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Grow and Go - Spiritual Growth- Session #3


MATERIALS: Balloons for Game #2. Slips of paper representing some type of behavior printed off prior to class. Basket. Music song sheets. Photocopy all Bible Verse Visual Aids for colouring Photocopy Sword Play Tracks. Print off visual aids, a map


Welcome Teacher, Trainers and students. Get all the children to colour the colouring pages and visual aids until it is time to start.

DOWNLOAD English Visual Aids

DOWNLOAD Session #3 English Teaching

1. OPENING GAMES: (10 minutes)

Dance to the Lord: Let all the children gather in a circle or in a designated area. Play one of the children's songs that they enjoy and let children dance around a circle. Or have someone beat a drum. When the music stops, the children must freeze, if anyone moves they are out of the game. The teacher will change songs and tell children to do another dance or change places and dance for another song.

Obedience is Worship:
Have the children stand up facing the front of the room with Teacher at the front. Teacher will call our orders - 'Teacher says hop on one foot' All the children hop on one foot. 'Teacher says turn around in a circle' all the children turn around in a circle. But when Teacher simply says 'touch your head' any of the children that do it are OUT. All instructions must start with "Teacher says...."

2. TEAM GAMES: (10 minutes)
Divide the group into two teams. Give each team leader one balloon (but have more ready — remember they pop!).

Leader tosses the balloon in the air and call out one child’s name that kid tries to catch the balloon before it touches the ground. If the kid succeeds, he gets to toss the balloon and call the name of the next child in the team. When all the children have played the game is over, the first team to finish is the winner.


(10 minutes)

Optional: Download 'Every move I make' Music video and lyrics

Optional: Download My God is so BIG' Music video and lyrics

4. INTIMATE WORSHIP: (5 minutes)

Optional: Download 'To God be the Glory' Music video, music sheet and lyrics

Prayer: Lord God Almighty, Lord of the Angel Armies we worship you Father in the Spirit and in truth because we know that is the kind of worshipers you seek. Praise the Lord praise the Lord we rejoice we come to the Father through Jesus the Son and give Him the glory great things He has done. Amen

Download Session #3 Spiritual Growth Series Visual Aids

a) Review

Discussion Questions:
1. What is prayer? (Prayer is communication between God and ourselves)
2. Can you pray anytime? (Yes.)
3. Lets read James 5:13-16. What are some of the examples of why to pray? (When you are in trouble, when you are happy, when you are sick, to show faith, for confession of sin, and to pray for others.)
4. Is the prayer of a righteous man powerful? Is it effective? (Yes the prayers of the righteous are both powerful and effective.)

Review video:

Optional: Download 'God's Story Prayer ' Review Music video

b. Sword Play
Ready…Swords up… Matthew 2:1-2 … CHARGE

After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him." Matthew 2:1-2

Optional: Download Bible Reading Visual Aid.

c) Teaching the Lesson - Five Means to Spiritual Growth: Praise & Worship:


King David said in Psalm 144:9

"I will sing a new song to You, O God;
On a harp of ten strings I will sing praises to You"

Optional: Download Praise Colouring page Visual Aid.

We are a ten string instrument created to give God praise:

  • We will praise Him with our two eyes by looking only unto Him
    (Hebrews 12:2)
  • We will praise Him with our two ears by listening only to His voice (1 Samuel 3:10)
  • We will praise Him with our two hands by working in His service (Ecc. 9:10a)
  • We will praise Him with our two feet by running in the ways of His commandments. (Isaiah 52:7a)
  • We will praise Him with our tongue by bearing witness of His goodness. (1 John 1:3)
  • We will praise Him with our hearts by loving Him, who first loved us. (1 Peter 1:8a)

Instruments of ten stings - our lives - in tune with God and available to Him for His use will bring praise to His name.


