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SPRINGS OF HOPE - Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Causes of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Problem

Children in Busia

Children in Busia are orphaned mainly as a result of HIV/AIDS and to a lesser extent family/clan conflicts and poverty related deaths.

A relationship exists between the HIV/AIDS pandemic and poverty. Whereas the pandemic exacerbates poverty, on the contrary poverty propels HIV/AIDS.


AIDS reduces the productive capacity of households; increases household expenditure on health care; and because HIV/AIDS victims (infected and affected) spend much of the time either sick or caring for the sick, the labour force in the household is not readily available to produce food and engage in other income generating activities for livelihood support. As a result households affected by HIV/AIDS are food insecure, have no income for basic livelihood activities such as education for children who gradually fall out of schools. To better the OVC situation in the target district, it is imperative to provide socio-economic and food security as well as care, support and protection to the OVC and OVC households.

The characteristics of the proposed OVC beneficiaries will include:

  • Primary beneficiaries who will include 190 boys and 310 girls.
  • Children who have lost one or both parents and orphan households;
  • Abused and neglected children;
  • Children affected by disability;
  • Children living under the worst forms of labor;
  • Children in conflict with the law;
  • Children in hard to reach areas;
  • Children affected by HIV/AIDS and other diseases.
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