The Project Coordinator
Shall be the overall Project manager responsible for staff, coordinating
project activities with all the stakeholders and maintaining liaison
between all the stakeholders, i.e. the government, the community,
OVC and OVC households and the partnering organizations.
Project Secretary:
Shall be responsible for keeping project records and facilitate
Shall be responsible for keeping project financial records, financial
disbursements, purchases and preparation of the financial accounts.
Project Assistant:
The project assistant will assist the project manager in executing
the day-to-day activities of the project. In addition, the project
assistant will be responsible for coordinating project functions
and activities, initiating programs and ensuring that they are implemented
according to plan. She/ He shall also be responsible for mobilization
of communities in the project implementation areas, disseminating
project information and shall be the official spokes person of the
The key technical staffs to be supported under the project
will include: