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Teaching Library of Mike Bickle - Israel teaching

Standing with Israel in Great Trouble in the End-Times.
By Mike Bickle

International House of Prayer of Kansas City

Free Teaching Library

A. The Battle for Jerusalem is the most significant battlefront in the spirit today. It is central to the Armageddon Campaign and culminates with Jesus’ Second Coming to reign as King over all the earth. The Church must understand this battle in order to effectively engage in it

B. God’s Word insists that the Church stand with His purposes for Israel. This is not optional; it is a litmus test of the Church’s obedience, especially in the End-Times. The highest issue in serving God’s purpose for Israel is obeying Jesus’ sovereign leadership. We love Him, therefore, we want to do what He does and love what He loves.

C. The Battle fo rJerusalem is a key issue in perfecting the End-Time Church in obedience to Jesus. The Church will be victorious and without spot (compromise) when Jesus returns
(Eph. 5:27).

D. Jesus will rule Israel and the whole earth from Jerusalem only after He is invited by the Jewish leadership to be their King. Israel’s leaders are the representatives of the nation’s covenant with God and are in position to be heirs of the fullness of Abraham’s covenant
(Mt. 23:37-39).

E. Satan seeks to exploit the Mt. 23:39 prophecy as a “loophole” in God’s End-Time plan by assuring that the leaders of Israel will not receive Jesus as King. Satan’s plan includes controlling Jerusalem to more effectively:

1) Deceive Israel into taking the mark of the Beast(make an alliance with the Antichrist);

2) Kill the remainder of the Jewish race

3) Assure Israel is so offended at Jesus that they will not receive Him as their King. Satan is not cast intoprison until after the battle for Jerusalem is wonand under Jesus’ leadership
(Rev. 19:11-20:3).

F. Jesus is King of both Jerusalems. Jesus rules in heaven as the Son of God(New Jerusalem) and will rule on earth as the Son of David(earthly Jerusalem).The government of heaven and earth come together at the Second Coming

Jesus is the only One with authority to bring both realms together as He calls the New Jerusalem to descend to the Millennial earth
(Rev. 21:2, 10; 3:12).

G. Jesus’ one Throne will be expressed in both Jerusalems. The contact point or place of dynamic convergence between the heavenly and early realms is the union of the two Jerusalems. Historic Jerusalem and the New Jerusalem are both called the Holy City
(Neh 11:1; 11:18;

Isa 48:2; 52:1;

Dan 9:24;

Matt 4:5; 27:53;

Rev 11:2; 21:2; 22:19).

H. God defeat sand imprisons Satan and releases the New Jerusalem to earth through a Man whois100%obedient to God’s authority(thus, fulfilling the OT covenant requirement of total obedience). When Jerusalem is under the government of the only Man who lived 100% under the Father’s authority, Jesus will sentence Satan to prison without any probation. This enrages Satan.As Jesus cast Satan out of Israel’s people during His earthly ministry, He will cast Satan(unclean spirit)out of the land of Israel permanently

(Zech. 13:1-2).

Download the entire Series

Much of this teaching will be used by the English speaking Pastors in the Africa Training Bible School.

Each of these YDT Series includes an audio and handout or study notes to be downloaded as well as a PowerPoint to make the viewing more visual for the youth.

Sessions can be split into two for Junior Youth who may not be able to absorb the entire teaching in one session.


Download Standing with Israel in time of trouble

Download Battle of Jerusalem

Download Embracing Gods heart for Israel

Download End time judgement of Israel’s enemies

Download Gods plan for Israel

Download Israel’s victory in the Millennium

IDownload Israel, Egypt and Syria

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