Treated water needs to be protected from recontamination with a good storage container.
A separate drinking water container should only be used to store treated water. Use a different container for dirty water and use it only for untreated source water.
A good storage container has the following features:
Strong and tightly fitting lid or cover
Tap or narrow opening
Stable base
Comfortable handle
Allows air to enter as water is poured
Should not be translucent
These features of a good storage container will prevent recontamination.
A clear storage container, placed in the sun, may become dirty very quickly. Place the storage container in a shady place within the home. It should be stored off the ground in a clean place.
Sometimes it is difficult to find or buy a good storage container. The most important things are to make sure that it is covered and only used for treated water .
Check for Understanding:
What is a good water storage container? Why?
Where can you get a good water storage container?
Why should we keep our hand and fingers out of the storage container?
Why does a good storage container have a lid?
Information sourced from

View on YouTube CAWST English Video #6 'How to select a safe storage container' |