UCT will develop enterprising projects
such as farming and animal husbandry to provide sustainability for
the residents within the Centres, establishing individual Kitchen
Gardens and Chicken Farms on the land behind the child care homes
as well as communal fish farms. Establishing Aquaponics and Agro
Forestry. Developments and Permaculture Gardens designing human
settlements and agricultural systems that are modeled on the relationships
found in natural ecologies. These will be located on the ½
acre plots of land that houses the Child Care Homes, producing income
generating crops on the agricultural land to enable the projects
to pay administrative fees and stipends to the house parents.
New initiatives will include specialized
animal fodder such as Mulburry bushes and the Moringa tree which
has great use medicinally both as preventative and treatment. These
project will provide training and employment opportunities on site
for older orphans in the form of vocational training. This pilot
project will start in Haiti. A Sustainable Haitian Integrated Food
Training Program - A SHIFT Program which UCT is in the process of
establishing in Haiti.)
These PPCCC will extend to the East
Indies in Phase 6 of this massive plan providing safe havens for
children rescued from sex slavery.
Jenny Tryhane the founder of UCT seen here on
the lake during her 3 month mission trip to Africa in 2011.
:•To purchasing land
in the various regions throughout Africa to serve as PowerPlay Centers.
•Constructing of low cost buildings and facilities including PowerPlay
Child Care Centers, schools if not available, youth centers/worship
sanctuary and vocational training schools.
•Developing recreational play areas for children's education and
training, and for leisure activities including football fields to
encourage Sports Evangelism
and other children's ministries like KIMI
PowerClubs and KidsGames plus educational
programs such as Kicking
•Developing enterprising projects such as farming and animal husbandry
to provide sustainability for the residents.
•Planting a range of fodder for livestock animals, (i.e free range
chickens, goats and pigs) including establishing Moringa Estates
•Producing income generating crops on the
agricultural land to enable the projects to be self-funding and
sustainability including fish farms.
•Providing training and employment opportunities on site for older
orphans in the form of vocational training
•Providing a site for workshops for local entrepreneurs; school
group visits; and seed banks for distribution to the locals.
CARICOM PowerPlay Child Care
Closer to home we seek to establish
similar operations in Haiti,in
the interior of Guyana
and Suriname.
UCT already has contacts and UCT representatives in all these countries,
in some cases we already own land and are awaiting the finances
to establish the PowerPlay Child Care Centers, they will:
• Provide housing for 12 young married couples.
• Provide foster care for 72 AIDS orphan children increasing
to 144 in total
• Provide funding to feed and educate these children
Multiple streams of revenue
will be raised from GCR to enable UCT’s Humanitarian Arm by:
• The rental income from the Conference rooms
and facilities of GCR
• The rental income for rooms from local retreats as well
as Regional and International ‘Missions Holiday’ teams
• Glory Share sales (Christian timeshare)
• Annual maintenance fees for the Villas
• Rental income from the Restaurants
• Profits from an onsite souvenir shop called “Mission
Module Souvenir Shop”
• Donations from churches, organizations and clients staying
at GCR who will donate towards the WISH Centre and UCT’s Global
Humanitarian Projects. UCT will showcase these projects in Mission
Module Souvenir Shops
Because GCR will facilitate all of these humanitarian
projects, there is an excellent ‘social satisfaction’
factor to GCR’s investors and also to its clients who will
be purchasing GCR timeshare and using its conference facilitates
for local, regional and international events, which will be beneficial
when marketing GCR.