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and Heidi Baker
Rolland and Heidi Baker began Iris Ministries, Inc., an interdenominational
mission, in 1980 and have been missionaries for the past twenty-five
years. They were both ordained as ministers in 1985 after completing
their BA and MA degrees at Southern California College in Biblical
Studies and Church Leadership. Rolland is a third-generation missionary
born and raised in China and Taiwan. He was greatly influenced by
his grandfather, H.A. Baker, who wrote "Visions Beyond the
Veil," an account of the extended visions of heaven and hell
that children received in his remote orphanage in southwest China
two generations ago.
In the last few days I have learned more then I
ever imagined about the cup of suffering and joy. Our nation Mozambique
has been hammered with floods, cyclones and monster waves. Pemba,
Cabo Delgado, was hit with cholera. Finally a few kilometers from
our Zimpeto children's center in Maputo, a large ammunitions dump
blew up, spraying mines, missiles and shrapnel for thirty kilometers
around. Hundreds of people were killed. Houses were leveled leaving
the victims crushed beneath the rubble. I have never seen such suffering
as I have seen in the last thirty days. <
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NEWS FLASH 23rd February
2007: Cyclone Favio slammed already waterlogged
Mozambique with peak winds of up to 144 mph (230 km/h). The powerful
storm destroyed houses, knocked down trees and power poles, and
triggered a new round of floods.
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Contact & Support
U.S. mail and support:
Iris Ministries, Inc.
P. O. Box 493995
Redding , CA 96049-3995
Tel: 530-255-2077
Web Site: www.irismin.org
Inquiries regarding container shipments, needs and
Gordon Haggerty
a Donation
A message from Heidi Baker
Heidi was powerfully called to
the mission field when she was sixteen and living on an Indian
reservation as an American Field Service student. She was led
to the Lord by a Navajo preacher. Several months later she was
taken up in a vision for several hours and heard the Lord speak
to her and tell her to be a minister and a missionary to Africa,
Asia and England. |
Heidi was powerfully called to the mission
field when she was sixteen and living on an Indian reservation
as an American Field Service student. She was led to the Lord
by a Navajo preacher. Several months later she was taken up
in a vision for several hours and heard the Lord speak to
her and tell her to be a minister and a missionary to Africa,
Asia and England. When she returned home to Laguna Beach,
California, she began ministering at every opportunity and
leading short-term mission teams.
< Read more >
Seen here in Barbados
2007 |
Email heidi@irismin.org