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Qui est Jésus? - Versets Bibliques
Manuel des
Versets Bibliques
So many in the Democratic Republic of the
Congo (DRC) are close to having the entire New Testament in their
language. But years of civil war have destroyed the economy, leaving
the church with scant resources to invest in Bible translation.
Christians in DRC have suffered much, and
many are longing and praying to see a completed New Testament in
their lifetimes.
The Worldwide Status of Bible Translation:
- At least 7,000 languages are spoken or
signed around the world.
- At least 1.5 billion people do not have
the full Bible in their language — that’s more people
than the entire continent of Africa!
- More than 1,500 languages have access
to the New Testament and some portions of Scripture in their language.
- Almost 700 languages have the complete
translated Bible.
- At least 2,000 languages still need a
Bible translation started.
- Work is being done in more than 2,700
languages worldwide and over 2,100 of these projects involve Wycliffe
Global Alliance partners.
Information sourced from www.wycliffe.org
Without a Bible it would be impossible to
complete this 'Who is Jesus?' Bible Study Series, so until we can
raise sponsorship to supply every African completing this Series
with a Bible, we have created a Bible Verse Handbook that can be
downloaded online to compliment the Stonecroft Trinity Series in