If we were planning to go to visit someone in another town or city, we might first ask someone who knew how to get there to give us directions. They might give us some general directions and suggest the best roads to take. Another thing we should do is look at a map. The map will show us exactly how to get where we want to go. As we travel, we should keep checking the map to be sure that we are headed in the right direction. If we follow the directions that we receive and use the map to guide us, we will surely find the way.

After Jesus was born, some wise men, also called Magi, saw a star in the sky which they believed announced the birth of a king. They travelled to Jerusalem and began to ask, "Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him."

Herod heard about the Magi and their search for a king and he was deeply disturbed. He called a meeting of the priests and teachers of religious law and asked, "Where is the Messiah supposed to be born?" The priests told Herod that the prophet Micah had written that the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem. So Herod called for private meeting with the wise men and said to them, "Go to Bethlehem and search carefully for the child. And when you find him, come back and tell me so that I can go and worship him, too!"

As you know, the wise men did not have a map to guide them to Bethlehem, but they had something even better - they had a star to guide them. So the wise men followed information that the priests had given to Herod and the star that God had given to guide them and it led them right to Jesus. When they found him, they gave him gifts and bowed down and worshiped him.

Wise men, women, boys, and girls are still searching for Jesus. There are people who want to help -- people like pastors and Sunday School teachers. There is no map to help us find Jesus and there is no star to follow, but we do have the Bible. We can find the way to Jesus by reading God's Holy Word! (Remember we leant that in Session #1.)

The Bible is the map and star that will lead to Jesus. All of us should read it every day to make sure we are headed in the right direction!

Optional: Download 'God's Word the Bible' Visual Aid

Extracts from https://sermons4kids.com


Put on praise and worship music. Encourage the children to come to the alter and enjoy themselves as they celebrate God! Expressing joy, Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them'" (Matthew 19:14a)

"From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise " (Matthew 21:16b)


Dear Jesus, we seek you today because we want to worship you and crown you as our King. We Praise and worship You God for who You are and what You have done. We know you are seeking worshipers who will bring You glory, not just for an hour on Sunday, but every day through all of our activities, at home, school and even in our leisure play time. We begin this worship by turning from our sins and trusting in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. Help us to worship in spirit from our hearts or from within. Not formal, ceremonial, external worship with a heart that is not right with God. Keep our hearts pure and our lives clean as we lift up holy hands to worship you. In Jesus name. Amen.


Print the Take Home Bible Verse one for each child.

DOWNLOAD Take Home Bible Verse Visual Aid


‘Take Home Activities’ are available for the children at the end of this session

DOWNLOAD Take Home Activities

Children's Sermons from Sermons 4 Kids | Object Lessons...

Print the Take Home Activity Quiz books

DOWNLOAD Take Home Activity Quiz books

Children's Sermons from Sermons 4 Kids | Object Lessons...

NEXT WEEK: We will learn that when we criticize or argue with each other, we hurt Jesus as well as ourselves. But when we rely on the power of His Spirit working through us, we can achieve the unity He desires as we fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

CLICK to view Spiritual Growth Session #4



Grow and Go English children's curriculum
Grow and Go Chichewa children's curriculum
Grow and Go Nuer children's curriculum
Grow and Go Swahili children's curriculum
Grow and Go Lingala children's curriculum
Grow and Go Kihavu
Grow and Go French children's curriculum
Grow and Go Kinyarwanda


Drop of Hope French
Drop of Hope
Drop of Hope Nuer
Drop of Hope Swahili
Drop of Hope Chichewa
Drop of Hope Portuguese
Drop of Hope Yoruba
Drop of Hope Shona
Drop of Hope Efik
Drop of Hope Dutch


French Lingala
French Creole
Sowing Seeds of Success Shona





New Life French Child Evangelism Curriculum
New Life Swahili Child Evangelism Curriculum
New Life Yoruba Child Evangelism Curriculum
New Life Chichewa Child Evangelism Curriculum
New Life Persian Child Evangelism Curriculum
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