bickle>>joshua a type and shadow of jesus
Types and Shadows - Joshua a Types and Shadows of Jesus

Joshua aTypes and Shadows of Jesus
By Mike Bickle
International House of Prayer of Kansas City
Free Teaching Library
MikeBickle.org |
Ecclesiastes 1:9
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which
is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under
the sun.
Types or Shadows
There are many TYPES or SHADOWS of things to come throughout the
Bible. This is essentially the Bible’s way of foreshadowing
future prophetic events through Old Testament Scripture
."Type" is some "person," or "event,"
or "ceremony" that is recorded to "foreshadow"
some future "person," or "event," or "ceremony."In
studying the ‘Types’ the two comparative words ‘AS’
and ‘SO’ are often seen.
As it was in the days of Noah, soit will be at the coming of the
Son of Man.–Matt 24:37
When the "Type" and the "Antitype" (or fulfillment)
have both appeared, as the "Brazen Serpent" and the "Uplifted
Christ."Then the Type has been fulfilled.
If the Antitype has not yet appeared then the fulfillment is future
such as the "Plagues of Egypt" are a type of the ”Plagues
of the Great Tribulation.“ The Lord has used much of the historic
events of the Old Testament to provide a preview of future events.
Passover a shadow of the crucifixion.
The Passover of Exodus foreshadowing the crucifixion of Christ
on the cross and His shed blood which provides the remission of
Joshua a shadow of Jesus
Joshua ,as his name in Hebrew indicates, is a type of Christ. The
name Joshua or Yeshua in Hebrew, means “salvation.”Joshua
is in Hebrew what Jesus is in Greek.
1. Joshua was Divinely Appointed
After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord appointed
Joshua son of Nun, the servant of Moses.
Joshua 1:1-2
Christ also was appointed — as the servant of the Lord, and
the Savior of men.
Isaiah 42:1
2. Joshua was the Servant of Moses.
As Joshua is called the servant of Moses.
Exodus 24:13a
So too Jesus was first the servant of the law, before he securred
the salvation of men.
3. Joshua was the Successor of Moses.
As Joshua succeeded Moses, so Christ and his Gospel succeeded the
whole Mosaic ritual.
John 1:17
As Joshua was the one who lead God’s people into the Promised
So Jesus will lead God’s people into the New Jerusalem.
4. Joshua Conducted the People of Israel Through Jordan
It was at the river Jordan that Jehovah publicly magnified Joshua
before all Israel.
It was at the same renowned river, that God the Father publicly
magnified Jesus, when entering to the performance of his sacred
Matthew 3:13,16, 17
As crossing the river Jordan meant for Israel leaving behind her
the wilderness experience; turning their backs
upon their dry days, they were entering the land which God had promised
to them.
Joshua 1:2
So too this is a type of the Christian saying goodbye to a life
of defeat and entering into a life of real victory in union with
Colossians 3:9, 10
The relationship between crossing the Red Sea and crossing Jordan
may be compared with the relationship between conversion and entering
into a victorious Christian life.
Israel had to leave Egypt before she could enter Canaan.
As the Ark of the Covenant leading the procession in crossing the
river Jordan is a type of the place of Christ in relationship to
a walk of victory.
Joshua 3:17
The Ark was the first to go into the river and was the last to
leave the river. This should have relieved all the fears of Israel.
The Ark of the Covenant is a type here of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Revelation 22:13
5. Joshua Overthrew the Walls of Jericho.
As the walls of Jericho fell — so must the strongholds of
Satan fall.
As they fell by means of the sound of rams' horns, so by praise,
worship and the preaching of the Gospel, which is foolishness unto
men, shall all the strongholds of sin be cast down.
1 Corinthians 1:18
As the Israelites had to persevere in marching around Jericho,
so must Christians persevere in trusting God for victory in His
Joshua 6:15
When the encircling was multiplied, the city was conquered. We
need perseverance in our praying in God’s work.
Ephesians 6:18
Joshua was victorious in battle and in the end times it will be
Jesus who defeats the Antichrist.
(Revelation 19).
6. The End Time battle
We know from Revelation 13, that the Antichrist’s government
will be global. He will have control over all nation of the world.
However, prior to being the sole global dictator, he will share
his power. The angel sent to explain the visions the Apostle John
views in chapter 17 identifies the horn on the beast as these rulers.
And the end goal of this confederation is the same as it was in
the times of Joshua: to wage war and conquer God’s people.
In this incredible battle that took place between the Israelites
and the confederacy of Adonizedec, there are some very powerful
and unique prophetic markers that again show a type and shadow to
the book of Revelation and the end-time period to come.
7. Signs of the Times
a. Hailstones
The enemies of Israel were first hit with hailstones from the sky:
Joshua 10:11b
In Revelation, one of the judgments we read is very similar:
Revelation 16:21a
b. Signs in the sun and moon
Joshua’s battle was also famous for being the day the “sun
stood still”:
Joshua 10:12
In Revelation, at the time the Biblical “Day of The Lord”
starts, when God Almighty Himself will rise to pour out His punishment
on the sinful world, we see similar unprecedented signs:
Revelation 6:2
c. Hiding from the hand of God
In Joshua’s time the five kings hide in a cave.
Joshua 10:16
In Revelation, these signs are accompanied by a devastating global
earthquake that sends all the rich and powerful people of the world
(the kings) hiding in holes and caves.
Revelation 6:15
8. The final defeat
As Joshua eventually defeats Adonizedec and all of the usurper Kings…
So in like manner Jesus will finally defeat the Antichrist with
the brightness of His Coming (Revelation 19).
9. Subduing their enemies
As Joshua subdued his enemies by putting his feet upon the enemies
Joshua 10:24a
So too Jesus Christ is prophetically pictured defeating His enemies.
Hebrews 10:12, 13
10. God Himself fights for Israel.
The other key component of this battle is that God Himself fights
for Israel.
So on the Day of The Lord (during the end times tribulation), God
will once again rise up to fight on behalf of Israel.
11. Finally a finished work
As Joshua finished the work God gave him to do.
Joshua 11:15
So too Jesus completed His lifework.
John 17:4
As we see in this overlap of the signs in these battles we can
conclude that …
Joshua was indeed a type of Jesus Christ and his war to lead God’s
nation into the Promised Land was a shadow of Jesus Christ’s
future defeat of the Antichrist and reclaiming the Earth for the
saints of The Lord.
These remarkable patterns that The Lord has put in the Bible help
inform us when we are trying to interpret prophetic Scripture.
Any future event should have a prior type in Scripture and we should
study the Word diligently to find out to confirm what we may think
to be true.
And all of this will help us to keep our eyes open to world events
as the Word of God becomes more and more of a reality.
Proverbs 25:2
2 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter
is the glory of kings.
Much of this teaching will be used by the English speaking Pastors
in the Africa
Training Bible School.
Each of these YDT Series includes an audio and handout or study
notes to be downloaded as well as a PowerPoint to make the viewing
more visual for the youth.
Sessions can be split into two for Junior Youth who may not be
able to absorb the entire teaching in one session.
Types and Shadows
Joshua and Jesus
The Five Kings
http://focusonjerusalem.com/sagaofjerusalem.html |