3. ACTIVE PRAISE CHORUS (10 minutes)
Optional: Download
the Dutch Praise and Worship music video
4. INTIMATE WORSHIP (5 minutes0 |

a. “Back Track” Review (5 minutes)

Love: We are to love the Lord our God with
all our hearts, soul and mind. (Give examples)
Joy There is a difference between
joy and happiness. (Explain the difference)
Download 'Fruit of
the Spirit' Flash cards |
Peace is being content with what God has given us. Be happy with what you have. (Share)
Longsuffering is patients, not whining or complaining.
(Share testimony for all the below)
Kindness is giving and helpful.
Saying something nice to someone that you see is feeling down?
'Fruit of the Spirit' Flash cards |

Goodness means caring and understanding. Do a
little something extra to help out at home.

Faithfulness means to be true to God. You all
know right from wrong. You all know what God expects.
Gentleness is being tender
and calm. Again, being kind to your family, friends and your
Download 'Fruit of
the Spirit' Flash cards |
Self-control is managing your wants and emotions.
Oh, this is a hard one!
b. Sword Play
Ready…Swords up… Lucas 10:2.… CHARGE!
" Hij zei tegen hen: 'Vraag God meer arbeiders te sturen om de oogst binnen te halen. Want er moet veel geoogst worden, maar er zijn te weinig arbeiders.”
Lucas 10:2
Bible Verse Visual Aid
c. Teach the Lesson (15 minutes)
[Dress up in work clothes; gloves, hat, shirt, and boots.]
In our Bible reading today, Jesus sent out people to bring in the
harvest. Do any of you know what a harvest is? Harvest is the time
when plants, fruits, vegetables and grains are ready to be picked
and brought in, when your Moringa tree gets around 7 feet you can
harvest it and cut it down to just around 1 foot off the ground.
Remember we learnt about pruning, the more your pinch back the branches,
the bushier and better they become.
The harvest Jesus was talking about here in the Bible was not Moringa,
Mangos or Bananas. (Hold up objects) He was sending out
workers to bring people into the Kingdom of God. He said that there
were many souls who were ready to be harvested, but there were not
enough workers. One reason it was hard to find workers was that
it was very difficult work. Jesus warned that the workers in His
Kingdom would often be treated very unkindly.
Jesus said that there are many people out there who need to be
helped, who need to be cared for, who need to be taught about God’s
We don’t need these things (gardening props) to
care for the harvest Jesus talks about, but sometimes we do need
to get our hands dirty to really serve and care for others.
Jesus is still looking for people who will work for him and bring
people into his kingdom. That is what the church is supposed to
do. It won't always be easy. In fact, it will be hard.
A farmer usually doesn’t buy a field with a ready grown harvest.
Our Moringa harvest began when we planted the Moringa seed in the
water bottles many months ago. But our work didn’t stop there.
We had to:
• Water it.
• Cultivate it.
• Weed it.
• Plant it.
• Guard it against bugs, goats etc
• We had to give it a lot of attention to make it produce
so we can go out & gather in the harvest!
How do I nurture the Jesus seed that has been planted in
my heart?
• By cultivating your relationship with Jesus Christ.
• By praying
• By reading and memorizing His Word the Bible
• By worshipping Him
• By fellowshipping with other believers
In between the seed-planting & the harvesting a divine process
had been going on.
The important thing to notice about farmers is that they have to
be willing to wait for the seed to come into full growth!

That is how you make it through the growing season, REFUSE TO GIVE UP UNTIL YOU RECEIVE YOUR HARVEST!
They had to have faith in what they had planted & believe it would produce the harvest.
Download Dutch Colouring page |
Let the children come and quietly ask God how He can use them to
be labourers to reap the harvest in their schools, homes and playground.
Lord of the Harvest, we know that Your harvest field is ripe for
the picking. We long to see Your Kingdom come on this earth and
to do everything we can to obey Your commission to go into all the
world. We know that the workers are few so we ask you Lord to release
workers to go into the Mission field. We thank you God that you
created fruit trees for our health and healing You created light
to enable trees to grow. You created us in your image to reflect
Your love and glory. You are awesome and we worship you. Amen.

Give one ‘Take
Home Bible Verse’ one for each child at the end
of class.
These should be photocopied prior to the Session
and available to take home. |
Next week we are going to review the entire series, bring all of
your Bible Memory Verse Cards back, there will be a prize for everyone
that still has all of them. CLICK for a Summary