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Deliverance Session #1

Download the Junior Youth Deliverance Teaching Session #1

Download the Senior Youth Deliverance Booklet Session #1

This week’s destination: The triune man becoming a new creature

Information sourced from the late Dr Paul Hollis and Dr Clair Hollis Living Free Ministries

MATERIALS: Laptop and sound system to play music. Multimedia projector and screen to show the PowerPoint.
Apples, 2 buckets with water, Pens/Pencils and Paper. Rope, three signs, SPIRIT, SOUL and BODY Photocopy: Skit. Bible Verse Visual Aids and student take home ‘Sword Play Memory Verse Track’. Activity books for youth. Seven SOAP Daily Devotional Journals photocopy a set of seven for each teen to take home.

Download Visual Aids

Welcome Teacher/Trainers and students. Get a youth to colour the Bible Verse Visual Aids.

1. OPENING GAME: (10 minutes for Junior Youth)
Father, Son, Holy Spirit Sit in a circle on the floor. One youth, ‘The tapper,’ walks around the circle tapping a youth on the head saying “Father” then another “Son” when they tap the youth they wish to select, they say/yell “Holy Spirit.” That young person then has to chase ‘The tapper’ around the circle, they then become ‘The tapper’

2. TEAM GAMES: (10 minutes for Junior Youth)
20 questions

A bucket of water and the same number of apples as the number of youths.
Divide the group into two teams and have the apples in the water, the aim is to run up to the bucket and without using their hands retrieve an apple from the bucket, run back to the team and tag someone who runs up and repeats the exercise. At the end have an object lesson using the apple. There are basically three parts - the skin, the flesh, and the core. All the parts are still one apple, yet they are all uniquely different. Similarly the Trinity the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit they are more than a 'part' of God...they each are God...One God. So too we are made up of Sprit, Soul and body we are not three different people, but one person with three parts.

3. ACTIVE PRAISE CHORUS: (10 minutes):
Spirit soul and body (Can be downloaded from website)

Download Praise and Worship Music Session #1

4. INTIMATE WORSHIP: (5 minutes)
Welcome Holy Spirit (Can be downloaded from website)

a) Review

If you have been following the OSL Youth Program ‘Being right with God’ Looking in the Mirror, this Deliverance teaching easily follows on from that session.

That being the case last week you learnt about the new creation, can someone recite the Memory Verse?

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (1 Corinthians 5: 17)

Last week we looked into the mirror. Get the youth to come up and share how that experience was for them.

Remember we were told to stop looking at the flesh and start looking in the mirror, seeing the spirit. We must walk as a forgiven person, who God loves, who He saved, even if you fall, it’s not you, it’s sin that lives in your soul and directs your body. He wants to just forgive you because you are now born into His family.

b) Sword Play
Ready…Swords up… 1 Thessalonians 5: 23b… CHARGE!

May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Download Bible Verse Visual Aid

Split the group up into six groups and give each group part of the verse to remember.
Start by getting the group to shout it out, whisper it, stand up and say it, sit on the floor and say it etc etc until they have learnt the complete verse.

1. May your whole spirit,
2. soul and body
3. be kept blameless
4. at the coming of our Lord
5. Jesus Christ.
6. 1 Thessalonians 5: 23b

(Give out the Sword Play Memory Verse Track one for each youth to take home)

c) Teaching the Lesson - Spirit, Soul and Body
Set up the Multimedia projector and screen to show the PowerPoint

Download Spirit, Soul and Body PowerPoint

Download the PowerPoint Notes to assist with using the PowerPoint

Download the Leadership Handout

Download the skits to assist with the teaching

Optional: Download the Video Spirit, Soul and Body Animation Part 1

Optional: Download the full Exposing and Expelling Strongholds Handbook by Dr Paul and Clair Hollis

• Review and discuss the seven SOAP BibIe Study Devotional Journals from last week.

• Give each youth the next seven SOAP Bible Study Devotional Journals one for each day of the week to follow.

Set up the Laptop connected to the sound system to play soft worship music to set the atmosphere.

Remember Jesus wants to set you free, not teach you how to cope! The world will teach you to cope or deal with your problems. But we are learning about Deliverance, you will be educated….. but that’s not the #1 goal.
• Set free
• Stay free – teach you how to fight in the spirit.
• Understand the dynamics of spiritual warfare so you will be aware and
• Teach others

Let us spend some time thinking about ways that we have conformed to this world and repent. Remember repent is not being sorry that you got caught, its being genuinely sorry and wanting to change your lifestyle.
Let’s ponder how we are going to be transformed by the renewing of our mind.

Ask God to help you read His Word, to pray, to praise and worship Him as well as to fellowshipping with other believers and witnessing to others. Ask Him to help you and strengthen you in your Sprit man so that your soul may be renewed and your body will be laid down to His will.

CLOSING PRAYER: Heavenly Father, right now we invite all who are burdened to come to You. Allow your healing hand to heal us. Touch our soul with Your compassion for others. Touch our heart with Your courage and infinite love for all. Touch our mind with Your wisdom, that our mouths may always proclaim Your praise. Teach us to reach out to You in our need, and help us to lead others to You by our example. Most loving Heart of Jesus, bring us health in body and soul that we may serve You with all our strength. Touch gently this life which You have created, now and forever. Amen.

Set of seven SOAP Bible Study Devotional Journals- one for each youth

Optional: Download ‘Take Home Quiz Activity Books’ are available for the youth at the end of this session

Optional: Sword Play Memory Verse Track one for each youth

Download Full Adult Session #1

Information sourced from the late Dr Paul Hollis and Dr Clair Hollis

CLICK for Deliverance Session #2

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