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Teaching Library of Mike Bickle - Daniel end time teaching

Daniel Stidoes in the End Times
By Mike Bickle
International House of Prayer of Kansas City
Free Teaching Library
The Four Beast Kingdoms
(Dan. 7:1-8)
Today we are beginning our series on the book of Daniel in which
we are going to look at the four visions in Daniel 7-12. The book
of Daniel is twelve chapters. The first six chapters are historical
episodes in Daniel’s life. In these first six chapters there
are six different episodes in Daniel’s life. The final six
chapters are the recounting of four visions that have their ultimate
fulfillment in the generation in which the Lord returns. This study
is focused on those final six chapters, those four visions. Tonight
we are going to look at the beginning, the first part of the first
A. Daniel’s vision: four beasts symbolizing four world empires
(Dan. 7:1-14).
In Daniel’s first vision, he sees four beasts, four wild
animals. These four wild animals symbolize four world empires. It
is very important that you learn the names of these four empires.
If you learn the names of these four empires and a few other dates
and facts—there are only about ten actual dates and facts
in these four visions—you get those ten down, you are going
to understand these four visions a whole lot more. Do not be intimidated
by the book of Daniel. Once you know about ten facts—and I
am going to say them over and over and over in the next ten weeks.
I will even quiz you on them throughout the sessions. Of course
I always give you the answer before I quiz you—if you get
these ten facts, ten or twelve—I have not exactly counted
them—and dates, these four visions are going to make a lot
more sense. The four visions cover the same timeframe as their ultimate
focus. That is the generation the Lord returns.
The four empires are four in a row historically: Babylon, Persia,
Greece, and the Roman Empire. That is it. You got it. The first
one, what is it? Babylon. Who defeated Babylon? The kingdom or the
empire of Persia. Who defeated the Persians? Alexander the Great
and the Greek empire. Who defeated the Greeks? The Romans. You got
it. You get those four down. They are going to be repeated over
and over.
the entire Series
Much of this teaching will be used by the English speaking Pastors
in the Africa
Training Bible School.
Each of these YDT Series includes an audio and handout or study
notes to be downloaded as well as a PowerPoint to make the viewing
more visual for the youth.
Sessions can be split into two for Junior Youth who may not be
able to absorb the entire teaching in one session.
Daniel end time teaching:
Session #1 The four beast kingdom
Download Session #2 Gods Sovereign leadership
over history
Session #3 The rise and fall of the Antichrist
Session #4 Abomination of Desolation
Session #5 The Little Horn
Download Session #6 The personality and
power of the Antichrist
Session #7 The seventy weeks
Session #8 The seventy weeks cont:
Session #9 The power of a life dedicated to God
Session #10 The Antichrist attitudes and activities
Session #11 The tribulation and the triumph of the Kingdom
Session #12 Details about the Tribulation
Session #13 The Fathers end time plan
Session #14 Seven key end time events