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Trinity College - Nabbingo

Trinity College Nabbingo (TRICONA), is an all-girls boarding school covering grades 8 -13 in Central Uganda. The school is located on a hill in the village of Nabbingo, in Wakiso District.

TRICONA was founded in 1942. The objectives were to produce educated women who are "morally upright", "academically sound", "socially and physically capable" of serving God and their country.

In the beginning, the school's administration was overseen by the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa , who later in 1960 handed it over to the Canonesses Sisters of St. Augustine

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Phionah Nassaazi is a student of Trinity College, sponsored by PCF. Phionah Nassaazi is a student of Trinity College, sponsored by PCF.

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Picture sourced from Trinity Facebook page
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