home>> hoofd van de tabernakele >> stap 1 >> stap 2
zaad van Jezus Zaaien - Stap 2
Step 2 - Competitive ‘Team’
(Information to be translated)

Two fingers remind us that this
is a team game and requires two groups of children.
1. Fish swim. Birds fly. Children play.
2. Games reach a child’s heart.
3. Releases energy in an acceptable way.
4. Cheering and laughter with the leader in control.
Purpose for Games
• Games open the door to relationship with

Games break down the barrier
between ourselves and the children without changing position
of authority
Seen here KIMI
training in Suriname |
a. Builds relationship
without words
b. Makes a statement that it’s OK to
be a child – I accept you just as you are (this causes
a child to also accept you where you are and opens the door
later for them to receive the teaching you have for them
Seen here KIMI
training in French Guyana |
