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Deliverance Session #3
Information sourced from the late Dr Paul Hollis and Dr Clair Hollis
Free Ministries
MATERIALS: Laptop and sound system to play music.
Multimedia projector and screen to show the PowerPoint.
Two black clothes for blindfolds. Photocopy: Bible Verse Visual
Aids and‘Sword Play Memory Verse Track’. Activity books
for youth. Seven SOAP Daily Devotional Journals photocopy a set
of seven for each teen to take home.
Welcome Teacher/Trainers and students. Get a youth to colour the
Bible Verse Visual Aids.
Bible Verse Visual Aids.
1. OPENING GAME: (10 minutes for Junior Youth)
One person, designated "the stoplight," faces away from
the rest of the group. The group lines up as far as they can get
from the stoplight. When the stoplight yells "Forgiveness"
all participants can move forward. As they move they say, "I
forgive you" This will help the stoplight hear when participants
get closer. The stoplight can turn around and yell, "Stop!"
at anytime to stop the movement forward anyone who moves forward
once the command to ‘Stop’ has been issued has to start
again. ‘The spotlight’ then turn away from the group
and continues the game, the first player to touch the stoplight
is told "You are forgiven" They then get to be the next
2. TEAM GAMES: (10 minutes for Junior Youth)
You can Trust me’ team game:
Divided into two groups. Make sure that both the groups have the
same number of players. Divide the children into pairs and blindfold
one child from each pair. Each pair should have one kid who has
the blindfold and one who doesn’t. Depending on the level
and intensity of the activity, you can let the path be regular or
add obstacles. The kid who is not blindfolded has to guide his partner
carefully through the path and reach a safe zone. Once all kids
are in the safe zone, switch the blindfold and put it on the kids
who did not wear it earlier.
3. ACTIVE PRAISE CHORUS: (10 minutes for Junior Youth)
Forgiveness song
Praise and Worship Music Session #3
4. INTIMATE WORSHIP: (5 minutes for Junior Youth)
This is my desire
a) Review
Last week we learnt about Strongholds. Can someone recite the Memory
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God
for pulling down strongholds, 1 Corinthians 10: 4
Today we are going to review Forgiveness, what is forgiveness?
• Is a spiritual decision to release the person, entity, institution
or group who hurt you, betrayed you
• Is releasing resentment toward the very person who exacted
very real hurt on you
• Is dismissing our demand that the person owes us something
• Is releasing the right to be bitter and to get even
• Is releasing the right to hear the words, “I’m
• Is an act of our spiritual will a choice we must make
Optional: Download
and play the Heart that Forgives dancing video
Optional: Download
and play Joseph Forgives videos
b) Sword Play
Ready…Swords up… 1 Corinthians 15: 33 … CHARGE!
33 Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.”
Dramatize the Bible Verse with various scenarios. Eg Teen heading
to church with Bible, group of guys come up smoking and drinking
enticing him to follow them to a party.
Bible Verse Visual Aids.
Download and gve out the Sword
Play Memory Verse Tracks one for each youth
to take home
c) Teaching the Lesson - Soul Ties
Set up the Multimedia projector and screen to show the PowerPoint
Session #3 Soul Ties PowerPoint
Download the Soul Ties PowerPoint
Notes to assist with using the PowerPoint
Download the Leadership Handout
additional Soul Ties Handout
• Review and discuss the seven SOAP BibIe Study Devotional
Journals from last week.
• Give each youth the next seven SOAP
Bible Study Devotional Journals one for each
day of the week to follow.
Set up the Laptop connected to the sound system to play soft worship
music to set the atmosphere.
Remember Jesus wants to set you free, not teach you how to cope!
Let us all have a time reflecting on Soul Ties
Thanking God for all the Godly Soul Ties in our lives
• Between parents and their children and brothers and sisters
• Between good friends
• Between brothers and sisters in Christ
Acknowledging and confessing all the Ungodly Soul Ties in our lives
• Between fathers and their sons/daughters
• Between brothers and sisters
• Between you and ungodly companions
• Between believer and unbeliever
• Between sexual partners
For all the Ungodly Soul Ties that may be impacting our lives let’s
pray together asking God to show you if you have soul ties that
need to be severed. If the Lord brings people to mind or you think
there is a possibility of a soul tie, proceed to pray to cut the
soul tie.
Make sure that all unforgiveness has been dealt with and you are
willing to submit yourself to the Lord and be directed only by His
guidance. God demands first place in our hearts. When our strongest
soul tie is to God, there is a divine covering and protection that
will enable us to withstand forming ungodly soul ties.
CLOSING PRAYER: Thank you, Jesus for dying that
I might be set free. I invite You to be Lord of my life, and I ask
you to set me free. I confess and repent of my sins. I forgive and
loose, in the freedom of my forgiveness, those with whom I have
ungodly soul ties. I now renounce any ungodly soul between me and
my parents, my brothers and sister, I renounce any ungodly connections
I have made with ungodly companions, forgive me for the bad company
I have got into, I repent and turn away from these people. I list
the soul ties and repeat from sexual sin. I now use the authority
I have in Jesus Christ and break and renounce these ungodly soul
ties and command all demon spirits to have no further right in me
through these relationships in the Name of Jesus. Amen
Set of seven SOAP
Bible Study Devotional Journals one for each
day of the week to follow.
Optional: ‘Take
Home Quiz Activity Books’ are available
for the youth at the end of this session
Optional: Sword
Play Memory Verse Tracks
Full Adult Session #3
Information sourced from the late Dr Paul Hollis and Dr Clair Hollis
for Deliverance Session #4