of the Spirit:
Love: We are
to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, soul and mind. This
will enable us to show love by doing things for others and being
nice to family, friends and pets. God says to love your enemies.
That’s hard to do but God expects that!
Joy: There is a difference between joy and happiness.
Happiness is based upon “happenings,” meaning if good
things happen, you’re happy, but if bad things happen we are
unhappy. Not so with joy
Peace is being content with what God has given
us. Be happy with what you have.
Longsuffering is patients, not whining or complaining.
Remember, patience with your brothers or sisters, no matter how
hard that is.
Kindness is giving and helpful. Saying something
nice to someone that you see is feeling down?
Goodness means caring and understanding. Do a
little something extra to help out at home.
Faithfulness means to be true to God. You all
know right from wrong. You all know what God expects. You all know
what He says not to do.
Gentleness is being tender and calm. Again, being
kind to your family, friends and your pets.
Self-control is managing your wants and emotions.
Oh, this is a hard one! Don’t do things that you know you
shouldn’t be doing. If you have to hide it or lie about it,
don’t do it. Be careful how you act, what you say. Be careful
of the friends you pick.
If we connect to Jesus, we will produce beautiful leaves and delicious
fruit. But if we are separated from Jesus, our leaves will wither
and die and we will never put forth any fruit. Your Moringa tree
fruit or pods can be used when young when they are 30 cm long. They
are cooked like beans and are very tasty. Wait and see they are
like drumsticks!
God has "planted" us on this earth and he expects us to
produce good fruit in our life. When He doesn't see these things
in our life, He is very disappointed -- but He is willing to give
us another chance. Jesus wants to help us to be the kind of fruit-bearing
children that God wants us to be. If we will trust in him, read
his Word, and pray -- he will help us to produce a lot of good fruit.

Download English
‘Activity Book’ available for
the children and can be downloaded from this website.
‘Take Home Memory Bible Verse'
These should be photocopied prior to the Session
and available to take home. |
There are some fun English games
and quizzes that can be downloaded to help the childen remember
what they have been taught.
Download English quizzes
We are going to learn about harvest, leading up to the Moringa

to view Session #11