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Teaching Library of Mike Bickle - Book of Joel

Studies in the Book of Joel (2010)
By Mike Bickle
International House of Prayer of Kansas City
Free Teaching Library
MikeBickle.org |
The prophet Joel gave a precise overview of the end-time events,
including the outpouring of the Spirit, the Battle of Jerusalem,
the Armageddon Campaign, and Jesus' millennial kingdom. Joel's message
is essential for those who are called to be forerunner messengers.
Joel teaches God's people how to respond in light of the coming
end-time revival and crisis. His book is essential for this hour
of history. Mike Bickle teaches verse by verse through the three
chapters of Joel's prophecy.
Introducing the Book of Joel
1. A. I have often been asked why it is so important to study the
book of Joel. What relevance do th elocust plagues and military
invasions of ancient Israel have in our day? Why should we spend
a lot of time and energy poring over this Old Testament book?
B. We must study the book of Joel because it equips end-time forerunner
messengers to prepare the unprepared for the unique dynamics that
will occur in the generation in which Jesus returns. We study this
three-chapter prophecy because God has uniquely designed its message
to prepare the end-time church for the unprecedented glory and crisis
that will occur in events related to the Day of the Lord. It is
an “instruction manual” to prepare the Bride for such
a time as this.
A. Joel 1: A natural disaster (agricultural and economic
B. Joel 2:1-11: A military crisis (Babylonian
invasion of Israel as a type of the Antichrist’s invasion)
C. Joel 2:12-17: The response that God requires
to release His protection and blessing
D. Joel 2:18-31: The breakthrough of God’s
blessing (agriculturally, politically, spiritually, etc.)
E. Joel 3: God’s punishment of His enemies
(the Antichrist’s armies will be destroyed
the entire Series:
Much of this teaching will be used by the English speaking Pastors
in the Africa
Training Bible School.
Each of these YDT Series includes an audio and handout or study
notes to be downloaded as well as a PowerPoint to make the viewing
more visual for the youth.
Sessions can be split into two for Junior Youth who may not be
able to absorb the entire teaching in one session.
Book of Joel
Introducing the book of Joel
The day of the Lord
The Primary and Secondary cause of a National Crisis
Establishing a Joel 2 Spiritual Culture
Download The five fold action plan God wants from us
Military invasion of God’s end time plan
How to respond to Global Crisis
God’s zeal to release blessing
Download The end time outpouring of the Spirit
End time judgement of Israel’s enemies
Jesus, the victorious King of Armageddon
Israel’s victory in the Millennial Kingdom